Village of Argenta Board of Trustees met July 2.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
Call to Order: Mayor Luedke called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Mayor Luedke and Trustees Barker, Crowder, Kaufman, Hanna and Pagel were present. Also in attendance were Sgt. Atkins, Street Superintendent Ken Smith, and Clerk Sherry Koszesza. Residents in attendance were Chief Logan, Val Logan, Kim Nein and Gary Nein.
Pledge of Allegiance
Consent Agenda:
1. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes of June 18, 2018 #18-06-18 R12
2. Approval of Disbursements #18-07-02 D13
3. Approval of Closed Session Minutes of June 18, 2018, #18-06-18 E04
Trustee Pagel moved and Trustee Kaufman seconded to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:
Vacant =
Barker = Yes Crowder= Yes Kaufman = Yes Hanna = Yes Pagel = Yes
Motion carried.
Swearing in of new Trustee Doug Logan. Public Comment: There was none. Recognition of Visitors: There were none. Department Reports:
1. Law Enforcement Report. Sgt. Atkins said that it has been quiet. Deputy Wendell is on vacation.
2. Village Staff Reports. Street Superintendent Ken Smith said the VAC truck was taken to Rochester for repairs. It was $1900.00 for the repairs with an additional estimate of $26,000.00 for other repairs that Ken doesn’t think all need done. He has checked into barricades. He gave the Board numbers for some different options.
3. Mayor’s Report. Mayor Luedke introduced Ross Munsterman, a new attorney with Ed Flynn’s office. 205 E Rt. 48 still has 2 semi-trailers. He will get citations for the past week. They were to have been removed by June 23rd. 160 E Claremont is working on selling the car and getting a title search done. Bargenta hosted a motorcycle event. Bargenta and Elm Street Grill hosted the Duane Hupp Memorial golf outing. 175 N Warren is getting a dangerous building notice.
4. Attorney’s Report. There was none.
Old Business:
Discuss/Vote on sending only 1 ordinance violation notice letter for each offense, after the original notice, citations will be issued for each subsequent violation. There was no discussion needed. This is already stated in the ordinances.
Open bids for property at 131 E Elm Street. Gary Nein placed a bid for $1750.00. Trustee Barker asked what Gary intended to do with it. Gary had a picture of what he plans to do with it. Trustee Crowder asked what his time frame was to get the work done. Gary said he hopes to have it done by next summer.
Authorize the sale of the real estate contract for 131 E Elm Street.
o Trustee Barker moved and Trustee Crowder seconded to approve the sale of 131 E Elm Street to Gary Nein for $1750.00.
Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:
Logan = Yes Barker = Yes Crowder= Yes Kaufman = Yes Hanna = Yes Pagel = Yes
Motion carried.
New Business:
Discuss/Vote on Prevailing Wage Ordinance.
o Trustee Kaufman moved and Trustee Hanna seconded to approve the Prevailing Wage Ordinance.
Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:
Logan = Yes Barker = Yes Crowder= Yes Kaufman = Yes Hanna = Yes Pagel = No
Motion carried.
Discuss/Approve Annual Treasurer’s Report.
o Trustee Barker moved and Trustee Pagel seconded to approve the Annual Treasurer’s Report.
Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:
Logan = No Barker = Yes Crowder= Yes Kaufman = Yes Hanna = Yes Pagel = Yes
Motion carried.
Closed Session:
Open Session:
Adjournment: Trustee Pagel asked about the solar contract. Ross said that he forwarded the easement to Geronimo and has not heard from him. He will call them after the holiday if he has not
heard from them. He said it should start to move a little faster after all of the legal questions are out of the way. Trustee Pagel asked if there was a proposed start date. Not yet.
Trustee Kaufman moved, and Trustee Hanna seconded, to adjourn at 6:15 p.m. Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:
Logan = Yes Barker = Yes Crowder= Yes Kaufman= Yes Hanna = Yes Pagel = Yes
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.