Moultrie County Board met June 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The Moultrie County Board met in Courtroom A, Third Floor of the Moultrie County Courthouse. Chairman McCabe called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Opening Prayer by Dave McCabe.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Roll Call was taken, with the following Board members present Dave McCabe, Kevin McReynolds, Neil Bryan, Mike Barringer, Arlene Aschermann, Billy Voyles, Elizabeth Houser, Todd Maxedon. Absent: Tyler Graven
There were 38 people in attendance, which included 8 Board members and County Clerk Georgia England.
Mission Statement: Read by McCabe.
Correspondence: None
Minutes: Maxedon moved to approve the May 14, 2020 County Board meeting minutes. Aschermann seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, 0 no)
Guest Speaker: None
Unfinished Business: None
Appointments by County Board Chairman: None NEW BUSINESS:
McCabe stated that since many of the guests were present for the Planning and Zoning portion, that he was moving the Planning and Zoning reports first.
Committee met June 5, 2020.
Maxedon moved to Rezone part of PIN #09-09-04-000-201, 1404 Jonathan Creek Rd., Sullivan from AG-1 to C-2 for a car lot (Janusz Toczydlowski). Houser seconded said motion. There were several in attendance that were opposed to allowing the parcel to be rezoned, stating that usage would be inconsistent with the current agricultural/residential character of the neighborhood, would create a potential environmental hazard for the Lake Shelbyville watershed, and would be an eyesore for the Moultrie Sullivan Fairgrounds. A few speaking against were Don Typer, Greg Mauck, and Roger Tice who presented the Board with a Petition signed by over 100 people. After much discussion roll call was taken. Motion failed, with request being denied. Yes, vote meant accept, No vote meant deny. (0 yes, 8 no)
Maxedon moved to deny William L. and Vernon L. Yoder a Special Use Permit for a dog kennel on PIN #06-06-28-000-401, 1475 CR 1490N, Sullivan. Barringer seconded said motion. Vernon Yoder and Alvin Miller IHAWA (Illinois Husbandry and Animal Welfare Association) outlined their plans for the kennel; and stated that they would be following all the USDA and State outlines. A lengthy discussion followed. McReynolds moved to amend the motion to add that additional noise reduction measures were to be taken, and to stipulate that the dogs would remain inside at night. McCabe moved to vote on the Amended motion. (2 yes, 6 no) Motion was defeated. McCabe moved to vote on the original motion. Original motion was also defeated. Yes, vote meant deny, No vote meant accept. (8 yes, 0 no)
Maxedon moved to allow Lamar Farmwald a Variance to build 75 ft. from the center of Jonathan Creek Rd. on PIN # 06-06-16-000-211, 1754 Jonathan Creek Rd., Sullivan for an addition to the existing building. McReynolds seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, 0 no)
Maxedon moved to allow Lamar Farmwald a Variance to build 15 ft. the South and West zoning boundary lines on PIN # 06-06-16-000-211, 1754 Jonathan Creek Rd., Sullivan for an addition to the existing building. Aschermann seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, 0 no)
Maxedon moved to allow Lester Miller and David Stutzman to Rezone part of PIN # 06- 06-01-000-411, adjacent to 1754 CR 1900N, Arthur from AG-1 to I-2 for an addition to the existing meat processing business. Aschermann seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, 0 no)
Maxedon moved to allow Charles Allen a Variance to build 60 ft. from the South property line on PIN #08-08-17-407-001 & 002, 160 Bryan St., Kirksville for a steel tank manufacturing building. Aschermann seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, 0 no)
Maxedon moved on a Petition by Jacqueline Cisna and Muriel Teresa Ingram for a Special Use Permit for a dog kennel on PIN #09-09-19-000-402, 1296 CR 1000N, Sullivan. McReynolds seconded said motion. A lengthy discussion followed, with Cisna and Ingram explaining what has been done so far and what will be done to make sure that the kennel is up to code and passes all inspections. They stated that noise blocking materials would be installed in the kennels to minimize the barking noise. Roll call vote was taken, motion was denied. Yes, vote meant approve, No vote meant deny. (7 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain)
Committee met June 11, 2020.
