
Macon Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Moultrie County Board met Oct. 17

Webp 19

Tracy Weaver, Moultrie County State's Attorney | Moultrie County Republicans | Facebook

Tracy Weaver, Moultrie County State's Attorney | Moultrie County Republicans | Facebook

Moultrie County Board met Oct. 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Moultrie County Board met on Thursday, October 17, 2024, in the Courtroom B, Third Floor, Moultrie County Courthouse. Chairman Billy Voyles apologized for the inconvenience of moving and called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

The opening prayer was given by board member Aaron Wilhelm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance recited by all in attendance.

Roll Call was taken, with the following members present Billy Voyles, Tyler Graven, John Vander Burgh, Travis Phelps, Aaron Wilhelm, Kenny Graven, and Josh Roe. Absent were Marsha Kirby and Scott Buxton. A quorum was present.

There were 26 people in attendance, plus seven board members, and County Clerk Qualls.

Mission Statement – Read by Travis Phelps.

Correspondence: None.

Minutes: Voyles asked for a motion to approve the September 12, 2024, county board minutes. T. Graven moved to approve said minutes. K. Graven seconded the motion. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Guest Speaker: Voyles introduced Rachel Stenger of the Moultrie-Douglas 4-H. Ms. Stenger handed out to the board members information about the local 4-H and a presentation prepared by a 4-H member, Kaitlynn Townley who was unable, at the last minute, to attend the meeting. (A copy is attached.) Ms. Stenger shared information with the board about all the activities the 4-H provides to the kids of Moultrie and Douglas Counties.

Voyles introduced Greg McLean of the Village of Bethany who spoke about their request for a 12-year TIF extension. Mr. McLean stated the Village of Bethany is requesting a letter of support from the County Board for an extension of their TIF. Their TIF expires in 2026, payable 2027. Mr. McLean explained he was involved with the TIF from it’s implementation, and a board member of the Village of Bethany for 20 years and believes he might have some information that might be helpful in making a decision.

Mr. McLean gave information about projects the TIF was helpful in providing to the community. A few things that have been accomplished, at least in part with the TIF in Bethany; funded school projects every year since the establishment of the TIF; eight rehab buildings, six operating businesses; an addition to the local library; paved walking trail and security cameras in the park; utilities improvements; building addition and new equipment for the fire department; building of a new Dollar General; roof and siding for the American Legion; and others. They have made a very conscious effort to return TIF funds back to our school district, they don’t want the TIF to harm the school district at all.

Voyles stated he was just informed today that Marrowbone Township had a meeting and voted No. McLean said he was not aware of that. Voyles stated, as a County, he would like to know if they did in fact vote no and what their concerns are.

Unfinished Business: Voyles moved to approve the 12-year TIF extension for the Village of Bethany. Roe seconded the motion. Wilhelm moved to table the motion. T. Graven seconded the motion. Voice vote was taken, the motion carried 7 ayes; 0 nays.

Voyles read Unfinished business, item b. Discussion/possible action to approve the FY 2025 proposed budget for public display. Vander Burgh moved to make the motion; Wilhelm seconded the motion.

Vander Burgh stated he had some amendments to the budget as proposed by the budget & finance committee.

Vander Burgh moved to amend the budget as presented to increase Circuit Clerk Salaries Clerks 001-003-50311 by $5,000.00 to $165,500.00. Roe seconded the motion. Wilhelm asked for the reason; Vander Burgh stated it is for the flexibility in the event there was more people that were off, how the pay periods could fall, to bring the amount in the budget up to the expected salary amounts the Circuit Clerk is expecting. There being no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Vander Burgh moved to increase Contracted Services Appellate Services 001- 007-50756 by $2,000.00 to $10,000.00. The motion was seconded by Wilhelm. Vander Burgh explained this is to bring the budget in line with the updated expectations of what those contractual services would be. We did not know that at the time of the original budget. With no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Vander Burgh moved to increase Capital Expenditures 056-000-54590 by $600,000.00 to allow for potential use of funds levied for capital improvements. The motion was seconded by Roe. Vander Burgh explained this is not for a known expenditure we have, it is to allow us to appropriate the money for the monies that have been levied last year and this year, potentially. With no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Vander Burgh moved to increase revenue for Court Support System 022-001- 41710 by $30,000.00 for an expected grant. The motion was seconded by Wilhelm. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Vander Burgh moved to increase expense for Court Support Fund 022-000-72010 by $30,000.00 to appropriate money for potential grant expense. The motion was seconded by Wilhelm. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Vander Burgh moved to increase Capital Outlay Jail 054-008-50890 by $234,000.00 for the repeater project. The motion was seconded by Roe. Vander Burgh explained there was money appropriated for capital improvements that was utilized for other capital improvements and this amount is necessary to complete the repeater project. With no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Phelps moved to make an amendment to the budget on 001-007-50716 Salary State’s Attorney Investigator to be set at $30,000.00. Voyles stated since there was no second to the motion, the motion dies.

