
Macon Reporter

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Warrensburg-Latham Community Unit School District 11 Board of Education met February 24


Warrensburg-Latham Community Unit School District 11 Board of Education met February 24.

Here is the agenda as provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Executive Session

IV. Public Recognition (immediately after executive session)

V. Consent Agenda (Action items)

      A. Action on Minutes Open and executive session minutes from January 27, 2021. Destruction of executive session recordings from August 28, 2019 as permitted by law.

VI. Approval of bills (Action item)

VII. Old Business

      A. Monthly Financial Update (Informational)

VIII. New Business

      A. Personnel (Action items)

            1. Personnel Addendum

            2. Administrative Contracts

                    a) WLHS Principal

                    b) WLHS Assistant Principal/Athletic Director

                    c) WLMS Principal

                    d) WLES Principal

                    e) Director of Technology

                     f) Superintendent Contract & Compensation

      B. Annual Renewal of the Health Reimbursement Arrangement (Action item)

      C. TRS Supplemental Savings Plan Agreement (Action item)

      D. WLHS Credit Recovery Proposal for 4th Quarter/Pilot Program for Summer School and Academic Year 2021-2022 (Action item)

      E. Warrensburg-Latham High School 2021-2022 Course Catalogue (Action item)

      F. Warrensburg-Latham High School Boys Wrestling Cooperative Wrestling Agreement with Mt. Pulaski for 2020-2022 (Action item)

      G. Administration Reports

      H. Board

IX. Adjourn (Action item)
