
Macon Reporter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Argenta-Oreana Public Library District Board met Jan. 31

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Argenta-Oreana Public Library District Board met Jan. 31.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 4:31 PM, by Vice President Jackie Goeppinger. Library Board members present were Linda Albert, Trudy Smith, Matt Honnold, Aaron Klepzig and Barbara Light. Also, in attendance were Donna Schaal, Library Director and Tina Coates, Assistant Library Director.

Correspondence, communications, and public comments – There was no correspondence or public comment. There were no members of the public present.

The Board reviewed the minutes from the December 6th meeting. Matt moved to approve the minutes as presented. Linda seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes.

The board reviewed the October Financial reports and the October Treasurer’s report.

The board reviewed the November bills. Matt asked about a debit to Hit Trophy. Donna explained that this was for a clock to recognize Kristy for 20 years of service. Matt asked about check number 11103 to Doyle Klepzig. Donna explained that this was to bury an Ameren electric line. The board reviewed the November Financial reports and the November Treasurer’s report.

The board reviewed the December bills. Linda asked about a payment to Zoom. Donna explained that this is the fee that the library pays to use the Zoom service for online meetings. Matt asked about a debit to McAlister’s. Donna said that this was for the staff luncheon. Matt asked about check number 11132 to Nelsons Termite and Pest Control. Donna reported that this is the annual fee for both locations. Jackie asked about check number 11142 to Michael Frederick. Donna explained that this was to purchase books from a local author. The board reviewed the December Financials and December Treasurer’s report.

Linda moved to approve the October Financials and Treasurer’s report; the November bills, Financials and Treasurer’s report; the December bills, Financials and Treasurer’s report as presented. Trudy seconded the motion. After a roll call vote, the motion passed with all ayes.

Donna presented the Director’s Report. Donna reviewed the circulation numbers for December. Donna pointed out the circulation is down. She reports that other libraries are experiencing the same drop in circulation. The library received the 6th and 7th Macon County levy installments. The library received donations from John and Dorothy White, multiple donations as a memorial for Cookie Dierker and an anonymous donation. Donna reported on several maintenance items for both locations. The tables purchased with the grant have arrived and have been assembled. Book club was held with 11 people attending in December and 6 people in January. 30 Halloween and 34 Thanksgiving craft bags were given out. Donna attended several meetings.

Old Business – Donna gave an update on the Argenta Entry Project.

New Business -

There was 5 items of new business.

1. Review of Closed Minutes – Barbara reported that the closed minutes had been reviewed and all pertained to personnel matters. These minutes remain closed.

2. Statement of Economic Interest – This item was tabled. The statements need to be completed in May.

3. Correction – Personnel Policy -The holidays portion of the policy was amended to delete Good Friday (as the library is no longer open on Fridays) and to change Thanksgiving weekend to Saturday. The Sick Leave policy was updated to properly reflect the method for accruing hours. Trudy moved to accept the changes as presented. Barbara seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes.

4. IPI Wealth Management -Proposal – Donna presented a proposal to improve investment of library funds. The proposal was prepared by Chris Hammann from Investment Planners. The board will discuss this more fully at the March meeting.

5. Debit/Credit Cards – Staff Recommendation – The staff has requested that the library begin to accept debit/credit cards for library transactions. The board discussed the proposal.

Miscellaneous Business-there was no Miscellaneous Business

AOPLD Minutes

Jackie asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Aaron moved to adjourn the meeting. Linda seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes. Jackie adjourned the meeting at 6:02 PM.

The next board meeting will be on Monday March 28, 2022, at 4:30 at Oreana.