McCabe moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of May 2020. Houser seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, 0 no)
McCabe moved to approve all claims as presented. Aschermann seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, 0 no)
McCabe moved to approve the Circuit Clerk’s, County Clerk’s, and Sheriff’s six-month reports. Barringer seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, 0 no)
Committee met June 6, 2020.
Bryan moved to approve a Resolution for placing an Advisory Referendum on the November 2020 Election Ballot for Separation Illinois. Barringer seconded said motion. Bryan stated that this is only an Advisory Referendum, which lets the People voice their opinions. Motion passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, o no)
Committee did not meet. No motions.
ROAD & BRIDGE COMMITTEE (Chairman McReynolds)
Committee met June 2, 2020.
McReynolds moved to approve the Petition for County Bridge Funding Assistance for Dora Twp. Bridge repair located on T.R.37, 200N, Structure 070-4123. Aschermann seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, 0 no)
McReynolds moved approve the Resolution for the Dora Twp. Bridge Repair located on T.R.37, 200N, Structure 070-4123. Aschermann seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, 0 no)
McReynolds moved to approve the Preliminary Engineering Service Agreement with Cummins Engineering Corp., for the Marrowbone Twp. Bridge repair, Section #20-06126-01- BR, not to exceed $15,000.00. Aschermann seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, 0 no)
McReynolds moved to approve the Highway Safety Improvement Program Application for County Highway Guardrail Improvement. Barringer seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, 0 no)
McReynolds moved to approve the Highway Safety Improvement Program Application for County Highway 2 Safety Shoulder. Aschermann seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, 0 no)
Committee did not meet. No motions.
Committee did not meet. No motions.
Committee did not meet. No Motions.
Committee did not meet. No Motions.
Committee met June 11, 2020.
McCabe moved to approve renewing annual Liquor Licenses for current Liquor License holders.
American Legion Post #429 (Lovington) (Class C) $375
Findlay Marina Inc. (Class E) $450
Sullivan County Club (Pro Shop) (Class C) $375
VFW Post 6410 (Sullivan) (Class C) $375
Timberlake Golf Course (Class F) $750
Sullivan Rosatti Inc. (Class B) $750
Sullivan 66 Inc. (Class A) $750
S A Brown Properties LLC (Rusty’s) (Class J) $1,000
NorthEnd Pub and Grill LLC (Class J) $1,000
Maxedon seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, 0 no).
McCabe stated that the next item on the Agenda was the Consolidation of election precincts, and he asked Clerk England to explain. England stated that the Coronavirus (COVID 19) and the pandemic made an impact on many things, including elections, which was evident at the General Primary Election in March. There were approximate 15 judges that dropped out one-two days before the election, with many not signing up for the next two-year term, all because of COVID-19. Difficulty finding judges, and with a couple of precincts not having any knowledgeable seasoned judges, the Democratic chair Tim Singer, Republican Chair Dave McCabe and I sat and discussed various possibilities and decided that combining precincts, not by a political standpoint but from an economical standpoint, was a solution.
Aschermann moved to Consolidate Sullivan 1 and Sullivan 6 Precincts into one Precinct, which would be called Sullivan 1. The polling location would remain at the First United Methodist Church of Sullivan. Barringer seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, 0 no)
McReynolds moved to Consolidate Sullivan 2 and Sullivan 5 Precincts into one Precinct, which would be called Sullivan 2. Polling location would be changed from St. Columcille Catholic Church to First United Methodist Church of Sullivan. Houser seconded said motion, which passed by roll call vote. (8 yes, 0 no)
Office Holders/Department Heads: Chief County Assessment Officer Lori Barringer stated that she received final numbers from the State with the 3-year average, and she was happy to report that she and Sullivan Township Assessor Jill McIntosh received excellent ratings.
Public Comments:
With no further business, Houser moved to adjourn the meeting. Aschermann seconded said motion, which passed by voice vote. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.