Barclay Public Library District Board of Trustees met March 2.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
President Jean Munson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Kay Mason, Katherine Brodbeck, Pam McMIllen, Laura Philips, Michelle Sawicki (Director)
There were no remarks from the public.
∙ Motion by Katherine, second by Laura to approve payment of the February bills. All aye
∙ Because some bills are now paid online, we will need a way to see both the checks and online bills each month.
TREASURER’S REPORT: filed for audit
SECRETARY’S MINUTES: Motion by Pam, second by Katherine to approve the minutes of the February meeting.
∙ The new circulation desk has arrived and Jean’s husband will dismantle the old one.
∙ Synchrony Bank will no longer be our business line of credit through Amazon. It is unknown at this point who the new bank will be.
∙ Michelle met with Sikich Accounting on March 18 but they have not yet sent a quote.
∙ Debbie Craig will retire on March 24. No one will be hired as a replacement at this point.
∙ Michelle will attend the Public Library Association conference virtually on March 23-25.
∙ The board toured the library to see the new children’s area and circulation desk, and discussed long- and short-term ideas for using the space.
∙ The board reviewed the February financial report.
∙ Motion by Laura, second by Katherine to approve the Strategic Planning Survey. All aye
∙ Motion by Laura, second by Kay to use the money budgeted ($3900) for cabinets in the kitchen and Michelle’s office for a fiction books display near the circulation desk. Roll call vote: 5-0 in favor
∙ Motion by Laura, second by Kay to remove the second (non-loadbearing) column when the old circulation desk is taken out.
∙ The Circulation and Services Policy was tabled until April.
∙ Motion by Katherine, second by Pam to approve the Victim’s Economic Security and Safety Act (Vessa). All aye
Person of the Month: Debbie Craig was selected in honor of her 23 years of service to the library as an employee.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.