Maroa Forsyth Community Unit School District 2 Board of Education met May 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order-5:32 pm
2. Roll Call-Chad Ruwe, James Keith, Lindsey Wise, Matt Crawford, Brandi Binkley, Kristi Harjung and Brad Wilkey all in attendance.
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Citizens Wishing to Address the Board
5. Approval, Open/Closed Session minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting on 4-15-19
Motion made to approve--James
All yes votes
6. Approval, Strategic Plan Greatness Measurements & Indicators as Presented
John-Passed out a handout listing the Greatness Measurements and Indicators
Motion to approve--James
Second--Matt John— These were presented in February. They don't have to necessarily be approved but it gives it meaning when officially approved.
James-I do agree this is a good start. I hope the next Board vies hey have meaning. I recommend they be reviewed annually.
John- This is also a fluid document which can have things added or changed as we move along.
Chad- I like the categories here. I would like to see specific numbers so we can have some tracking.
All yes votes to approve.
7. Approval, Selection of President Pro-Tem
Lindsey-motion to approve Brandi as President Pro-Tem.
Matt seconded the motion.
All yes votes.
8. Presentation, Board Member Recognition
John-Presented a plant to all members leaving service on the Board.
All--Parting words from all Board members speaking to the helpfulness and success of the Board while all served together.
9. Adjournment, Sine Die (Indefinitely or without a date set for a future meeting.)
Motion to adjourn, James
Second - Chad
All yes.