Moultrie County Board met Oct. 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The Moultrie County Board met on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 in the County Board Room, Second Floor of the Moultrie County Courthouse. Vice Chairman McReynolds called the Special County Board meeting to order at 9:18 a.m.
Opening Prayer by Kevin McReynolds.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Roll Call was taken, with the following Board members present: Kevin McReynolds, Neil Bryan, Arlene Aschermann, Billy Voyles, and Gary Smith. Absent: Dave McCabe, Tim Rose, Todd Maxedon and Mike Barringer.
There were 7 people in attendance, which included 5 Board members, County Clerk Georgia England and Assistant State’s Attorney Tracy Weaver.
McReynolds stated that Dave McCabe had announced at the October 11, 2018 Board meeting that the County’s servers had been compromised on October 3, 2018. The incident was immediately reported to IPMG, the County’s insurance carrier, and State and Federal law enforcement agencies. The County is cooperating with the insurance and law enforcement investigations and are working with leading forensic experts to investigate this incident. The investigation is in its final stages. Agreements and contracts with the various agencies need to be signed to finalize the investigation, and that is the main purpose of the Special Board Meeting.
Smith moved to allow the Chairman, Vice Chairman and the County Clerk to sign any contracts regarding the forensic investigation of the County’s cyber incident on October 3, 2018. Bryan seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (5 yes, 0 no)
With no further business, meeting was adjourned at 9:23 a.m.