Dewitt County Finance Committee met Aug. 14.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Persons Wishing to Address the Committee (If requesting action, also list below in section three)
3. Items for Discussion and Possible Action
a. Approve last month’s minutes
b. Approve claims
c. Set wage for chief deputy in treasurer’s office
d. Set wage for admin. assist in sheriff’s office
e. Purchase CAMA system for Sup of Assessment office - $4592
f. Contract with Cohn Reznich for appraisal
g. Need representative for the Community Action Board
h. Election software/hardware support funding
i. Payroll done by direct deposit only
j. Cyber security - county wide
k. 2020 holiday schedule
l. Ordinance establishing a county cannabis retailer’s occupation tax
4. Items for Discussion Only (No Action Requested)
5. Executive Session
6. Motion to adjourn