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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Decatur Public School District 61 Board of Education met Oct. 8

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Dr. Rochelle Clark, Superintendent of Decatur Public Schools | Decatur Public Schools

Dr. Rochelle Clark, Superintendent of Decatur Public Schools | Decatur Public Schools

Decatur Public School District 61 Board of Education met Oct. 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

PRESENT: Bill Clevenger, President 

Jason Dion, Vice President

Kevin Collins-Brown (arrived 4:33 PM) 

Mark Reynolds

Al Scheider 

Will Wetzel

ABSENT: Alana Banks 

STAFF: Superintendent Dr. Rochelle Clark, Board Secretary Melissa Bradford, Attorney Luke Feeney and others 

President Clevenger called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM.

Call for Closed Executive Session 

President Clevenger called the meeting to order and moved into Closed Executive Session to conduct a student discipline/expulsion hearing and discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, seconded by Vice President Dion.

President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Dion, Scheider, Wetzel, Reynolds, Clevenger

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Collins-Brown (arrived 4:33 PM)

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent 

Returned to Open Session 

Vice President Dion (President Clevenger was present) moved to return to Open Session, seconded by Mr. Wetzel. All were in favor.

Open Session Continued 

President Clevenger noted that the Board of Education had been in Closed Executive Session to conduct a student discipline/expulsion hearing and discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body. No action was taken during Closed Executive Session.

Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Agenda, October 08, 2024 

President Clevenger led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the October 08, 2024 Open Session Board Meeting Agenda as presented. 

Dr. Collins-Brown moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice President Dion. All were in favor.

District Highlights

President Clevenger acknowledged Principal/Assistant Principal Appreciation Week in Illinois! The Illinois Principals Association (IPA) and the State of Illinois celebrated Principals and Assistant Principals Appreciation Week October 20 – 26, 2024. Principals and Assistant Principals Appreciation Day was on Friday, October 25, 2024. Decatur Public Schools appreciated the leadership, work commitment and true dedication exemplified by our administrative team District-wide. President Clevenger also read the attached Proclamation from the Governor of the State of IL. 

Cordell Ingram, Principal at MacArthur High School, expressed how grateful he was to serve the students and staff at MHS and how he appreciated the newly renovated “state of the art” sports facility at MHS. Principal Ingram recognized two of his Behavior Interventionists staff members, Terise Bryson and Thurston Wiggins. They make MHS special by serving the students of MHS. Principal Ingram noted the Cell Phone Policy and shared how the new implementation has helped with relationships and instruction during the day (attached). MHS has seen a positive difference with the students

Public Participation

President Clevenger noted that during Public Participation, the Board of Education asked for the following:

• Identify oneself and be brief.

• Comments should be limited to 3 minutes.

• Any public comments submitted to the Board Secretary will be included in the record.

For our listening audience, please note that during any Board of Education meeting and public participation, Board Members do NOT respond and/or comment to public comments; all comments are referred to administration. Furthermore, the Board refrains from referring to specific students or staff members by name, and requests that public commenters refrain from doing so as well. The request that you omit names was made to protect you from allegations of libel or slander or from violations of the Illinois School Student Records Act. It was not intended to shield an employee from criticism. 

Seveon Robinson, Student at Eisenhower High School, spoke to the Board and apologized for the mistake he made and noted that it would never happen again. On Friday, September 27th, he was involved in an altercation with a couple of his friends and others. He noted that he was being a follower and not a thinker. He asked the Board of Education to keep him in school because he needed his education. 

Ashley Garner, Parent of Student Seveon Robinson, spoke to the Board in support of her son. Ms. Garner noted that she attended a hearing in regards to Seveon’s ten-day suspension and the recommendation to expel him from Eisenhower High School for two-years. She noted that the letter she received indicated that student expulsions were a case-by-case basis. However, she felt that the assistant principal of EHS followed the standard protocol and considered a recommendation for a two-year suspension (expulsion); she felt as if he viewed her son’s case as another day for expulsions and did not consider Seveon’s history at EHS. 

The assistant principal could not give a clear answer on why the expulsion was warranted; however, he stated that he was a threat to the students and staff. Prior to this altercation, Seveon had not been in trouble and/or disrespected students and/or staff at EHS. The assistant principal admitted that Seveon’s actions were spontaneous and he made a very poor decision on that day that was out of his character. The fifteen-minutes of a poor decision does not equate to a two-year expulsion with Seveon’s prior history of no altercations. Seveon is a sophomore with career goals to continue his education beyond high school. She asked the Board of Education to reconsider the two-year expulsion for Seveon and work with them on providing an alternative consequence that fit the inappropriate behavior displayed by Seveon on September 27th. 

