536 Will Lane$295,000Property Tax (2017): $6,667.58Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.26%Buyer: David M. Peck Jr.Seller: Scott A. and Bethany J. Bellmyer
40 Hickory Point Court$295,000Property Tax (2017): $6,118.70Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.07%Buyer: Josse S Valladares and Kristi R StoneSeller: Mark E. Calmes
835 Stevens Creek Blvd.$239,000Property Tax (2017): $5,649.60Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.36%Buyer: Mikel Fulmer and Kristen PulliamSeller: Brian T. and Evonne J. Aeilts
1007 Schroll Drive$233,000Property Tax (2017): $5,817.10Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.50%Buyer: Brandt M. and Brooke D. NeibuhrSeller: Norman and Mary Stivers