
Macon Reporter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Argenta-Oreana Public Library District Board met May 23

Argenta-Oreana Public Library District Board met May 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 4:34 PM, by Vice President Jackie Goeppinger. Library Board members present were Aaron Klepzig, Trudy Smith, and Barbara Light. Also, in attendance were Donna Schaal, Library Director and Tina Coates, Assistant Library Director.

Correspondence, communications, and public comments – There was no correspondence or public comment. There were no members of the public present.

The Board reviewed the minutes from the April 25th meeting. It was noted that there was an error in the motion to approve the Debit/credit card policy. The error will be corrected. Trudy moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Aaron seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes.

All the April bills and financials will be tabled until the June meeting. The early meeting date (because of the Memorial Day holiday) did not allow time for the financials to be completed.

Donna presented the Director’s Report. Donna reviewed the circulation numbers for April. Donna noted that the circulation is still down. She noted that part of the decrease at the Argenta location is because of the ongoing construction. Donna reported that the final total for the book sale is $1,158.29. Donna reported that the Square terminals that allow the use of debit/credit cards have been installed and are in use. The library received the Betz

Holmes Trust money. The sidewalk has been replaced at Argenta. Donna noted that the family that donated the tree last year would like to add a bench this year. Because of a change in Google Business’s policy, the library is switching to a Microsoft version of Google Business for online forms, calendars, and other forms. This change will give the library a new email address. She is transitioning to the new address. The book club attendance was 11 people. Donna attended several meetings.

Old Business –

1. Update on the entryway at Argenta – the project is progressing. The front door is now open, and the locks have been rekeyed. The entryway roof is still unfinished. There have been numerous problems with the key system and the dawn to dusk lighting.

New Business -

There were 4 items of new business.

1. Director evaluation and compensation for FY2022. Trudy made a motion to move into closed session citing Open Meetings Act Exception 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1) – personnel. Aaron seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes. The board moved into closed session at 4:54 PM. The board returned from closed session at 5:14 PM. Aaron moved to approve the package for Director’s compensation FY 2023 as discussed in closed session. Trudy seconded the motion. After a roll call vote, the motion passed with all ayes.

2. Non-Resident Fee Policy for FY2023. The board reviewed the amended non-Resident Fee Policy for FY2023. Aaron moved to approve the policy as presented. Barbara seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes.

3. Set date for FY2023 Budget and Appropriations Ordinance 23-02 hearing. The board set the date for the FY2023 Budget and Appropriations Ordinance 23-02 hearing as July 25, 2022, at 4:15 PM at the Argenta location. 4. FY2023 Budget and Appropriations Ordinance 23-02. The board reviewed the tentative FY2023 Budget and Appropriations Ordinance 23-03.

Miscellaneous Business- None

Jackie asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Aaron moved to adjourn the meeting. Trudy seconded the motion. The motion passed with all ayes. Jackie adjourned the meeting at 5:45 PM.

The next board meeting will be on Monday June 27, 2022, at 4:30 at Oreana.
