City of Sullivan City Council Met Feb. 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
1 The City Council of the City of Sullivan, Illinois, met in regular session at 6 00 p.m. at The Little Theatre On The Square, 16 E. Harrison Street, Sullivan. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Richard Glazebrook. A roll call was taken.
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood present
Commissioner Mike Fowler present
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth present
Commissioner Doug Booker present
Mayor Richard Glazebrook present
2. A video was played to introduce the new Police K-9 along with his handler Andrew Smith. Renzo is thirteen months old and will be attending academy on February 15th The academy is an eight week program where the K-9 will learn narcotic detection, article searches and apprehension.
3 Lee Beckman of Milano and Grunloh reported that the DCEO grant and the ITEP grant should be announced in the first quarter of 2021 He will have a final review meeting with Commissioner Woodworth rand the permits should be sent to the IEPA next week. Bidding for that project will depend on the permitting process. The demolition of the Titus Home should begin on Tuesday and the gutter and storm sewer project for Corey Avenue should be bid out within the next month.
4 Mayor Glazebrook recognized Chase Eller and Oliver Florey for their lifesaving efforts. While at a restaurant, Chase noticed a choking baby and stepped in to perform the Heimlich Maneuver Oliver, along with his mother assisted in the rescue of one of their neighbors from a nearby pond.
5 Allison Beard addressed the Council regarding the City' s utility rates. She stated that her most recent utility bill was almost four-hundred dollars and that she has covered her windows and installed foam around the doors to maintain the heat in her home. Ms. Beard rents her home and is not allowed to make adjustments to make the home more energy- efficient. She asked ifthese issues could be addressed with landlords owning homes in the City She also stated that a wind turbine would offer an alternative option for the production of electricity and that Rural King offers assistance for this type of project.
6 Cassie Yoder of Cass Concepts gave an update on the City of Sullivan campaign. The goal of the campaign is to increase awareness and branding for the City, showcase employment and housing opportunities and to encourage overall growth in the community The campaign was implemented in October 2020 and has delivered 200, 000 impressions through digital devices. These ads were viewed via television, radio, advertising and social media, with each ad being focused on a specific item of interest in the City of Sullivan. They have noticed a large amount of engagement from Springfield, Illinois. After this campaign has been completed, the City can decide if they want to move on to stage 2. Cass Concepts could then be more specific as to where the ads are placed and move them as needed.
7 Mayor Glazebrook asked if there were any comments from the public in Attendance. Mike Kirk asked for clarification on the purpose of the campaign being conducted by Cass Concepts and how many steps were involved in the process. He also asked about the payment of claims for the K-9 Unit, the increase in the tax levy and how the City could justify adding expenses to a department that doesn't generate revenue, how the privacy of his business could be maintained if applying for the revolving loan fund program and ifthe changes to the IFOP contract were requested by the Council or by the Police Department. Dean Stout asked if a City Code could be implemented requiring landlords to maintain certain efficiency standards on their rental homes. Megan Carver expressed her concern over the price of the City' s utilities and asked if customers could be allowed to use an alternative power companies.
8 Mayor Glazebrook read the items on the consent agenda.
• Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held January 25, 2021
• Approval of claims
A motion was made by Commissioner Sherwood and seconded by Commissioner Fowler to approve the consent agenda. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler yea
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea
Commissioner Doug Booker yea
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried by omnibus vote.