Voyles asked if there is any further discussion or amendments. Voyles stated the original motion is on the table with John’s six amendments. With no further discussion on the proposed budget Voyles called for roll call vote. The motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Appointments by Chair:





Meeting: October 7, 2024

Vander Burgh moved to approve the Treasurer’s reports for September 2024. The motion was seconded by Roe. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Vander Burgh moved to approve all claims as presented. The motion was seconded by Wilhelm. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Vander Burgh moved to accept the Resolution for the sale of Parcel 08-08-99-997- 019M by Moultrie County, as Trustee, to Sullivan North for $915.00 for the disposal of said property through the sealed bid auction process. The motion was seconded by T. Graven. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.


Meeting: October 2, 2024

Graven stated he had no motions.

T. Graven stated the painting at the jail is getting pretty close. The new jail boiler is installed, it should be ready for startup any time. For the Generator, we are still waiting on the transfer switch to come in.

ROAD AND BRIDGE (Chair: Voyles)

Meeting: October 1, 2024

Voyles stated he had no motions for the board.


Meeting: October 4, 2024

Phelps moved to approve a Special Use Permit request for a dog kennel by Jeremy and Rachel Kennedy on PIN 04-04-27-000-204, 1563 CR 375E, Bethany. The motion was seconded by K. Graven. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Phelps moved to approve a Special Use Permit request for a manufactured home by Sarhonda Aldridge on PIN 01-01-12-308-002, 525 Webster St., Lake City. The motion was seconded by Wilhelm. Phelps stated it was his understanding there were some people there to speak on the subject. Ms. Aldridge stood to address the board stating they had purchased the property and cleaning it so they can have a place to retire. They have spent their savings to buy the home and property and just want a place to retire. Ms. Aldridge mentioned that if it comes to it and they have to move the mobile home, it will take them a while to save up the money. Bree Lemmon spoke to say she does not want it, just for property value sake. Kendra Jenkins, lives across the street on the other side, spoke to say she supports Aldridge getting the permit. Samuel Shoemake spoke that he does approve of them being there, the Aldridges have made tremendous improvement to the land and the way it looks.

Phelps stated there has been a development and he makes the recommendation to refer this back to the Zoning Board of Appeals for their recommendation. They went out there, had a quorum, but they had four people, and it was two to two on the recommendation. The Zoning Board of Appeals needs to make a full recommendation to the board.

Phelps then referred to Kristi Hart, Planning and Zoning Director. Hart stated that because the Zoning Board did not give a recommendation to the board, it can be remanded back to them to look at the site again and have a quorum and give a recommendation to the board. Hart agrees it should go back to the Zoning Board. Phelps added the testimony tonight will be considered too.

Phelps amended the motion to remand the matter back to the Zoning Board of Appeals for their recommendation. The motion was seconded by T. Graven. With no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Phelps moved to approve a Rezoning request for a shop to build portable buildings by Justin Koehn on part of PIN 03-03-03-000-403, 1584 CR 2500N, Arthur. The motion was seconded by Roe. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.


Meeting: October 2, 2024

Phelps mentioned they did meet and continue to monitor the effects of the Safe-T Act; there were no motions for the committee.

PERSONNEL (Chair: Kirby)

Meeting: October 3, 2024, meeting canceled

Voyles, on behalf of Kirby, moved to approve salaries for non-elected officials and their staff members effective December 1, 2024 through November 20, 2025. The motion was seconded by Roe. After a short discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Voyles moved to approve an annual stipend of $5,000.00 to the Dive Commander. The motion was seconded by T. Graven. Qualls asked, for payroll purposes, how is the stipend to be paid? T. Graven explained this is something most counties do for their dive commander; they have a lot more they do every month. Phelps asked if we can make an amendment to say that will be a salary? T. Graven agreed and stated to divide by the 12 months, one payment a month. Phelps asked, would we need to make that amendment to change it from a stipend to a salary? That was agreed with. Phelps then moved to make that amendment from a stipend to an annual salary of $5,000.00, divided by 12. Roe seconded the amendment to the motion.

