
Macon Reporter

Friday, November 22, 2024

City of Macon City Council met May 13

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City of Macon City Council met May 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Frank Dunmire called the Macon City Council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Present were Clerk Pam Windell, Treasurer Lori Huggins, Attorney Scott Garwood, Council Members Doug Huggins, Kimberly Claussen, Chad Rappe, Brandon Windell, and Caleb Beasley. Also, present were Charlie Dunmire, Cody Holsapple, Sue Cole, and Mark Bingham.

The minutes from the April 8th meeting were corrected and approved.

The Treasurer and Council members were sworn in.

Mayor Dunmire presented the new committee appointments.

Mark Bingham an engineer with Chastain and Associates presented a bid from Earl Walker for oiling and chipping in the amount of $34,080.00.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Claussen, seconded by Alderman Beasley to approve Earl Walker’s bid of $34,080.00 for oiling and chipping. Motion carried.

Street Supt Cody Holsapple informed the Council that one of the summer mowers had started today. He also informed the Council that demolition of the house on Front Street would start tomorrow.

Alderwoman Claussen presented the April Profit and Loss reports.

Alderman Huggins requested that the ground work done at the new park be paid out the TIF fund. It was the consensus of the Council to pay the work at the new park out of the TIF fund.

Alderman Huggins informed the Council that Claire Reynolds will be the park director for the summer park program. Spencer Litteral will be her assistant.

Water Supt Charlie Dunmire presented quotes for the pump at the lift station on Wiles Street. The cost to repair the pump is $8,183,60 and the cost to replace the pump is $12,331.00. After discussing the options, the Council will approve buying two new pumps.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Claussen, seconded by Alderman Rappe to purchase two pumps for $24,662.00. Motion carried.

Mark Bingham was present to get authorization to start the paper work for the meter replacement project. The EPA must receive the plan by August.

A motion was made by Alderman Beasley, seconded by Alderman Huggins to authorize Chastain and Associates to start the plans for the water meter replacement project. Motion carried.

Attorney Scott Garwood will have the prevailing wage ordinance and the budget and apportion ordinance at next month’s meeting.

Treasurer Huggins presented the Treasurer’s report.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Claussen, seconded by Alderman Huggins to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Claussen, seconded by Alderman Windell to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderman Beasley, seconded by Alderman Windell to adjourn. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
