
Macon Reporter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Argenta-Oreana Public Library District Board met Sept. 27

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Argenta-Oreana Public Library District Board met Sept. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 4:33 PM by President John White. Library Board members present were Jackie Goeppinger, Linda Albert, Trudy Smith and Aaron Klepzig. Also, in attendance were Donna Schaal, Library Director and Tina Coates, Assistant Library Director.

There were 4 members of the public present via Zoom. Matt Kluge representing Architectural Expressions and 3 others representing the companies that had provided bids for the Argenta Entryway Project. The meeting continued with the opening and recording of the bids.

Interior Specialty Construction, Inc.

Base Bid: $141,758

Days to Complete: 75

Alternate Bid 1: $28,090

Christy-Foltz, Inc.

Base Bid: $199,235

Days to Complete: 90

Alternate Bid 1: $45,298

Building Systems of Illinois, Inc.

Base Bid: $133,100

Days to Complete: 140

Alternate Bid 1: $31,400

All members of the public left the meeting. Discussion of the individual bids followed. Although BSI was roughly $5,000 less than ISC, the Board members felt that 140 days was too long to complete this project. Aaron Klepzig made a motion to accept Interior Specialty Construction, Inc.’s bid for the base bid amount of $141,758, 75 days to complete, and with Bid Alternate 1 of $28,090. Jackie seconded the motion. After a roll call vote, the motion passed with all ayes.

Aaron left the meeting at 5:30 PM.

Correspondence, communications, and public comments – There was no correspondence or public comment.

The Board reviewed the minutes from the August 30, 2021 meeting. Trudy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Jackie seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes.

The Board reviewed the July bills. Jackie asked about a debit to the US Postmaster. Donna said it was for stamps. Linda asked about check number 10993 to Terry Collins. Donna explained that this was the last check issued to him since he would no longer be taking care of the Argenta lawn. Linda also asked about check number 10995 to Tylex, Inc. Donna explained that AOPLD has a contract with Tylex to provide the gas for the buildings. This is new this year; we are working in conjunction with the Decatur Chamber of Commerce to purchase gas with locked in prices. Ameren will still deliver the gas. John asked about check numbers 10976 and 10977 to the villages. Donna explained that was for water/sewer. The board reviewed the July Bookkeeper’s reports and the July Treasurer’s report. Linda moved to approve the July bills, the July Bookkeeper’s reports and the July Treasurer’s reports as presented. Trudy seconded the motion. After a roll call vote, the motion passed with all ayes.

The Board reviewed the August bills. Linda asked about check number 11024 to Huffman Lawn Care. Donna explained that Huffman’s is the Oreana lawn care provider. Jackie asked about another debit to the US Postmaster. Donna explained that even though she had purchased stamps in a large quantity in the month of July, stamp prices were increasing again, so she purchased Forever Stamps before the rates changed. This amount was still within budget. Trudy asked about check number 11031 to Findaway. Donna explained that Findaway is the company that makes Playaway audiobooks. Donna mentioned that check number 11028 to Lee Enterprises (Herald & Review) was for the notice to bid ad for the sidewalk. Jackie moved to approve the August bills report presented. Linda seconded the motion. After a roll call vote, the motion passed with all ayes. The August Bookkeeper’s reports and the August Treasurer’s report were tabled until the next meeting.

Donna Schaal presented the Director’s report. Donna reviewed the circulation numbers for August. Donna reported that circulation is doing better as well as other services. Donna reported that the library received the 3rd installment of the Macon County levy. She also reported that the library received the annual public per capita grant. We also received 2 donations this month. Donna reported to the board that the Oreana sidewalk is completed and members of the public have begun to use it. Two trees were also planted in Oreana – one that we purchased and one that was donated in memory of Norma Creamer. The Creamer family has indicated that they will also be purchasing a bench to be installed next spring. A cedar bench has been donated to Oreana as well in memory of Michael Mulligan who died in 2019. It was built by the Carpenter’s Union that he was a member of. The bench will be housed in the library until a concrete platform can be installed outside. Book Club was held with 9 members attending. Donna attended several meetings.

Old Business –

The Board looked at signage for the new sidewalk in Oreana. It was requested that Donna get other options.

There were three items of new business.

1. We received a quote to bury the Ameren line in front of the Argenta entryway in anticipation of the new entryway that will be built. A motion was made by Trudy to accept the bid from Doyle Klepzig in the amount of $7,689.20 with the funds to be taken from the Building and Maintenance Fund. Linda seconded the motion. After a roll call vote, the motion passed with all ayes.

2. The Freedom of Information Act Policy update was tabled until the next board meeting.

3. FY2022 Public Per Capita requirements – Serving Our Public 4.0 – Chapters 1-4. The board reviewed the Core standards and the checklist for each chapter. After discussion, it was noted that for these particular chapters AOPLD meets the standards very well.

Miscellaneous –

Donna mentioned that we will be holding a book sale starting the week of October 18th in Oreana. There are no set prices; it is by donation only.

John asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trudy moved to adjourn the meeting. Jackie seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes. John adjourned the meeting at 6:26 PM.

The next board meeting will be on October 25, 2021, at 4:30 PM at Argenta.
