
Macon Reporter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Village of Argenta Board of Trustees met May 20

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Village of Argenta Board of Trustees met May 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order: Mayor Luedke called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Swear In Newly Elected Trustees

Roll Call: Mayor Luedke and Trustees Kaufman, Berry, Ryan and Logan were present. Trustee Pagel was absent. Also in attendance were Deputy Rigg, Street Superintendent Ken Smith, and Clerk Sherry Koszesza. Residents in attendance were Val Logan, Diana Mitchell, Wilson Craig Mitchell, Lori Ann Mitchell and Jim Boose.

Pledge of Allegiance

Consent Agenda:

1. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes of April 15, 2019 #19-04-15 R04

2. Approval of Disbursements #19-05-20 D05

3. Approval of Bank Reconciliations #19-05-20 BR05

4. Approval of Closed Session Minutes #19-04-15 E02

 Trustee Logan moved and Trustee Kaufman seconded to approve the Consent

Agenda as presented.

Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:

Pagel = Absent

Kaufman = Yes


Berry = Yes

Ryan = Yes

Logan = Yes

Motion carried.

Closed Session: Discuss appointment of trustee for vacant 2 year term.

 Trustee Kaufman moved and Trustee Berry seconded to go to closed session at 6:02 to discuss appointment to the vacant 2 year term for trustee.

Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:

Pagel = Absent

Kaufman = Yes


Berry = Yes

Ryan = Yes

Logan = Yes

Motion carried.

Open Session: Open session resumed at 6:06 p.m.

 Discuss/Vote on appointment of trustee for vacant 2 year term

 Trustee Kaufman moved and Trustee Berry seconded to approve Lori Ann Mitchell as trustee for vacant 2 year term.

Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:

Pagel = Absent

Kaufman = Yes


Berry = Yes

Ryan = Yes

Logan = Yes

Motion carried.

 Swear in new trustee

Public Comment: There was none.

Recognition of Visitors: There were none.

Department Reports:

1. Law Enforcement Report. Deputy Rigg said that it is getting busier. He has been making traffic stops.

2. Village Staff Reports. Street Superintendent Ken Smith said that he has been working on potholes and 31 stumps were ground. He will rent a tiller to work those spots. Trustee Kaufman asked who repaired the hole on Main. Ken did.

3. Mayor’s Report. WCIA was here to film news clips for the Our Town segments. They will air June 2 – June 6 with a live broadcast on the 7th.

4. Attorney’s Report. No report.

Old Business:

 Discuss/Vote on fencing for water tower. Trustee Logan asked if there was a bigger liability without a fence. Mayor Luedke didn’t know. Trustee Logan asked if there was a ladder on the outside of the water tower. It is inside. He said just put a sign out and give a substantial fine for trespassing. Trustee Ryan asked about the fire hydrants out there. There are concrete pillars around the hydrant. Mayor Luedke said that part of the reason for the fence is to keep someone from doing damage to our water system. Trustee Logan would like more information. Mayor Luedke said if we are thinking about a new water plant, we would want to hold off on the fencing. She said there is a lot of damage from parking there. The ground is very soft from all of the rain. Trustee Kaufman asked if it would be a good idea to have Ken do just a small fence to protect the spout. Trustee Berry asked about putting signs up with a fine. Trustee Mitchell said put up no trespassing signs. Deputy Rigg said that he has no problem writing tickets for that violation. Trustee Kaufman asked Ken to price fencing for a small section. Tabled.

New Business:

 Discuss/Vote on Resolution 19-05-20 Res 02, Amending 2018/2019 budget.

 Trustee Kaufman moved and Trustee Ryan seconded to approve Resolution 19-05-20 Res 02, Amending 2018/2019 budget.

Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:

Pagel = Absent

Kaufman = Yes

Mitchell= Yes

Berry = Yes

Ryan = Yes

Logan = Yes

Motion carried.

 Discuss/Vote on Ordinance 19-05-20 Ord 03, Jurisdictional transfer of a portion of North Street to Macon County.

 Trustee Berry moved and Trustee Mitchell seconded to approve Ordinance 19-05-20 Ord 03, Jurisdictional transfer of a portion of North Street to Macon County.

Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:

Pagel = Absent

Kaufman = Yes

Mitchell= Yes

Berry = Yes

Ryan = Yes

Logan = Yes

Motion carried.

 Motion to adjourn to reconvene at the Argenta Water Plant.

 Trustee Ryan moved, and Trustee Kaufman seconded, to adjourn at 6:10 p.m. and reconvene at the Argenta Water Plant at 6:15 p.m.

Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:

Pagel = Absent

Kaufman = Yes

Mitchell= Yes

Berry = Yes

Ryan = Yes

Logan = Yes

Motion carried.

 Ken Smith gave the Board a tour of the water plant and shop. He explained how the water treatment process works and answered questions from the Board.


 Trustee Kaufman moved, and Trustee Berry seconded, to adjourn at 7:09 p.m.

Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:

Pagel = Absent

Kaufman = Yes

Mitchell= Yes

Berry = Yes

Ryan = Yes

Logan = Yes

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.