9 Commissioner Sherwood reported that the Park Department has been completing routme winter maintenance and assisted with snow removal. The disc golf baskets have been ordered and will be installed as the weather allows. They are working on Christmas lights and have reached out to community members interested in participating on the Christmas Light Committee. Melissa Krieger, the Civic Center' s Aquatic Director resigned on Friday The City Building is now open to the public. The final distribution from the Titus Funds has been received and will be placed in a 12 month CD She recognized Treasurer Sarah Golden for completing her certification as a Certified Public Funds Investment Manager
10 Commissioner Fowler attended a meeting with Hydro- Gear to discuss the plans for upgrades to their service. The feeder providing service to the company is maxed out and has reached its' average life span. The machines they use are very sensitive to power glitches and need to be provided with clean power Distribution Superintendent Kaleb Martin met with an engineer from BHMG to look into another option rather than installing a 69kV line. Mr Martin would like to start this project in the spring or summer depending on Hydro- Gear' s schedule. The Distribution Crew has been working on JULIE locates, work orders, attended a safety meeting, installed jumpers on a switch, fixed street lights, installed new transformers, removed old poles, transferred services and are only working outdoors if necessary i
11 Commissioner Woodworth reported that the Sewer Department and the Street Department repaired the leak at the corner of Jefferson and VanBuren. -The leak was larger than expected and the water main had to be shut off. He thanked the Street Department for their assistance with the repair Last week a boring crew hit two service lines that were marked, which resulted in a boil order He thanked Dustin Wallace from Moultrie County Rural Water District for his assistance on one of the leaks. The City received the Public Water Supply Evaluation from the IEPA that noted findings. Some of these findings were due to the passage of new regulations that have been implemented since the last evaluation was completed. Commissioner Woodworth will meet with Lee Beckman next week to review the IEPA permits for the water plant project and the water main project on North Main Street.
12. Commissioner Booker has talked with IDOT about the ditch work and the new tile that will be installed in the Eastview Subdivision. They are waiting for the permits for this project. The Street Department has picked up yard waste and limbs and have been removing snow
13 Mayor Glazebrook thanked the Distribution Crew and the Street Department for their work on the leaks over the last few weeks. He has attended economic development meetings, Chamber meetings, met with businesses, attended a revolving loan fund committee meeting and met with the Cemetery
14 City Administrator Dan Flannell reported that there have only been 43 confirmed cases of COVID and one additional death since the last meeting. The City' s distribution of PPE supplies has slowed down. COVID vaccinations for those in group 1B are still being administered at the Moultrie County Health Department. Mr Flannell again cautioned local businesses to be aware of the fraudulent unemployment claim scam and to challenge these claims whenever they arise
15 A motion was made by Commissioner Fowler and seconded by Commissioner Sherwood to waive formal reading and extend the effective date of Ordinance 20- 3, which implemented the Mayor' s March 18, 2020 Declaration of Emergency, to the date of the next Council meeting on Monday, February 22, 2021 Upon a roll call being taken the results were as follows
Commissioner Mike Fowler yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood yea
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea
Commissioner Doug Booker yea
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried.
16 A motion was made by Commissioner Sherwood and seconded by Mayor Glazebrook to adopt Ordinance 21- 1, an ordinance establishing the City of Sullivan Revolving Loan Fund Program in support of the economic development of the City Upon a roll call being taken the results were as follows.
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood yea
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler yea
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea
Commissioner Doug Booker yea
and the motion was declared carried.
17 A motion was made by Commissioner Woodworth and seconded by Commissioner Booker to consider modifications to Article VII—Vehicular Food Vendor of the City Business Code. Further moving that upon reaching agreement on such modifications that staff be directed to prepare an amended ordinance for the Council' s consideration and adoption on February 22, 2021 After the discussion of modification options, this item was tabled to the February 22, 2021 meeting.
18 A motion was made by Mayor Glazebrook and seconded by Commissioner Woodworth to appoint Douglas Shook as a member of the City of Sullivan Zoning Board of Appeals and request the Council grant its' consent to said appointment. Upon a roll call being taken the results were as follows
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler yea
Commissioner Doug Booker yea
and the motion was declared carried.
19 A motion was made by Commissioner Booker and seconded by Commissioner Fowler that Mayor Glazebrook be authorized to execute the Memorandum of Understanding modifying the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Sullivan and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police in respect to wage rate and training cost reimbursement. Upon a roll call being taken the results were as follows.
Commissioner Doug Booker yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood yea
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried.
20 A motion was made by Commissioner Sherwood and seconded by Commissioner Booker to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call being taken, the results were as follows.
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood yea
Commissioner Doug Booker yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler yea
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried and the meeting was adjourned at 7 45 p.m.,%202021%20Minutes.pdf