
Macon Reporter

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Argenta-Oreana Public Library District Board met January 31

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Argenta-Oreana Public Library District Board met January 31.

Here is the agenda as provided by the board:

Call to Order

Approval of December 6, 2021 Minutes

Correspondence, communications, and public comments


       October 2021 Financial Reports

       October 2021 Treasurer’s Report

       November 2021 Bills

       November 2021 Financial Reports

       November 2021 Treasurer’s Report

       December 2021 Bills

       December 2021 Financial Reports

       December 2021 Treasurer’s Report

Director’s Report

Old Business

       Update on the Entryway

New Business

       Review of closed minutes

       Statement of Economic Interests

       Correction – Personnel Policy

       IPI Wealth Management - Proposal

       Debit/Credit cards – Staff Recommendation – Vote


Next Board Meeting – Monday, March 28, 2022 at 4:30 pm at Oreana
