Blue Ridge Community Unit School District 18 Board of Education met May 17.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Public Comments/Recognition of Guests
A. Liz Slusser - Rebound Program
IV. Presentation of Fine Arts
V. Communications
VI. Board Committees
VII. Administrative Reports
A. Superintendent
1. Presentation of Food Service Evaluation
B. Principals
1. Ryan Peyton, Ruth M. Schneider Elementary School
2. Katie Nichols, Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High School
3. John Lawrence, Blue Ridge High School
C. Technology
D. Operations and Maintenance
E. Transportation
F. Food Services
VIII. Approval of Consent Items
A. Minutes from Regular and Special Board of Education Meetings
B. Financial Reports
C. Bills and Payroll
D. Final Calendar for 2016-2017
E. 2017-2018 Teacher Evaluation/Student Growth Plan
F. Memorandum of Understanding - Health Insurance Coverage
G. ApproveAgreement for 3rd Party Administrator to 403b
H. Approve Unit Office Summer Hours
I. Title 1 Plan
J. Adopt the Prevailing Wage Scale and Resolution for the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year
K. Administrative Procedures for Procurement
L. Accept the Resignation(s) of District Personnel
1. Millie Deffenbaugh, Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High School
2. Alexa Chamberlin, Elementary Teacher, Schneider Elementary
3. Drew O'Connell, Assistant Girls Basketball Coach, Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High School
IX. Old Business
A. Discuss for Approval Press Policy Updates 92 and 94, and CBA Reference Edits
X. New Business
A. Discuss for Approval Letting Bids for District Milk
B. Discuss for Approval the Budget Amendment
C. Discuss for Approval Schneider Office Remodel Flooring
D. Discuss for Approval HLS Funds for Phase 2 of Window Repairs at Schneider Elementary
E. Discuss for Approval Camera System at Schneider Elementary
XI. Closed Session
A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, security, or dismissal of specific employees of the district, or legal counsel of the public body. 5ILCS 120/2(c) (1).
1. Employment, District Secretary, Blue Ridge CUSD 18
2. Employment, Curriculum Coordinator, Blue Ridge CUSD 18
3. Employment, Elementary Teacher, Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High School
4. Employment, Elementary Teacher, Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High School
5. Employment, Summer School Paraprofessional, Blue Ridge CUSD 18
6. Appointment, 1st Grade Teacher, Ruth M. Schneider Elementary School
7. Appointment, 1st Grade Teacher, Ruth M. Schneider Elementary School
8. Volunteer. Assistant Boys Basketball Coach, Blue Ridge High School
XII. Open Session
XIII. Good of the Cause
XIV. Adjournment