Maroa Public Library District Board met June 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Board President Remarks
4. Recognition of Visitors, Delegations, etc
5. Public Comment Period
Consent Agenda for June 19, 2023
6. May 15, 2023 Meeting Minutes
7. Director’s Report & July 2023 Calendar
8. Accountant & Treasurer’s Reports for May 2023
9. List of Paid Bills for May 2023
Committee Reports
10. Personnel
11. Material Selection & Circulation
12. Building & Grounds
13. Finance Policy
14. Financial Development
New Business
15. Nomination of new board member
16. Election for board officer positions
17. Addition of an IMRF savings account
18. Construction estimates for gazebo & pergola
19. Biannual closed minutes review
20. Disaster Plan Review
Old Business
21. Outdoor project update
22. Approval, Consent Agenda
23. Approval, New Library Trustee
24. Approval, Opening of an IMRF savings account
25. Approval, Programming credit card name change
26. Approval, Construction contractor
27. Approval, Opening of closed minutes
28. July 17, 2023, 6:30pm Meeting Agenda Suggestions
a. Building Maintenance Tax Ordinance
b. Decennial Committee on Local Government Efficiency Act Meeting 2
c. Personnel Policy PTO update
29. Adjournment