
Macon Reporter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Blue Mound Memorial Library Board of Trustees Met September 28

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Blue Mound Memorial Library Board of Trustees met Sept. 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


Anne Byard, President

Nancy Gorden, Vice-President

Amy Brown, Treasurer

Dani Noland, Trustee

Julie Chapman, Trustee

Sharon Reynolds, Trustee

Alice Reed, Consultant

Julie Jones, Librarian

At 6:00 p.m., the Blue Mound Memorial Library Board of Trustees met in accordance with the social distancing guidelines in the annex of the Library with two board members seated at opposite ends of 8' tables, spaced several feet apart. The Blue Mound Memorial Library President, Anne Byard, called to order the Board of Trustees meeting for September, 2020.

The Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary's Report: Julie Jones verified that each Board member received the August 31st minutes that had been emailed. Nancy Gorden made a motion to accept the August minutes as presented. Julie Chapman seconded the motion. The motion carried with all "Aye" votes.

Treasurer's Report: The Treasurer's Report was presented in writing and reviewed by the Board of Trustees. Julie Chapman made a motion to accept the Treasurer's report as presented. Sharon Reynolds seconded the motion. The motion carried with all "Aye" votes.

Librarian's Report:

Mums were purchased for Julie Chapman, and delivered in Memoriam of her Mother's passing. Julie Chapman expressed her thanks to the Board, and Julie Jones shared the Thank You note that was received.

Book Club met at Willow Ridge Winery on September 25, 2020, with eight members in attendance. The Book Club has scheduled their next meeting for October 23, 2020.

"Senior Freeze” meeting have been scheduled at the library. Those wishing to meet with county personnel have called and scheduled specific meeting times, in accordance with social distance guidelines. As of today, eighteen people have signed up.

Story Time On The Go has started sign-ups. As of September 28, 2020, twenty-three have signed up to receive packets. An advertisement was placed in the Blue Mound Leader explaining the program. The first Story Time On The Go will be on Monday, October 5, 2020.

This year's Christmas program will be held in the Annex on Saturday, December 5, 2020 from 9:30 - 12:00. Due to the limited space in the Annex and social distancing protocols, Nancy Gorden checked with the Community Center for available dates to hold the program there, instead of the Annex. However, the only date available would have been, Saturday, December 19, 2020. After discussion, the Board decided that date was too close to Christmas, and we would utilize the Annex with modifications. The decision was made to have "stations" to hand out treats and crafts. Santa and Mrs. Claus will be in the Annex near the exit, so that the number of children waiting to see Santa and Mrs. Claus can be monitored, and everyone can maintain proper social distance.

Julie will contact Santa and Mrs. Claus to go over the new guideline, and verify that they are still willing to participate.New Business:

Vote was taken on Ordinance No. 20-3 Anne Byard - Aye Dana Noland - Aye Julie Chapman - AyeAll approved. The Ordinance passed.

Sharon Reynolds - Aye

Amy Brown - Aye

Nancy Gorden - Aye

Roll Call Vote:

Per Capita Review Chapters 2-3 were reviewed by Anne Byard, and discussed with the Board. It was determined through Anne's review of sections 2 & 3 that the library should renew their Mission Statement. Dani Noland reviewed sections 4-5, and discussed with the Board. After discussing these sections, the Board determined our long range plan should include Long Term Space Needs. Chapters 6-7 were given to Sharon Reynolds, 8-9 to Julie Chapman and 10-11 to Nancy Gorden. These sections will be reviewed and discussed at the next Board meeting.


Library traffic/use tends to be on the upswing.

Library will be closed on Election Day, November 3, 2020. Election Day is a new federal holiday. Public will be notified of the closure on Facebook posting and in the newspaper. Also, this date will need to be added as Public Policy.


Karrigan True, new library clerk is doing well.

Motion to Adjourn: With no further business to discuss, Nancy Gorden made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Julie Chapman seconded the motion. The motion carried with all "Aye" votes. The meeting adjourned at 6:43 p.m.

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, October 26, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