Courtney Smith spoke to the Board on behalf of Seveon’s uncle. He understood the seriousness of the charges and they as a family do not condone these actions, but also condemn them. However, he is an adolescent. He asked the Board of Education to consider his entire record before a decision was made. She read some of the uncle’s background when he was in school and made a bad decision. Seveon is a bright student and should not be placed in an alternative school. 

Lisa Garner-Smith, Grandmother of Student Seveon Robinson, noted she was there to advocate for her grandson, Seveon, regarding an altercation on September 27th at Eisenhower High School outside the building. Mrs. Garner-Smith noted that her grandson was a great kid and always polite. She was not there to condone his actions, but the recommendation was harsh and did not fit the punishment. She asked the Board of Education to reconsider the assistant principal’s recommendation of a twoyear expulsion with no stay as he stated that he did not witness the altercation. There was no prior interactions or discipline at EHS regarding Seveon and this was not planned, therefore, the punishment was harsh and he was not a threat. Mrs. GarnerSmith handed out a packet in support of Seveon (attached). She asked the Board of Education if this was their child or grandchild’s first offense, would you want this for him or her? 

Mike Smith spoke to the Board and stated there were no guns, no sticks, no bricks, no blood and no hospitals. It was a little scuffle on the sidewalk that was broken up quickly. 

Board Discussion 

Vice President Dion noted that the document that Principal Ingram shared during “district highlight (attached).” Please note: the attendance rate for 2024 reflects the 2023-2024 school year. 

Mr. Wetzel asked what helped with the change. Principal Ingram replied that solid consistency, especially in the Math and English departments. There were fewer students in APEX and Futures Unlimited. The staff continues to build student relationships.

Dr. Collins-Brown noted that his daughter, who graduated last school year, always felt safe at MacArthur High School and had relationships with her teachers. He saw it as well and wanted to commend the staff at MHS and EHS. 

Mr. Scheider asked if there was an update on Dennis Lab School. 

Kent Metzger, Director of Buildings and Grounds, noted that he and his staff re-visited Dennis Lab School in regards to the follow-up conversations regarding six confidential spaces from the last Board meeting; they studied the inside and outside of the building. They were leaning towards portable office spaces. Instead of three individual office trailers, they were researching one single trailer (ADA accessible), with an eighteen to twenty-four-month lease. In talking with a vendor, they discussed the parameters to accommodate six confidential offices and a three to five weeks delivery time. This would be as follows:

• $34,000 – Setup and breakdown fee. 

• $3,850 – Monthly fee. 

• One single unit. 

• Offices with doors, no partitions. 

The consensus from the Board of Education was for administration to proceed with contract with the vendor and the order for the trailer for Dennis Lab School. 

Mr. Wetzel noted that the meeting invites went out for the 2030 Strategic Plan and will the Board receive the list? Superintendent Clark replied yes, but once it is finalized due to some “bounce-back” emails. 

Reports from Admins First Read: School Board Policies from Issue 115 

Dr. Mike Curry, Chief Operational Officer, presented a first reading on School Board Policy updates from Press Policy Issue 115 (attached with 10/08/24 Board packet). Policy 4:70 was the only change in regards to a paper reduction plan.

The updates to these policies will be recommended for approval during the October 22, 2024 Board of Education meeting.

Consent Items

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Consent Items as presented, which included:

A. Minutes: Open/Closed Meetings September 24, 2024

B. Freedom of Information Report

C. Bills

D. Revised Job Description: Title IX & DEI Administrator

E. Revised Job Description: Secretary to Title IX & DEI, Safety & Security, and Communications Administrators 

Dr. Collins-Brown moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice

President Dion. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Clevenger, Dion, Reynolds, Collins-Brown, Wetzel, Scheider

Nay: None

Absent: Banks

Roll Call Vote: 6 Aye, 0 Nay, 1 Absent 

Potential Student 2425- 0011 Expulsion 

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education “authorize the issuance of a decision in the expulsion case for Student #2425-0011 consistent with the findings from the Hearing Officer’s Report, and that Student #2425-0011 be expelled from the Decatur Public School District, all events, property and activities of the District for the REMAINDER of the 2024-2025 school year and ALL of the 2025- 2026 school year, with NO stay for alternative education. 

