
Macon Reporter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Argenta-Oreana Public Library District Board met March 28

Argenta-Oreana Public Library District Board met March 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 4:30 PM, by President John White. Library Board members present were Jackie Goeppinger, Linda Albert, Trudy Smith and Barbara Light. Also, in attendance were Donna Schaal, Library Director and Tina Coates, Assistant Library Director.

Correspondence, communications, and public comments – There was no correspondence or public comment. There were no members of the public present.

The Board reviewed the minutes from the January 31st meeting. It was noted that Jackie adjourned the meeting as John was absent. Trudy moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Linda seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes.

The board reviewed the January Bills, Financial report, and Treasurer’s report. John asked about check number 11162 to Forsyth Public Library. Donna explained that it was for a lost book. Donna noted that paycheck number 11169 to her was for underpayment in the previous month. The board reviewed the February bills. Linda asked about check number 11172 to Demco. Donna said that this was for the new tables. Jackie asked about check number 11177 to Thelma Bell. Donna explained that this was to purchase a book by a local author. Linda asked about check number 11190 to Atlas Lock. Donna said that this was to replace the lock on the back door at Argenta. Donna asked that the February Financial report and Treasurer’s report be tabled until next month. Linda moved to approve the January bills, Financials and Treasurer’s report and the February bills as presented. Trudy seconded the motion. After a roll call vote, the motion passed with all ayes.

Donna presented the Director’s Report. Donna reviewed the circulation numbers for January and February. Donna noted that the circulation is still down. She reports that other libraries are experiencing the same drop in circulation. She reported that the library continues to receive memorials in the name of Cooke Dierker in the amount of $960.00. The paperwork for the grant to pay for the new tables has been submitted to the State. The library has received 2 bills from Interior Specialty for work done at Argenta. All signage regarding mask protocol has been removed from the buildings. As of March 22, the Book Sale has received over $400.00 in donations. The library continues to provide passive programing in the form of “take home” projects. Planning is complete for the Summer Reading Program. The theme this year is “Read Beyond the Beaten Path”. Donna attended several meetings.

Old Business –

1. Update on the entryway at Argenta – the project is progressing. Still needing to be completed are the floor, HVAC system and alarm system. At this time, there is no estimated date of completion for the project.

2. Statement of Economic Interest – Donna contacted our attorney about the wording in the revised Statement of Economic Interest. She also contacted our local State Representative. He provided a more detailed description of the statement requirements and provided definitions for the terms in the statement.

3. IPI Wealth Management –At this time using this type of investment is not an option for library funds.

New Business -

There was 1 item of new business.

1. Debit/Credit Card Policy – The board reviewed the proposed policy that will allow the library to accept debit/credit cards to pay library bills, fines, fees, and donations. The library will use the Square software to implement this change. The board discussed the portion of the policy that addressed the addition of processing fees for debit/credit card transactions. The board decided that this was not necessary. That paragraph will be deleted from the written policy. Trudy moved to accept the policy as modified. Jackie seconded the motion. The motion pass with all ayes.

Miscellaneous Business- Donna reminded the board that the PC’s for People recycling event will take place at the Oreana Elementary School from 10 AM to 2 PM on April 23.

John asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trudy moved to adjourn the meeting. Jackie seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes. John adjourned the meeting at 6:02 PM.
