
Macon Reporter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Maroa Public Library District Board met July 18

Maroa Public Library District Board met July 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order: Meeting called to order by vice president, Amber Scott, at 6:30pm.

2. Roll Call: Board members present were Amber Scott, Mason Ricketts, Tony Norton, and Audra Newton. Staff present included Sara Gentle. Board members missing were Angela Foulke and Lindsey Hanes. 

3. Board President Remarks: Amber Scott welcomed everyone to the July meeting.

4. Recognition of Visitors, Delegations, etc: No visitors present.

5. Public Comment Period: No public comments given.

Consent Agenda

6. June 20, 2022 Meeting Minutes: Reviewed.

7. Director’s Report & Calendar: Highlights shared by Sara Gentle included

a. A successful summer reading program ended this past Thursday with 92 participants. Check-ins went well, all four weeks. Most all program sign-ups were completely filled with programs well attended.

b. Freedom Festival Bingo raised $460 with a crowd of over 50.

c. Three of the 4 security cameras were received by Bodine. They still expect to install before the end of July. The final record retention approval step is expected to be complete any day.

d. The backyard patio concrete project should begin a month early, sometime in August. 

e. Ongoing summer programs will continue to include Power Hours for preschool through 2nd grade, preschool story time, and teen PG13 movies. Adult programs include exercise, Wits workout, sewing, and book club.

8. Accountant & Treasurer’s Reports for June 2022: No reports presented as the annual cold audit process takes a bit longer.

9. List of Paid Bills for June 2022: Bills included in the packet. Sara promised to make the list of bills larger and easier to read, in future months.

Committee Reports: No committee reports presented.

10. Personnel

11. Material Selection & Circulation

12. Building & Grounds

13. Finance Policy

14. Financial Development

New Business

1. Building Maintenance Tax Ordinance: The library will levy a tax of .02% of the value of all taxable property within the District for building and maintenance purposes.

2. Personnel Policy: Two revisions made to the existing policy included (1) increasing the time off for blood donation from 1 to 2 hours, and (2) including a section on the 3% matching Self Employed Pension program that the library has offered in the past.

3. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund: Levied funds used for Insurance & Liability may also be used for IMRF. Sara Gentle proposed that the library pay for an actuarial study to investigate the feasibility of reallocating future funds in a library retirement fund.

Old Business

1. Biannual Closed Minute Review: Closed minutes reviewed.

2. Board Vacancies/Elections: Audra Newton agreed to serve as the library board treasurer. Tony Norton agreed to serve as the library board secretary.

3. Approval, Consent Agenda: Mason Rickets made the motion to approve the consent agenda. Motion seconded by Tony Norton.

4. Approval, Building Maintenance Tax Ordinance: Tony Norton made a motion to approve the tax ordinance. Audra Newton seconded.

4. Approval, Personnel Policy Revision: Motion to approve the revised Personnel Policy (Revision 9) that included the changes for blood donation time off to 2 hours and an addition defining the 3% SEP match made by Audra Newton. Seconded by Mason Rickets.

5. Approval, IMRF Actuarial Study: Motion to approve the $689 actuarial study made by Tony Norton. Seconded by Amber Scott.

6. Approval, Board Officer Appointments: Mason Rickets made the motion to appoint Audra Newton as the new library board treasurer, adding her name to (and removing Carrie Russell from) all Scott State Bank accounts, and to appoint Tony Norton as the new library board secretary. Amber Scott seconded the motion.

7. Approval, Opening of Closed Minutes: No motions made.

8. August 15, 2022, 6:30pm Meeting Agenda Suggestions

a. Budget Hearing

b. Budget & Appropriations Ordinance

9. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 6:59PM.