Voyles asked if is any discussion or question on the amendment? Voyles moved to approve an annual stipend salary of $5,000.00 to the Dive Commander with an amendment to divide by 12 months of the $5,000.00. With no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.




Voyles moved to approve the Resolution to participate in the service program of the Office of the State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor, commencing December 1, 2024, and ending November 30, 2025, by hereby appropriating the sum of $10,000.00 as consideration to the Office of the State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor for services to be rendered in Fiscal Year 2025. The motion was seconded by Wilhelm. State’s Attorney Weaver explained this is the annual contract we have with the appellate prosecutors. They provide training support to our office as well if there are any criminal conflicts that Elizabeth (Assistant State’s Attorney) and she have with defendants, they will send in a prosecutor to help with the criminal matters. With no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Voyles moved to approve a Resolution to enter into a Contractual Agreement for Technical Assistance Services with the Coles County Regional Planning and Development Commission. The motion was seconded by Wilhelm. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Voyles moved to accept and approve the addition of Lloyd Elmore (D) and Kassie Waggoner (D) to the Selection of Election Judge Candidates for 2024 – 2026 as requested by the Democratic Political Party Chair and for Application for Confirmation by the circuit Court for 2024 – 2026. The motion was seconded by T. Graven. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Aaron Wilhelm gave an update on the status of the Childcare Initiative. Melissa Krieger is working on a solution south of town, is able to increase the number of available slots from 100 to 126. A provider in Lovington who has been operational for the last couple of months is looking to expand her capacity from four to eight. The project is coming to a close, as all of the funds are to be allocated by the end of this year. The program as a whole has been a success. The initial goal of the committee was to reach 100 childcare slots for Moultrie County. Melissa bringing in 126 plus Proto Tykes and other in-home providers that number has increased. Should have one last hurrah in the next month or so.





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Phillip Meyer introduced himself and stated he is here again about the property tax process. He presented information concerning what had happened in his board of review meeting; that he stated his case, the board reviewed and sent him out of the room. Meyer went on to say that later the board of review held another meeting without the homeowner present. States that there is testimony given and answering question that he as the homeowner should answer. He then proceeded to play a portion a recording. When asked what he was playing, Meyer stated, this is the secret meeting. Meyer stated “she” interfered with his property tax appeal case and practiced law without a license.

Voyles asked, she is giving information about property tax? Meyer stated she is giving information about my property. Voyles stated that was the only question he had.

Meyer stated he has filed an appeal with PTAB, filed several FOIA requests to get this information; stated the County has hired a firm from Springfield to file a rebuttal to his appeal, finds no place where the board approved hiring an outside firm. Rebuttal included false statements. He wishes the board would set some procedures and policies to get things clean, there should not be secret meetings; the vote should have occurred in front of the homeowner. Meyer was asked for the date associated with the recording; January 9, 2024.

Tim Singer asked if the tentative budget will be available tomorrow. Vander Burgh informed him we will need to incorporate the amendments as presented and the Treasurer is out of town; we have to have it available for at least 15 days.

Mr. Singer then asked about the percentage of change in the levy, up or down? Vander Burgh informed him the levy is below the truth in taxation limit. Can get that information if he would like.

Mr. Singer then asked about the Zillow lawsuit. Assistant State’s Attorney Dobson informed those present there will be oral arguments October 25, 20024. Mr. Singer then asked about the order he had heard about which directs the County to pay the attorney fees for Zillow. Ms. Dobson stated there has not been any ruling about attorneys fees. Once the appellate court is through with the [appeal] case, the case will come back to Moultrie County and the judge will decide if the attorneys fees get paid; if the amount they asked for gets paid or substantially less gets paid.

When asked if Mr. Hanlin is still defending the county, Dobson stated yes. What do we have to pay him? Dobson, nothing. He is doing it because Tracy Weaver and she assisted him when he became the State’s Attorney in Shelby County. Because of the good faith held there, he has agreed to do this for us and our county without charge.

A gentleman who did not identify himself asked if the board of appeal actually held a secret meeting, or did they agenda the meeting, did they have it noted? Chief County Assessment Officer, Alicia Morgason, explained it was an open meeting, everything was on the agenda, there was no secret meeting; she has the minutes and the audio.


Voyles asked for a motion to adjourn. Roe so motioned with several seconding the motion. Via voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m.




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