Clinton Community Unit School District No.15 Board of Education met May 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Clinton Community Unit School District No. 15 of the counties of DeWitt, Macon and Logan, State of Illinois, was held at 6:30pm, May 21, 2019, at the Clinton Junior High School, 701 Illini Drive, Clinton, Illinois.
Upon roll call the following members were present:
Mrs. Sondra Baker
Mr. Ron Conner – arrived at 7:30pm
Mrs. Tammie Ennis
Mr. Chris Hammer
Mr. Dan Matthews
Mr. Rodney Rogers
Absent: Mr. Cole Ritter
Administrators present were:
Mr. Curt Nettles, Superintendent of Schools
Mr Drew Goebel, Director of Business and Support Staff Services
Mr. Jerry Wayne, High School Principal
Mr. Josh Maxwell, Junior High School Principal
Mr. Jim Peck, Junior High School Assistant Principal
Mrs. Sacha Young, Clinton Elementary School Principal
Mrs. Beth Wickenhauser, Douglas/Lincoln School Principal
Others present were:
Seth Lawrence
Katy Pyne
Amy Ensign
Tim Evans
Wayne Snearly and students
Matt Koeppel
Amy Ensign from the American Heart Association recognized PE Teacher, Tim Evans for his contributions.
Mr. Snearly and students gave a presentation on the car they are rebuilding and restoring in Auto Mechanics class.
Beth Wickenhauser talked about kindergarten readiness. Sacha Young spoke on student relationships and achievement. Jim Peck spoke on restorative practice.
Jerry Wayne spoke on culture.
It was moved by Hammer, seconded by Rogers, to approve the consent agenda which includes:
A. Approve the minutes of the April regular meeting.
B. Financial Information – Imprest Fund, Petty Cash Report, Treasurer’s Report, Investment Summary, Insurance Pool Report, Transportation Report, Activity Fund Report, Cafeteria Report and Bills.
C. Approve the employment of Sharon Ceniceros-Meade as new Unit Office administrative assistant beginning immediately
D. Approve the transfer of Beth Pine to District Bookkeeper effective July 1, 2019.
E. Approve the employment of Ben Pertl as boys’ 7th grade basketball coach for 2019-20.
F. Approve the employment of Glennda Knauer as CHS special education teacher for 2019-20.
G. Approve the employment of Laury Hubrich as CES special education teacher for 2019-20.
H. Approve the employment of Kristi Payne as CJHS intervention teacher for 2019-20.
I. Approve the employment of Abbie Ceres as 2nd grade teacher at CES for 2019-20,
J. Accept the resignation of Autumn Kenney as CES special education teacher effective end of school year.
K. Accept the retirement notice of Lauri Torbert for end of year 2021-22.
L. Accept the resignation of Brandy Vanderberg as CHS PE teacher effective end of year.
M. Accept the resignation of Leslie Creager as CHS asst. volleyball coach effective immediately.
N. Accept the resignation of Megan Callahan as CHS head volleyball coach effective immediately.
O. Accept the resignation of Kathy Ashley from CJHS cafeteria effective end of year.
P. Accept the retirement/resignation notice of Darrell McKinzey as CHS custodian effective end of year.
Q. Accept the retirement/resignation of Kathy Ferguson as technology assistant effective end of year.
R. Accept the resignation of Emmy Daniels as van driver effective April 16, 2019
S. Accept the retirement notice of Rodger Baldwin effective end of year 2022-23.
T. Approve the maternity leave request of Ashley Bennett for three weeks beginning Aug. 21, 2019.
U. Approve the annual Prevailing Wage Resolution.
V. Approve the final calendar for 2018-19 with last student day being May 31.
Board policies were presented for their first reading.
It was moved by Ennis, seconded by Hammer, to approve extended contract for Lee Deal for 15 days covered by the District and remaining days covered by the grant. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:
Ennis, yea
Hammer, yea
Matthews, yea
Rogers, yea
Baker, yea
Motion carried.
It was moved by Matthews, seconded by Hammer, to approve the summer maintenance projects. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:
Ennis, yea
Hammer, yea
Matthews, yea
Rogers, yea
Baker, yea
Motion carried.
It was moved by Ennis, seconded by Hammer, to approve the upgrade to the varsity softball field. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:
Hammer, yea
Matthews, yea
Rogers, yea
Baker, yea
Ennis, yea
Motion carried.
Ron Conner arrived to the meeting at 7:30pm.
It was moved by Rogers, seconded by Ennis, to approve the resolution to loan funds from Working Cash to the Debt Fund for bond payment as read. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:
Hammer, yea
Matthews, yea
Rogers, yea
Baker, yea
Ennis, yea
Conner, yea
Motion carried.
It was moved by Hammer, seconded by Rogers, to approve the Resolution to permanently transfer funds from the Education Fund to the Debt Fund to pay the Apple lease as read. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:
Hammer, yea
Matthews, yea
Rogers, yea
Baker, yea
Ennis, yea
Conner, yea
Motion carried.
It was moved by Rogers, seconded by Conner, to approve the student Handbook updates as presented. The President put the motion to a vote and the voice vote was all “yea”. Motion carried.
It was moved by Hammer, seconded by Conner, to approve the board committee assignments. The President put the motion to a vote and the voice vote was all “yea”. Motion carried.
It was moved by Matthews, seconded by Rogers, to not approve extension of sick leave as requested. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:
Hammer, yea
Matthews, yea
Rogers, yea
Baker, yea
Ennis, yea
Conner, yea
Motion carried.
It was moved by Hammer, seconded by Rogers to enter into closed session for the purpose of discussing the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the school district and collective bargaining. 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1).
The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:
Hammer, yea
Matthews, yea
Rogers, yea
Baker, yea
Ennis, yea
Conner, yea
Motion carried.
The Board entered into closed session at 7:36pm and returned at 8:38pm.
It was moved by Matthews, seconded by Hammer, to close the closed session. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:
Hammer, yea Baker, yea Matthews, yea
Ennis, yea Rogers, yea Conner, yea
Motion carried
It was moved by Matthews, seconded by Ennis, and duly voted by acclamation to adjourn at 8:39pm.