City of Sullivan Council met April 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Short. A roll call was taken.
Commissioner Mike Mossman present
Commissioner Mike Kirk present
Commissioner Grant Wade present
Commissioner Jerry Risley absent
Mayor Ann Short present
2. Mayor Short asked if there any comments from public in attendance.
Nancy Barker thanked the current council for all of their hard work over their last terms.
Abbey Sherwood wanted to recognize Ann Short for her hard work and being an inspiration to women in the workplace.
3. Mayor Short read the items on the consent agenda:
Approval of minutes of the previous regular meeting and special meeting held April 8, 2019
Approval of claims except those in the TIF IV funds
Approval of Treasurer' s Report for March 2019
Pass Resolution 19- C— Making Adjustments to the Appropriations for the Fiscal Year Commencing May 1, 2018, and ending April 30, 2019
Appoint Carrie Creek Interim City Clerk effective April 24, 2019
A motion was made by Commissioner Mossman and seconded by Commissioner
Wade to approve the consent agenda. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Mike Mossman yea
Commissioner Mike Kirk yea
Commissioner Grant Wade yea
Commissioner Jerry Risley absent
Mayor Ann Short yea
and the motion was declared carried.
4. A motion was made by Commissioner Wade and seconded by
Commissioner Mossman to approve the claims for TIF IV. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Mike Mossman yea
Commissioner Mike Kirk abstain
Commissioner Grant Wade yea
Commissioner Jerry Risley absent
Mayor Ann Short yea
and the motion was declared carried.
5. Commissioner Mossman wanted to thank the citizens for 18 years on the council. He has enjoyed working with the citizens and the staff and believes things have been accomplished by the Council.
6. Commissioner Kirk thanked the Mayor and Council members and reported on the following:
SCADA program, the $ 146, 000 project and is 40% complete, this is a monitoring system for the engines and the 6 circuits that run through the City
Planned to do some important upgrades for the circuits at Hydro- Gear and to install a dual feed this summer
Maintenance upgrade project has $ 628, 000 remaining for pole replacements with Big D
Explain bond interest repayments and distribution to the departments
The demolition reimbursement program which was used to demolish 38 houses and is up to the new commissioner if he wishes to carry on with this program
7. Mayor Short reported that MFT bids were opened last week. Only one bid was received, and that bid was from Earl Walker. The bid is as follows:
Bituminous Materials Seal Coat 39, 600
Seal Coat Aggregate 10,462
Tilling 8, 250
Seal Coat Aggregate CA- 15 Crushed Stone 16, 312
A motion was made by Commissioner Kirk and seconded by Commissioner Mossman to accept the bid from Earl Walker as received. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Mike Mossman yea
Commissioner Mike Kirk yea
Commissioner Grant Wade yea
Commissioner Jerry Risley absent
Mayor Ann Short yea
and the motion was carried.
8. Mayor Short announced that Police Chief James Waggoner retired on April 4, 2019. She announced that she will appoint Andy Pistorius as Interim Chief.
Upon a roll call being taken the results were as follows:
Commissioner Mike Mossman yea
Commissioner Mike Kirk yea
Commissioner Grant Wade yea
Commissioner Jerry Risley absent
Mayor Ann Short yea
and the motion was carried
9. City Administrator Dan Flannell reported the following:
McDonald' s and Dollar General construction projects are making major progress and should be completed by early to mid-summer.
There is a court hearing scheduled in the morning and expects the Titus
Trustee should be given permission to conduct the auction of personal property in late July.
Demonstrations of the two new street sweeper models have been conducted.
There are mixed reviews from the Street staff regarding performance.
The new position at the Water& Sewer department has been filled by Trey Garriott.
Communication was received from the forth landowner from whom we are seeking the easement for the water main looping project extending south and west from Burdick Estates subdivision. We should have this within the next two weeks.
The last portion of the Burdick sewer project dirt work will begin this Wednesday.
IMEA issued a check to the 1225 Building not for profit corporation through the City' s LED lighting program.
Received good news from the IMEA and Caterpillar that our 3 Cat Gensets at the power plant are not included within the models subject to the major recall on engine bearings and they won' t need to be taken off line.
There will be closed session tonight to discuss employee discipline issues
Recognized Monte Johnson for his great knowledge and hard work for the City over the years. He emphasized what a great loss his departure will be to the City.
Thanked the Council for their support during his time with the city.
10. A motion was made by Commissioner Mossman and seconded by
Commissioner Kirk to approve closed session minutes of April 8, 2019. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Mike Mossman yea
Commissioner Mike Kirk yea
Commissioner Grant Wade yea
Commissioner Jerry Risley absent
Mayor Ann Short abstain
and the motion was carried.
11. Mayor Short started discussion regarding non-union employee wages for FY 2019- 2020. There was discussion that the rate for the last three years was 2. 5% and should remain at that rate.
A motion was made by Commissioner Kirk and seconded by Commissioner
Wade to approve the full-time non-union employee wages. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Mike Mossman yea
Commissioner Mike Kirk yea
Commissioner Grant Wade yea
Commissioner Jerry Risley absent
Mayor Ann Short yea
and the motion was declared carried.
12. A motion was made by Commissioner Mossman and seconded by
Commissioner Wade to approve payment of TIF Developer Reimbursement to Chuck and Kathy Woodworth. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Mike Mossman yea
Commissioner Mike Kirk no
Commissioner Grant Wade yea
Commissioner Jerry Risley absent
Mayor Ann Short yea
and the motion was declared carried.
13. A motion was made by Commissioner Wade and seconded by
Commissioner Mossman to pass Ordinance 19- 4 Approving the Second Amendment to the Tax Increment Financing District IV.
Commissioner Mike Mossman yea
Commissioner Mike Kirk no
Commissioner Grant Wade yea
Commissioner Jerry Risley absent
Mayor Ann Short yea
and the motion was declared carried.
14. A motion was made by Commissioner Mossman and seconded by
Commissioner Kirk to pass Ordinance 19- 5 Approving the Second Amendment to the Tax Increment Financing District IV.
Commissioner Mike Mossman yea
Commissioner Mike Kirk yea
Commissioner Grant Wade yea
Commissioner Jerry Risley absent
Mayor Ann Short yea
and the motion was declared carried.
15. Mayor Short thanked everyone for their support including, City Council,
City employees, Treasurer Golden and the office staff. She also thanked Monte and for his expertise and knowledge. She thanked the City Administrator for his guidance and how he handles day to day operations and for being an asset to the City.
16. A motion was made by Commissioner Mossman and seconded by
Commissioner Kirk to adjourn to closed session at 7: 40p. m. to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of a specific employee 5 ILCS 120/ 2( c)( 1).). Upon roll call being taken the results were as follows:
Commissioner Mike Mossman yea
Commissioner Mike Kirk yea
Commissioner Grant Wade yea
Commissioner Jerry Risley absent
Mayor Ann Short yea
17. Mayor Short reconvened the meeting at 8: 04p.m.
18. A motion was made by Commissioner Kirk and seconded by
Commissioner Mossman that the meeting be adjourned. Upon roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Mike Mossman yea
Commissioner Mike Kirk yea
Commissioner Grant Wade yea
Commissioner Jerry Risley absent
Mayor Ann Short yea
and the motion was declared carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8: 04p. m.,%202019.pdf