Warrensburg-Latham Community Unit School District 11 Board met June 22.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Executive Session (6:30 PM)
IV. 2022 Amended Budget Hearing-7:00 PM
A. Convene Hearing
B. Budget Review
C. Public Comment
D. Adjourn Hearing
V. Public Recognition (immediately after budget hearing)
Consent Agenda (Action items)
A. Action on open and executive session minutes from May 25, 2022. Destruction of executive session recordings from December 16, 2020 by law.
VI. Approval of bills (Action item)
VII. Old Business
A. Monthly Financial Update (Informational)
B. Budget Adoption (Action item)
VIII. New Business
A. Personnel (Action item)
B. Approval of WL Restraint/Time Out/Isolated Time Out (RTO) Reduction Plan (Action item)
C. Approval of Boys’ and Girls’ Tennis Cooperative (Action item)
D. Approval of Officials Pay (Action item)
E. FOIA Review (Informational)
F. Executive Session Minute Review (Action item)
G. Administration
1. Reports
H. Board
IX. Adjourn (Action item)