
Macon Reporter

Friday, December 27, 2024

Village of Forsyth Planning and Zoning Commission met March 14

Meeting 02

Village of Forsyth Planning and Zoning Commission met March 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:


Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman R.C. Campbell called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.



Staff Present:

Upon call of the roll, the following Commissioners were physically present:

Regular Commissioners: Chairman R.C. Campbell, Vice Chairman Dennis Downey, Bill Busbey, Cathy Mitteer, Matt May and Steve Ragan

Regular Commissioners Absent: Larry Perkins

Alternate Commissioners Present: None

Alternate Commissioners Absent: Terry Taylor, Dan Doerfler

Others Present: Attorney Greg Moredock, Economic and Development Coordinator Nik Duffle, Village Building Inspector Linn Summers, Brett Swallow, Amy Leska and Village Clerk June McCormick


Motion: Commissioner Busbey made the motion to approve the minutes as presented and Commissioner Mitteer seconded.

Upon a call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

Yeas: 6 – Campbell, Downey, Busbey, Mitteer, May, Ragan

Nays: 0 – None

Absent: 3 – Perkins, Taylor, Doerfler

Motion declared carried.




1. Amendment To One Market Place (Economic and Development Coordinator)

Economic and Development Coordinator Duffle explained this was a submittal to amend the previously approved Planned Development of One Market Place. The Amendment requests to subdivide Lot 1 in two lots. The proposed north lot would contain the new bank for Hickory Point Bank’s Forsyth Branch. The total of the land is approximately 1 ½ acres and the Bank would like.6 acre which would leave 1.78 acres for future development. Commissioner Busbey asked about a previous development about 4-5 years ago that was never started and Economic and Development Coordinator Duffle stated that was null and void. Commissioner Ragan asked what the landscape requirements were. Economic and Development Coordinator Duffle stated there were development ordinances and that would be in the last steps in the development phase.

Brett Swallow of Hickory Point Bank stated yes, there would be some trees and the retention area would be landscaped with brick instead of railroad ties. Vice Chairman Downey asked if there was any objections from surrounding businesses and Economic and Development Coordinator Duffle said No.

Motion: Vice Chairman Downey made the motion to approve the Amendment To One Market Place For The Lot Split As Presented and Commissioner Busbey seconded.

Upon a call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

Yeas: 6 – Campbell, Downey, Busbey, Mitteer, May, Ragan

Nays: 0 – None

Absent: 3 – Perkins, Taylor, Doerfler

Motion declared carried.

2. Special Use Permit Application For An Electronic Message Board For Circle K

(Economic and Development Coordinator Duffle)

Economic and Development Coordinator Duffle explained that Circle K would like to put an electronic message board on their sign and have designed the sign to meet the requirements set by the Development Ordinance for Electronic Message Signs. He explained this Hearing and the next Hearing would go together as they would like to increase the size of the sign to accommodate the electronic message board. He stated the top portion of the sign would be 95.7 square feet and the electronic message board on the bottom would be 37.7 square feet. In 2004 the same location was already approved a variance of 98 square feet which means this sign could already be that size; we just need the approval of the electronic message board. Chairman Campbell asked Amy Lesca of Corporate ID Solutions from Chicago; representing Circle K; if she had anything to add. Amy Lesca stated they basically wanted to show the community that there are 2 different businesses on this property. Commissioner Busbey asked how tall the new sign was. Economic and Development Coordinator Duffle stated that it was just less than 3’ taller. Chairman Campbell stated that based on visual inspection the height of the sign would not be too tall to block view of other business’ signage. Commissioner Ragan stated that he had a concern on the brightness of the sign and what if it was objectionable to people. He understood that it was within the Village Ordinance. Amy Lesca stated that they did look into that and have written they will be within that limit. She also said the signs can be programmed for brightness.

Commissioner Ragan asked Economic and Development Coordinator Duffle if there was any recourse even if it was under the 2500 and everyone thought it was too bright. Commissioner Busbey stated that we could change the Ordinance later. Commissioner Ragan then asked if we could make the motion to approve it based on the fact that the brightness is not objectionable.

Attorney Moredock said No.

Motion: Vice Chairman Downey made the motion to approve the Special Use Permit Application For The Electronic Message Board for Circle K and Commissioner Mitteer seconded.

Upon a call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

Yeas: 5 – Campbell, Downey, Busbey, Mitteer, May

Nays: 1 – Ragan

Absent: 3 – Perkins, Taylor, Doerfler

Motion declared carried.

3. Variance Request For Overall Sign Square Footage For Circle K (Economic and Development Coordinator Duffle)

Economic and Development Coordinator Duffle explained Circle K would need this Variance for the Electronic Message Board. Chairman Campbell summarized that Circle K would need the extra square feet to add the electronic message board. He also stated that it would be a133.4 square feet total. Economic and Development Coordinator Duffle stated they currently have 83.3 square feet and are already allowed 98 square feet. Commissioner Ragan asked if they could still have the electronic message board if they reduced the other square footage as long as everything was still within the 98 square footage. Economic and Development Coordinator Duffle confirmed, Yes. Commissioner Busbey asked how many square feet this sign would be they were requesting. Economic and Development Coordinator Duffle stated it would be 133.4 square feet. Chairman Campbell asked if this was consistent with all the other stores. Amy Lesca said, Yes. Commissioner Ragan commented he thought that you could have the message board and everything they need within the 98 square feet. Amy Lesca stated you would not be able to see the price of gas as well.

Motion: Vice Chairman Downey made the motion to Approve The Variance Request To 133.4 Square Feet For Sign Square Footage For Circle K and Commissioner Busbey seconded.

Upon a call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

Yeas: 5 – Campbell, Downey, Busbey, Mitteer, May

Nays: 1 – Ragan

Absent: 3 – Perkins, Taylor, Doerfler

Motion declared carried.






Vice Chairman Downey made the motion to adjourn and Commissioner May seconded. The meeting was closed at 6:09P.M.
