Argenta-Oreana Public Library District Board met April 29.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order at 4:30 PM by President John White. Library Board members present were Trudy Smith, Matt Honnold, Jackie Goeppinger, Aaron Klepzig, Linda Albert and Barbara Light. Also, in attendance was Donna Schaal, Library Director.
There was no correspondence, communication or public comment.
The Board reviewed the minutes from the March meeting. Trudy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Matt seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes.
The board reviewed the March bill list. Donna explained that check number 10251 to Decatur Community Foundation is for the Library booth at the Farm Progress Show.
The board reviewed the March Bookkeeper and Treasurer’s reports.
Jackie moved to approve the March bill list, Bookkeeper and Treasurer’s reports. Linda seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes.
Donna Schaal presented the Director’s report. Donna reviewed the circulation numbers for March. Circulation numbers continue to be good. She reported that she is going to discontinue the library subscription to 3M Cloud Library because of continued low usage. The Argenta book sale raised $319.00 to date. The library will have a table at the June 7th celebration in Argenta. Donna discussed her concerns about low cash flow caused by several issues. She reviewed possible remedies for the situation with the board. One of her concerns is the mandatory Minimum Wage Increase and the impact it will have on future budgets. Donna briefly discussed the upcoming summer reading program. The theme is “It’s Showtime @ Your Library”. Donna attended several meetings and events.
In old business, Donna reported that the attorney for AOPLD had filed a “Response to the Petition for Instruction” regarding the Winings trust with the Circuit Court. Matt and Jackie noticed several misspellings in the document. Donna will request that the law firm correct the error and send an amended copy to the court.
There were three items of new business.
1. Gerber Bank – Updating signature authorization – Matt made the following motion: Anna Mae Roberts resigned from the AOPLD Board at the December 3, 2018, board meeting. Anna Mae Roberts should be removed from all AOPLD Bank Accounts held at Gerber State Bank. Linda Albert was appointed to the AOPLD Board at the March 25, 2019, board meeting. Linda Albert should be added to all AOPLD accounts held at Gerber State Bank. Jackie seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes.
2. Finance Committee – the Finance Committee needs a new member. Aaron Klepzig has agreed to serve on the Finance Committee.
3. Staff Compensation - Aaron made a motion to move the board into closed session for discussion of Staff compensation for FY2019, citing Open Meetings Act Exception 5 ILCS 120/2 (C)(1) Personnel. Trudy seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes. The board moved into closed session at 5:28 PM. Barbara left the meeting at 5:47 PM. Donna recorded minutes in her absence. The board moved out of closed session at 5:57 PM. Matt made a motion that Staff Compensation for FY2020 would be implemented as discussed utilizing the First Option with changes. Linda seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes.
There was one item of miscellaneous business. AOPLD has received the e-rate grant for both buildings – totaling a little over $14,000. The library district will be going to fiber during FY2020.
AOPLD Minutes
John asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trudy moved to adjourn the meeting. Aaron seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes. John adjourned the meeting at 6:07 PM.
The next board meeting will be on May 20, 2019, at Argenta.