
Macon Reporter

Monday, December 23, 2024

De Witt County Finance Committee met November 14.

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De Witt County Finance Committee met Nov. 14.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Persons Wishing to Address the Committee (If requesting action, also list below in section three)

3. Items for Discussion and Possible Action

a. Approve last months’ minutes

b. Approve claims

d. Changes to proposed budget

d. Recommend to full board to adopt budget/levies for fiscal year 2018 with changes

e. Resolution adopting new per diem rates for ZBA and RPC

f. Revision to vacation policy

g. Resolutions adopting new union contracts for Corrections, Dispatch and Patrol

h. Approve independent contractor agreement for conflict public defender

i. Resolution for continued operation of the office of the State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor

j. CyberRisk Policy

k. Transfer an additional $2000 from contingencies to county board part time employee line

l. Purchase shared storage space

m. Purchase 6 computers

4. Items for Discussion Only (No Action Requested)

5. Executive Session

6. Motion to adjourn
