
Macon Reporter

Friday, November 22, 2024

Clinton Community Unit School District 15 Board met November 19


Clinton Community Unit School District 15 Board met Nov. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Upon roll call the following members were present:

Mr. Dan Matthews

Mrs. Sondra Baker

Mrs. Tammie Ennis

Mr. Chris Hammer

Mr. Steve Oswald

Mr. John Heinlen


Mr. Rodney Rogers

Administrators present were:

Mr. Curt Nettles, Superintendent of Schools

Mr. Drew Goebel, Director of Business and Support Staff Services

Mr. Jerry Wayne, High School Principal

Mr. Josh Maxwell, Junior High School Principal

Mrs. Sacha Young, Clinton Elementary School Principal

Mrs. Beth Wickenhauser, Douglas/Lincoln School Principal

Others present were:

Mr. Jeff Bowling

No Public Participation


It was moved by Chris Hammer, seconded by Steve Oswald,

to approve the Consent Agenda which includes:

A. Approve the minutes of the October 28, 2019 special meeting.

B. Financial Information – Imprest Fund, Petty Cash Report, Treasurer’s Report, Investment Summary, Insurance Pool Report, Transportation Report, Activity Fund Report, Cafeteria Report and Bills.

C. Accept the resignation of Eric Douglas form CJHS cross country effective immediately.

D. Accept the resignation of Wendi Hovis as part-time custodian effective November 8, 2019.

E. Approve the employment of Kim Kilson as an aide at Lincoln effective immediately.

F. Approve the following overnight trips for the CHS wrestling team tournaments: Princeton Jan.10-11, Orion Jan. 24-25.

G. Approve the CHS English trip to Europe for 2022.

H. Approve the maternity leave request for Kim Mast beginning on or around April 5, 2020 until doctor clears return.

I. Approve the annual Seniority List for certified/licensed personnel.

J. Approve the annual Seniority List for support staff personnel.

The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:

Matthews, yea

Baker, yea

Ennis, yea

Hammer, yea

Oswald, yea

Heinlen, yea

Motion carried

Principal Presentations

Beth Wickenhauser – PreK program state review

Sacha Young – Progress and growth of CES on state assessment and in other areas of work

Josh Maxwell – STEM program at CJHS

Jerry Wayne – Accountability measure for ELA and math, Social-emotional well-being of students

Committee Reports

A. Athletic Committee

Dan Matthews- moving start times to 5:00 getting children home Sooner.

Curt Nettles – Bleacher & Track Repair

Outside use of schools

Curbing or no longer doing Sundays

New Business and Discussion Items and Updates

It was moved by Tammie Ennis, and seconded by John

Heinlen, to approve the tentative tax levy payable in 2020-2021. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:

Matthews, yea Baker, yea Ennis, yea Hammer, yea Oswald, yea Heinlen, yea

Motion Carried

It was moved by Steve Oswald, and seconded by Chris Hammer, to approve Reliable Mechanical Company as the lowest responsible bidder for the CHS water heater replacement for the amount of $59,260. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:

Matthews, yea Baker, yea Ennis, yea Hammer, yea Oswald, yea Heinlen, yea

Motion Carried

It was moved by Tammie Ennis, and seconded by John Heinlen, to approve the resolution declaring the intention to sell $3,000,000 in Working Cash Funds and set an order for a public hearing for December 17, 2019 @ 6PM. The

President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken: 

Matthews, yea Baker, yea Ennis, yea Hammer, yea Oswald, yea Heinlen, yea

Motion Carried

It was moved by Tammie Ennis, and seconded by Chris Hammer, to approve new start times for the winter sporting event for 2020-202.

CJHS Basketball 5:00 pm (two levels playing)

CJHS Volleyball 5:00 pm (three levels playing)

CJHS Wrestling 5:00 pm

CHS JV basketball 5:30 pm

CHS Volleyball 5:00 pm (three levels playing)

The President put the motion to a vote and the voice vote was 6 “yea”.

Motion Carried

It was moved by Steve Oswald, and seconded by, Chris Hammer to approve the purchase of six new buses by Midwest Bus Sales for the amount of $92,969 per bus less trade in of $78,000 for six buses. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:

Matthews, yea Baker, yea Ennis, yea Hammer, yea Oswald, yea Heinlen, yea

Motion Carried

It was moved by Chris Hammer, and seconded by Steve Oswald, to approve changing the start time of the December 17th Board Meeting to 6:00PM. The President put the motion to a vote and the voice vote was 6 “yea”.

Motion Carried

It was moved by Tammie Ennis, and seconded by John Heinlein, to enter into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel performance evaluation and teacher sick leave request. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:

Matthews, yea Baker, yea Ennis, yea Hammer, yea Oswald, yea Heinlen, yea


Motion Carried

The Board entered into closed session at 7:21pm and returned at 7:54pm

It was moved by Tammie Ennis, seconded by John Heinlen, to end the closed session. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:

Matthews, yea Baker, yea Ennis, yea Hammer, yea Oswald, yea Heinlen, yea

Motion Carried

It was moved by Steve Oswald, seconded by Tammie Ennis, and duly voted by acclamation to adjourn at 7:55pm.
