
Macon Reporter

Saturday, September 21, 2024

South Macon Public Library Board met April 4

Board room formal(1000)

South Macon Public Library Board met April 4.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 5:32 by President Debbie Herbert.  Those trustees attending were Anna Jesse, Linda Wiles, Donna Hayes, Salli Pritts and Debbie Herbert. Also attending was librarian Lori Nixon.  Trustees Susan Strahle and Tami Long were absent.

The minutes and financial report for January were approved as written.

Circulation for January- 452, and computer usage- 35.  It was noted that the computers are starting to be used again after being shut down during the pandemic.

A review of the Standards for Illinois Public Libraries is on going.  We read over and discussed Chapter 3 –  Personnel and Chapter 4 – Access.  This review will continue at the next meeting with Chapter 5 – Building Infrastructure and Maintenance and Chapter  6- Safety.

A grant update was given.  The new equipment is coming in and being installed as it can.  A new internet service will be needed to support our new network and the cost was discussed.  With the cost double what it was, an E-rate grant will be explored.

Ladies night with Next of Kiln is Feb 23rd and another is planned for March 30 with Just Paint It with Bev Durham.  Bev will also be doing a kids night to paint.  Local authors will be showcased in the coming weeks for both adults and children.

Memorial donations for Doug Sommer will be used according to family’s request for children’s and gardening books. Some of those will go home with kids during summer reading.

An update was given on staff activities with the Senior group, setting up Senior webpage, bookworm, summer reading and valentines week.  They are busy trying to get people in here.

After all was said and done, Anna Jesse motioned to adjourn with Donna Hayes seconding .  All voted yes!
