
Macon Reporter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Village of Argenta Board of Trustees met April 19

Meeting 10

Village of Argenta Board of Trustees met April 19.

Village of Argenta Board of Trustees

Call to Order: Mayor Luedke called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Mayor Luedke and Trustees Barker, Crowder, Kaufman and Pagel were present. Trustees Logan and Hanna were absent. Also in attendance was Clerk Sherry Koszesza. Street Superintendent Ken Smith and Deputy Rigg were absent. Residents in attendance were Michael Ryan.

Pledge of Allegiance

Consent Agenda:

1. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes of March 18, 2019 #19-03-18 R03

2. Approval of Disbursements #19-04-15 D04

3. Approval of Bank Reconciliations #19-04-15 BR04

 Trustee Kaufman moved and Trustee Pagel seconded to approve the Consent

Agenda as presented.

Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:

Logan = Absent

Barker = Yes, Abstain from Minutes

Crowder= Yes, Abstain from Minutes

Kaufman = Yes

Hanna = Absent

Pagel = Yes

Motion carried.

Public Comment: There was none.

Recognition of Visitors: There were none.

Department Reports:

1. Law Enforcement Report. There was no report.

2. Village Staff Report. There was no report.

3. Mayor’s Report. There are some letters and citations that have been sent. There is a letter from Attorney Ed Flynn regarding questions the Board had at the previous meeting regarding the Argenta Sanitary District. The generator will be started on Wednesday.

4. Attorney’s Report. There was none.

Old Business: There was none. New Business:

 Discuss damage to Village property surrounding the water tower. Mayor Luedke said that the school has agreed to fix the damage around the water tower. Trustee Crowder said that there needs to be a tile put in out there. Mayor Luedke said that it has been a really wet spring. They (the students) have parked there for a long time without doing damage.

 Discuss/Vote on fencing for water tower. Mayor Luedke thinks that the water tower needs to be secured. Trustee Pagel said that maybe we should address the door not latching. He asked what kind of fencing Mayor Luedke wanted. She would like chain link. Street Superintendent Ken Smith has checked pricing. It is about $3000 for fencing and poles. Does not include gate. Trustee Crowder asked if it included concrete and equipment. Mayor Luedke said that Ken suggested as an alternative to put posts and chain around the entire area. Trustee Pagel asked how big the fenced area around the tower would have to be. Mayor Luedke said that Larry Coloni in Forsyth told Ken what they had. Trustee Pagel said if we put up a fence and they go through it, it would be trespassing. Trustee Kaufman would like to see what the cost would be for fencing around the water tower. Table this to get more info.

 Discuss/Vote on donation to the Library Summer Reading Program. Trustee Pagel said that since we didn’t do the CEO we should not do this. No motion.

Closed Session:

 Discuss appointment of Trustee for 2 year term

 Trustee Kaufman moved and Trustee Crowder seconded to go to Closed Session at 6:15 p.m.

Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:

Logan = Absent Barker = Yes Crowder= Yes Kaufman = Yes Hanna = Absent Pagel = Yes

Motion carried.

Open Session: Open Session resumed at 6:25 p.m.

 Discuss appointment of Trustee for 2 year term – Tabled until next meeting.

Mayor Luedke thanked the current Board for their service. Trustee Pagel asked about getting people to clean up their junk. Trustee Pagel explained what could be done. Trustee Kaufman would like the date that citations were issued.


 Trustee Kaufman moved, and Trustee Pagel seconded, to adjourn at 6:30 p.m. Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:

Logan = Absent

Barker = Yes

Crowder= Yes

Kaufman= Yes

Hanna = Absent

Pagel = Yes

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.
