Erica Armstrong, Administrative Assistant | Argenta-Oreana Community Unit School District 1
Erica Armstrong, Administrative Assistant | Argenta-Oreana Community Unit School District 1
Argenta-Oreana Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Jan. 13.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Education of Community Unit School District Number 1, Macon and DeWitt Counties, Illinois, (Argenta-Oreana Community Unit School District No. 1) convened on January 13, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in the Argenta Oreana Middle School/High School Library at 500 North Main Street, Argenta, Illinois pursuant to notice of regular meeting having been given in due form of law with Todd Armstrong, President, in the Chair, and with a legal quorum as follows: Dawn Decker, Christine Sample, Jeff Schroetlin and Todd Armstrong. Also present: Damian Jones, Superintendent; Sean German, Principal; Jackie Rose, Principal and Tucker Mathieson, Assistant Principal.
Student recognition occurred. Susan Daley joined the meeting at 6:02 p.m.
Staff comments were provided.
Dawn Decker/Jeff Schroetlin, second, made a motion at 6:10 p.m. to enter closed session pursuant to the Open Meetings ACT – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) & (c)(2) which permits a closed session to consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, and/or dismissal of specific certified and/or non-certified employee(s) of the public body and collective negotiating matters. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Susan Daley/Dawn Decker, second, made a motion at 6:24 p.m. to reconvene the regular meeting. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Jeff Schroetlin/Christine Sample, second, made a motion to approve the December 9, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Dawn Decker/Susan Daley, second, made a motion to approve payroll and bills. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Jeff Schroetlin/Christine Sample, second, made a motion to accept the retirement of Stephen Ropp as High School math teacher at the conclusion of the 2024-2025 school year. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Dawn Decker/Jeff Schroetlin, second, made a motion to accept the following resignations: Mikey Goodman as District sub finder; Lauren O’Neill-Hollingsead as fourth grade teacher; Sariati Anderson as Elementary School cook; and Lindsey Walker as Pre-K Aide. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Susan Daley/Christine Sample, second, made a motion to employ the following: Lindsey Walker as district teacher; and Judy Whaley as District sub finder. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Dawn Decker/Christine Sample, second, made a motion to approve the Maternity Leave/Unpaid leave for Abigail Carlin-Muhr as presented. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Jeff Schroetlin/Dawn Decker, second, made a motion at 6:26 p.m. to enter closed session pursuant to the Open Meetings ACT – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) which permits a closed session to consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific certified and/or non-certified employee(s) of the public body. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; and Todd Armstrong yes.
Jeff Schroetlin/Christine Sample, second, made a motion at 6:38 p.m. to reconvene the regular meeting. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Susan Daley/Dawn Decker, second, made a motion at 6:39 p.m. to adjourn. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.