Please note: Student #2425-0011 can return to their home school on the first day of school of the 2026-2027 school year. Parents will be notified of the date for the first day of school once the calendar for the 2026-2027 school year is approved. Parents will also be notified of other educational options available for Student #2425-0011 during the expulsion period.

Dr. Collins-Brown moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Reynolds. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Dion, Reynolds, Clevenger, Collins-Brown, Scheider, Wetzel

Nay: None

Absent: Banks

Roll Call Vote: 6 Aye, 0 Nay, 1 Absent

Personnel Action Items

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Personnel Action Items listed in the Memo from Monica Wilks, Director of Human Resources, and the Human Resources Department, as presented.

Dr. Collins-Brown moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Scheider.

Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Collins-Brown, Scheider, Reynolds, Wetzel, Clevenger, Dion

Nay: None

Absent: Banks

Roll Call Vote: 6 Aye, 0 Nay, 1 Absent

Dr. Collins-Brown thank Monica Wilks, Director of HR, and the HR department for their hard work.

Mr. Scheider noted that the student that was mentioned during public participation was not the student that was approved for expulsion during this meeting. 

Contract Extension for the Chief Operational Officer 

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Contract Extension for the Dr. Mike Curry, Chief Operational Officer, as presented.

Dr. Collins-Brown moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Scheider. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Scheider, Collins-Brown, Wetzel, Clevenger, Reynolds, Dion

Nay: None

Absent: Banks

Roll Call Vote: 6 Aye, 0 Nay, 1 Absent 

Admins and Administrative Support Handbook Updates 

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Administrator and Administrative Support Handbook Updates as presented.

Dr. Collins-Brown moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Reynolds. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Wetzel, Reynolds, Clevenger, Dion, Scheider, Collins-Brown

Nay: None

Absent: Banks

Roll Call Vote: 6 Aye, 0 Nay, 1 Absent 

Bid for Door and Window Replacements at William Harris School 

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education accept and approve the Bid for the Door and Window Replacements at William Harris School as presented.

Dr. Collins-Brown moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Reynolds. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Clevenger, Reynolds, Dion, Scheider, Wetzel, Collins-Brown

Nay: None

Absent: Banks

Roll Call Vote: 6 Aye, 0 Nay, 1 Absent 

Bid for the Window Coverings (shades/blinds) at William Harris School 

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education accept and approve the Bid for the Window Coverings (shades/blinds) at William Harris School as presented.

Dr. Collins-Brown moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Reynolds. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Wetzel, Collins-Brown, Scheider, Clevenger, Dion, Reynolds

Nay: None

Absent: Banks

Roll Call Vote: 6 Aye, 0 Nay, 1 Absent

Bid for Parsons Elementary School Kitchen Equipment

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education accept and approve the Bid for Parsons Elementary School Kitchen Equipment as presented.

Dr. Collins-Brown moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Reynolds. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Clevenger, Dion, Reynolds, Collins-Brown, Wetzel, Scheider

Nay: None

Absent: Banks

Roll Call Vote: 6 Aye, 0 Nay, 1 Absent 

Lease Agreement Documents for Driver’s Education Vehicles 

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Lease Agreement Documents for Driver’s Education Vehicles as presented.

Dr. Collins-Brown moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Reynolds. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Collins-Brown, Scheider, Reynolds, Wetzel, Clevenger, Dion

Nay: None

Absent: Banks

Roll Call Vote: 6 Aye, 0 Nay, 1 Absent


The Board of Education and Administration sends condolences to the family of: 

Richard N. Leihser, who passed away Friday, September 20, 2024. Mr. Leihser was the father-in-law of Lori Leihser, Library Teaching Assistant at Stephen Decatur Middle School. 

Important Dates

October 09 District-wide Half Day

– Please check with your home school regarding the release time

 11 End of Quarter

 11 Eisenhower High School Homecoming Parade and Game

 12 Eisenhower High School Homecoming

 14 Indigenous People’s Day


 18 Parent/Teacher Conferences

– NO SCHOOL for ALL Students

 21 Indigenous People’s Day Observed

– NO SCHOOL and District Offices are Closed

Please Note: October 15th is the Deadline for the Required Immunizations and Physicals for the 2024-2025 School Year


The public portion of the next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be at6:30 PM, Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at the Keil Administration Building


President Clevenger asked for a motion to adjourn. Dr. Collins-Brown moved, seconded by Vice President Dion. All were in favor




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