Village of Bethany Board of Trustees met March 24.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The special board meeting for the purpose of approving bids for water tower work was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Jon Book. The following Trustees were present; Dave Doty, Jeannie Ruppert, Mike Jennings, Greg McLain, Raven Allen, and Brian Gill.
Public - None
Water Tower Bids - Mr. Gustafson was in attendance with information concerning the bids. He passed out the bid sheets that had been received. The bid opening was at his office on March 15th. There were five legitimate bids. The bids ranged from $745,200 to $486,300. The Board had several questions of Mr. Gustafson in regards to how the bids came in and asking about why some items were bid differently from others. After the bid opening they contact the low bidder, which gives him 24 hours to make any changes to their presented bid. They are also able to see the other bids that were sent in. A letter is sent out with items #1 through #19 asking details that will need answered by the low bidder. Mr. Gustafson received a letter with all the answers back in regards to the list of 19 items, stating yes, to all these items. Recent references were also required from the bidder. A letter of recommendation was then presented to the Board from Mr. Gustafson. A Notice of Award will be the next step after accepting the bid. The original estimate from the engineer was approximately $700,000 for this project. After the Notice of Award has been signed, Mr. Gustafson will compile the needed documents, including proof of insurance from the bidder, allowing the Village to enter into a signed contract with this bidder to complete the work needed on the water tower. A motion was made by Trustee Allen to accept the bid from L&T Painting for the amount of $486,300 for the water tower renovation project including the base bid and the alternate bid #1, seconded by Trustee Gill. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried. Mr. Gustafson voiced concern in regards to the local Painters Union coming in to picket the project. He recommended a preemptive letter to the Painters Union and the Dept. of Labor explaining that no company from Illinois bid this project.
Trustee Allen mentioned that the School Superintendent has contacted her in regards to the Village buying land to be included in the TIF District to build houses to bring more families into the school district. They are looking at having a meeting next week.
With no other business to discuss a motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Gill and seconded by Trustee Allen. Voice vote taken, all ayes, motion carried. Meeting was adjourned.