Maroa Forsyth Community Unit School District 2 Board of Education will meet on Monday, March 18.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Closed/Executive Session – Approval, To enter closed/executive session for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, dismissal, or performance of specific employees of the public body pursuant to Section 5.0 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
Presentations (7:00 PM)
5. Sentinel – Phone Replacement
6. QNS – Computer Hardware Replacement
7. BLDD – Middle School Steering Committee Process & Facilitation
8. Recognition of Visitors and Delegations
9. Citizens Wishing to Address the Board
Learning & Discussion
10. Issue 99 October/November 2018 IASB/PRESS Policy Committee Recommended Changes
11. School Calendar 2018-19 – Make Up Days
12. School Calendar 2019-20, Status
13. Approval, Consent Agenda (Any item may be removed from the consent agenda by any board member.)
a. Approval of the Open/Closed Minutes for the Board Meeting on 2/25/19
b. Board Bills of March 2019
c. Financial Reports
d. Treasurer’s Report of February 2019
e. Senior Trip 2019
f. IHSA Membership Renewal
14. Approval, Sentinel Phone Replacement as Presented
15. Approval, QNS Computer Hardware Replacement as Presented
16. Approval, BLDD Architects Service Agreement as Presented
17. Approval, Issue 99 October/November 2018 IASB/PRESS (Policy Reference Education Subscription Service) Policy Changes as Presented
18. Approval, School Fees 2019-20 School Fees as Presented
19. Approval, Hiring of District Personnel & Acceptance of Resignations/Personnel Report of 3/15/19
20. Approval, 2019-20 Non-Certified Staff Salaries as Presented
21. Approval, Administrative Contracts 2019-20 as Presented
22. Adjournment