How long did teacher Lynn A. Simpson work for Decatur School District 61 before retiring, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
How much did retired Illinois teacher Kelli F. Shirley contribute to retirement savings by the end of their career, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
How much did Illinois teacher Elizabeth G. Weber make with Decatur School District 61 before retiring, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
How much did Clinton Community Unit School District 15 teacher Lori B. Wickenhauser make, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
How much did retired Illinois teacher Deborah M. Bates contribute to retirement savings by the end of their career, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
How much did Illinois teacher Mary A. Peck make with Decatur School District 61 before retiring, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
There is one inmate sentenced to jail in Macon County set to be released from the custody of the Illinois Department of Corrections during the week ending Oct. 6.
Chiquita Gordon earned $70,900 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections during 2020, ranking the employee 7,047th in total compensation according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Jorden Lahman earned $70,700 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections during 2020, ranking the employee 7,103rd in total compensation according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.