
Macon Reporter

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

City of Sullivan City Council met Feb. 28

City of Sullivan City Council met Feb. 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Elizabeth Titus Memorial Library Board of Trustees Minutes

1. Call to Order

- Meeting called to order by: Ann Short

- Meeting Location: ETML Event Room

- Meeting Date: 2-28-2023

- Time of Call to Order: 16:30

2. Roll Call

- Officers in Attendance: Ann Short (President), Nancy Elder (Vice President), Erin Wade (Secretary), Mike McLaughlin (Treasurer)

- Trustees in Attendance: Ellen Feeler, Jennifer Love, Kathie Price, Kyle Price, Karen Reed

- Trustees Absent: None

- City Employees in Attendance: Michelle Nolen (Library Director)

3. Review/Approve minutes of previous board meetings (monthly and annual):

- Date of previous minutes: 01-24-23

- Motion made to: Approve Minutes

- Motion made by: Jennifer Love

- Motion Seconded by: Karen Reed

- Aye Votes: Nancy, Elder, Ellen Feeler, Jennifer Love, Mike McLaughlin, Kathie Price, Kyle Price, Karen Reed, Ann Short, Erin Wade

- Opposed Votes: None

- Result: Motion Carries

4. Approve/Disapprove Treasurer’s report and payment of bills:

- Motion made to: Approve Finance Report and payment of bills

- Motion made by: Nancy Elder

- Motion Seconded by: Kathie Price

- Aye Votes: Nancy, Elder, Ellen Feeler, Jennifer Love, Mike McLaughlin, Kathie Price, Kyle Price, Karen Reed, Ann Short, Erin Wade

- Opposed Votes: None

- Result: Motion Carries

5. Public forum acknowledgement:

- None present

6. Librarian’s report:

- Presented by: Michelle Nolen (Library Director)


● Per Capita Grant accepted

● Insurance will not pay for a new roof (“old” and needs to be replaced); have quotes from Five-Star Commercial Roofing, Central Roofing is working on theirs; CentiMark is coming out later this week to look/bid

○ We will take quotes, and meet when they’re all back in to discuss the bids and how to move forward.

● Awarded mini grant for Solar eclipse glasses and programming materials from StarNet; solar eclipses occur this year and next year.

● Dumpster being used to clean boiler room and attic out

● Mary Roach Zoom meeting is March 1st.

● Puzzle Swap went well; 43 participants involved.

● Plant Swap on March 31 and April 1

● Amanda has decided to return after her maternity leave.

● Grass Roots Meeting with State Senator and State Representative refused to leave the library at 8 pm-were not gone until 8:45/9ish; staff will be coaching on this policy.

● Connie Dunscomb donated several American Girl Doll outfits

- Motion made to: Approve Librarian’s Report

- Motion made by: Mike McLaughlin

- Motion Seconded by: Kyle Price

- Aye Votes: Nancy, Elder, Ellen Feeler, Jennifer Love, Mike McLaughlin, Kathie Price, Kyle Price, Karen Reed, Ann Short, Erin Wade

- Opposed Votes: None

- Result: Motion Carries

7. Old business:

- None

8. New business:

- Approve/Disapprove Reference Service Policy

- Motion made to: Approve Reference Printer Policy

- Motion made by: Mike McLaughlin

- Motion Seconded by: Karen Reed

- Aye Votes: Nancy, Elder, Ellen Feeler, Jennifer Love, Mike McLaughlin, Kathie Price, Kyle Price, Karen Reed, Ann Short, Erin Wade

- Opposed Votes: None

- Result: Motion Carries

-Approve/Disapprove Hiring Zac Kursell effective 3/1, will work every Saturday starting 4/1 and will take over Leyton’s hours in the fall.

- Motion made by: Jennifer Love

- Motion Seconded by: Ellen Feeler

- Aye Votes: Nancy, Elder, Ellen Feeler, Jennifer Love, Mike McLaughlin, Kathie Price, Kyle Price, Karen Reed, Ann Short, Erin Wade

- Opposed Votes: None

- Result: Motion Carries

9. Other Business and/or Trustee Comments

-Discussed Fines/Possibly going fine free; we are one of the only libraries in the area who still institute fines. If our patrons borrow from another library and are overdue, they’re charged a fine. If someone from elsewhere borrows from here and is overdue, they’re not charged a fine. Vote will likely be taken around the yearly meeting.

10. Adjournment:

- Motion made to: Adjourn

- Motion made by: Mike McLaughlin

- Motion Seconded by: Nancy Elder

- Aye Votes: Nancy, Elder, Ellen Feeler, Jennifer Love, Mike McLaughlin, Kathie Price, Kyle Price, Karen Reed, Ann Short, Erin Wade

- Opposed Votes: None

- Result: Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at: 17:00
