City of Clinton City Council met Oct. 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Clinton, Illinois in session in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Monday, October 15, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Roger Cyrulik, presiding. On roll call, Commissioners Edmunds, Crang, Wise and Ballenger were present.
Written motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Wise that the minutes of the regular meeting of October 1, 2018 be approved as submitted. On roll call vote, Commissioners Wise, Ballenger and Mayor Cyrulik voted “Yes”. Commissioners Crang and Edmunds voted “Present”.
The bills and payroll were read.
Written motion was made by Commissioner Edmunds and seconded by Commissioner Crang that the bills and payroll be allowed as read and the Clerk be instructed to issue warrants on the Treasurer for the several amounts. On roll call vote, Commissioners Wise, Ballenger, Edmunds, Crang and Mayor Cyrulik voted “Yes”.
Seth Redington addressed the Council regarding his appearance at the Council meeting on September 4, 2018 with some questions and he did receive a letter dated October 3, 2018 but some of the questions he asked were not all answered and he didn’t know why. He still wants to know if the Fire Training Facility is owned by the City. He also asked why Commissioner Ballenger turned that work out to United Millwright in Decatur, which was his place of employment so he was giving the bid, receiving the bid and scheduling the work to be done so isn’t that a conflict of interest? That question was not answered. Commissioner Ballenger answered the question saying that the owner of the company wrote out the bid and brought it to the City of Clinton and the Volunteer Firemen voted on it. Commissioner Ballenger stated if this is a personal attack on me that is fine but please leave the Volunteer Firemen alone. Mr. Redington also asked why the fire truck was worked on (which he had requested the bill from the work done by United Millwright) when there are two welding shops in town and he stated it was because Commissioner Ballenger worked there.
Mr. Redington also asked if that is City property, then the road that goes back to the Yard Waste Facility was dug out with City equipment so who approved and paid for all those asphalt millings that went in there? Did the tax payers? Commissioner Ballenger stated that the millings came from city streets that needed to be dumped somewhere. Mr. Redington also requested certified payroll for all the work that has been done at the Yard Waste Facility. The response he received was that there are no such records at City Hall, but according to the Prevailing Wage Act the City should have those records. Mr. Redington is just asking are procedures being followed with the policies that the Council has set. Commissioner Edmunds stated that we provided to you the bills that we paid to that contractor. How that contractor pays his employees is up to him that is not the concern of the City. Mr. Redington stated it is up to the City to get that companies certified payroll and keep it on file.
Mr. Redington also stated that the Firemen posted on Facebook the pictures of putting the Fire Training Facility together and he watched them and they were not wearing safety helmets or glasses. Who approved this? They took a structure that is designed for one purpose (a shipping container) and now they are altering it (cutting floors, walls and ceilings) is it still structurally sound? Who has the credentials to approve that? To do that work? Commissioner Ballenger stated the City has an engineering firm lined out to do the work in steps.
Mr. Redington thanked the Council for their time and if he has any more questions he will ask.
Mayor Cyrulik reported the ribbon cutting for The Vault was Sunday, October 14th and then a tour of the facility was taken. He stated he appreciated all the work Michelle Witzke has done and all the volunteer help to make this a reality for the youth of Clinton and surrounding towns.
Commissioner Crang reported the department will be working on the alleys (weather permitting) and the Downtown Sidewalk Project will be voted on tonight and the work will start as soon as the contract is signed.
Commissioner Wise reported the meter replacement project is progressing and the piece of main that broke loose has been located and they will proceed in getting that out. He wanted to give a shout out to the Fire Dept. They called him in the middle of the night with a lightning strike that hit a tree and it was on fire and it needed to be cut down.
Commissioner Ballenger thanked Commissioner Wise for coming out and cutting the tree and thanked the Fire Dept. for all their hard work and dedication.
Commissioner Edmunds reported the Sales Tax is down $4,000.00 from the previous year but YTD the City is still ahead and the Non-Home Rule Sales Tax is up $1,000.00. This is the last report before Walmart closed so the next report will show what the effect is after Walmart closed.
Written motion was made by Mayor Cyrulik and seconded by Commissioner Wise to approve the Clean Up Bid for 1009 E. Main St. from J & S Roofing in the amount of $1,480.00. On roll call vote, Commissioners Ballenger, Edmunds, Crang, Wise and Mayor Cyrulik voted “Yes”.
Written motion was made by Commissioner Crang and seconded by Commissioner Ballenger to approve the Downtown Sidewalk Repair Project 2018 Bid from TKS Concrete Specialist Inc. in the amount of $19,350.00. On roll call vote, Commissioners Edmunds, Crang, Wise, Ballenger and Mayor Cyrulik voted “Yes”.
On File – Minor Subdivision Plat – West State Route 54 – Diane Peck Addition
With no further business to come before the Council, a motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Crang to adjourn the meeting. On roll call vote, Commissioners Crang, Wise, Ballenger, Edmunds and Mayor Cyrulik voted “Yes”.