
Macon Reporter

Saturday, September 21, 2024

South Macon Public Library District Board met Sept. 13

South Macon Public Library District Board met Sept. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

President Debbie Herbert called the meeting to order at 5:30. Trustees in attendance included Ann Jesse, Tami Long, Susan Strahle, Linda Wiles, Salli Pritts and Donna Hayes. Librarians Lori Nixon and Vicki Carr were in attendance.

The minutes of the July 12th, 2022 meeting were read and approved. There was no August meeting due to lack of Quorum.

July and August financial reports were discussed and approved. We need to keep an eye on conferences and memberships as we may need to adjust the current budget figure to a higher amount with the next budget.

Vicki reported July circulation figures cko: 545 and computer 13. August 541 cko and computer 12. Vicki read several thank you cards received from the summer reading program children along with a thank you from the library staff for their “Christmas in July” bonus.

Grant update: We received our fourth quarter payment of $4,133.42. We have $68.0 remaining to request. The final report is due October15th, 2022. We also wrote for a Grant from the Illinois Emergency Relief Grant. It is for General Operating Support for the State of Illinois Humanities for $5000 which was approved. It was written for staff wages. Vicki sited the fact that Decatur has annexed a large portion of our property therefore our tax dollars have been reduced. The funds will be deposited directly into our checking account. Vicki will have to do an end of the year report which will include programs such as Ladies Night, Christmas craft for the kinds, Library Open House, time and hours spent for the summer reading program, along with other activities that the Library does that is extra. Because of the Grant the Library is able to have these extra activities due to the grant. We want to show that their dollars are in action and going towards library services . The Per Capita Grant check was received for $322.30.

Ladies Night is scheduled for October 12th 2022. with Next of Kiln. November 2nd, 2022 is scheduled with Next of Kiln for the children to do a Christmas ornament (the library will be paying for this activity, so free to the kiddos). November 9th, 2022 will be Craft Night with Debbie Herbert. The plan is to do wind chimes with wine bottles. Debbie will be bringing all the supplies needed. Barn quilt squares are planned after the first of the year.

The Library has a budget hearing and approval. This is the budget meeting public notice. This is basic, what we put in every year. The board went over figures in detail along with a discussion. A motion was made to accept the budget by Donna Hayes, 2nd by Linda Wiles. A voice roll call was taken with Debbie Herbert yes, Anna Jesse yes, Tami Long yes, Susan Strahle yes, Linda Wiles yes, Donna Hayes yes, Salli Prits yes.

Ordinance of Levying property tax discussed. The levy allows us to receive the money. That is Ordinance 22-03. Goes from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. The board went over the Ordinance in detail along with a discussion. A motion was made to accept the Ordinance by by Salli Pritts, 2nd by Anna Jesse. A voice roll call was taken with Debbie Herbert yes, Anna Jesse yes, Tami Long yes, Susan Strahle yes, Linda Wiles yes, Donna Hayes yes, Salli Pritts yes.

Annual report (IPLAR) completed and submitted July, 2022 per Vicki. Discussed getting security cameras. We have updated and upgraded all the computers so that now we can have security. A quote was given of $779.97 by Jason, our IT employee. This would be for 2 cameras outside and 1 in foyer. Vicki is going to ask Jason if there is some sort of panic button that we can add to our security system as well. A motion was made to accept by Susan Strahle, 2nd by Anna Jesse. All in favor, yes.

Summer reading is over. Very successful with 53 children.

Vicki will be participating in a Grant writing class for books August 10th, 2022. She plans to partner with the high school librarian and concentrate on the youth. Lori and Vicki are signed up for Member’s Day November 1, 2022 via zoom which is a training class for Library staff throughout the day.

Elections are coming up for Debbie, Susan and Donna. Petitions can be circulated September 20th, 2022. Vicki will get the packets ready and put a notion in the newspaper.

Standards for Illinois Public Libraries reviewed. We went over Chapter 11 which is Youth/Young Adult Services and Chapter 12 which is technology. Our focus will be to build the your program. Appointed Anna Jesse to be the touchstone person in charge if there are any questions regarding technology and plan of action moving forward along with Jason. Vicki and Anna will get together to get a plan. By next meeting we are to read Chapter 13.

The benches for the library will be arriving next week. We have to thank the Seniors at the Senior Center as they collected all the plastic lids that have been paying for the benches. Lori gave a donation for the remainder of the funds needed as a Memorial for her Mother.
