
Macon Reporter

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Village of Bethany Board of Trustee met Oct. 13

Village of Bethany Board of Trustee met Oct. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The regular board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Jon Book. The following Trustees were present; Dave Doty, Mike Jennings, Greg McLain, Raven Allen and Brian Gill. Jeannie Ruppert will arrive late.

A motion was made by Trustee Doty to approve the minutes from the September 8, 2022, regular meeting, seconded by Trustee McLain. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.

A motion was made by Trustee Doty to approve the “Statement of Income and Expenses”, seconded by Trustee McLain. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.

A motion was made by Trustee Gill to approve the “Banks and Checks Journal”, seconded by Trustee Doty. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.

Trustee Ruppert arrived at 7:20 pm

Public – Rob Roy pastor at the First UM Church. Presented a proposal to refurbish one house a year here in town. They would like to choose someone by the end of the year. This is from the church and BASO. Trustee McLain asked how this person would be chosen. People who are interested would need to sign up to be considered.

Greg Gustafson Water Improvement Project Update - Pay request #2 from L & T Painting has been received. Only one item left on the punch list. Mr. Gustafson suggests not holding payment back for this one item. It will be taken care of at the one-year check. $45,880.00 is the final amount due. Trustee McLain made a motion to approve this final payment to L&T Contractors for the amount listed above, seconded by Trustee Allen. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried. Mr. Gustafson asked about the amount for storing the hydro tanks. The Park Dist. has not returned any amount owed at this time. Trustee Allen will contact the Park Dist. again. RD had questions that had been resolved at this time. Water treatment detention tank and Electrical bid are under final review and will be out for bid very shortly. Water Main project is finishing up and will be out to EPA for permits very soon and then will go out for bids. With the water tower project, the voting is still open and will close tomorrow at 5:00 pm.

Speed Limit Signs/Amend MFT Allocations - will wait on this until Officer Nichols arrives. Officer Nichols has quotes for the Board to look at. The quotes have been lowered, and the rep for this company is local. The WN Water would be an 11-inch sign with a message at the bottom, and the other ones would be 12 inches. The total for these signs would be $8466. The school has been asked to help with the cost of these. Trustee McLain asked and if these are permanently fixed, TIF funds could be used for these. We did receive a check from Illinois for MFT. Engineer Matt Foster said this money could be used for this, all that is needed is to amend the MFT allocations to include this money and the cost of the signs. A motion was made by Trustee Allen to purchase 3 solar panel Evolution speed safety signs from Traffic Logix for a total of $8466 to be paid from the TIF fund, seconded by Trustee Ruppert. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.

iWorQ Systems Agreement - tabled until more info has been received.

Demolition of Houses - Quotes have been given out to the Trustees. We have secured demo orders for 101 E. Oak and 219 S. St. John. Wallace Excavating quote was for a total of $21,000. Punch Martin quote was for a total of $37,120. A motion was made by Trustee McLain to accept the proposal from Wallace Excavation for a total of $21,000, seconded by Trustee Doty. Roll call taken: Doty-yes; Jennings-abstain (conflict of interest); McLain-yes; Allen-yes; Gill-yes; motion carried.

Aflac Vision/Dental Insurance - Treasurer Jessica Henderson is still working with others on this.

Archiving Facebook Software (FOIA) - This was brought up last month. Attorney Jack Kiley found info on this. Short answer to this is it just depends. If you consider this correspondence it does need to be archived, a type of communications.

High Peaks TIF Agreement - This business is now being sold. Trustee Gill was wondering if their contract agreement time is up and if not, what needs to be done with this. This information needs to be researched.

Garbage Service - GFL has requested a five (5) year contract for the Village Hall. There have been issues with pick up, they have forgotten to service us for three weeks. They have also tried to double bill us and Treasurer Jessica Henderson has fixed this problem each time. She has contacted Doty Sanitation and Waste Management. Doty has a 2yrd dumpster for $95 a month. Waste Management is $113 for a 2yrd dumpster. Our current cost for GFL is $50 a month. The Board suggested asking for a one-year contract or stick with the monthly service.

IMRF Resolution for Supplemental Insurance - This year the Village was audited by IMRF for the past three years. Treasurer Henderson gave the Board a list of the findings. We have two employees that have AFLAC insurance taken out of their pay. We are required to pass a resolution to approve these deductions and not report the wages. This is for wage reporting purposes. A motion was made by Trustee Allen to approve Resolution #22-502, seconded by Trustee Doty. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.

1% Certification Raise for Officer Winans - This will be discussed during Executive Session

Reports – Manager Shannon Risley and Chief Nichols.

Correspondence – None

Committee Meeting Dates - Police - 10/25 @ 6:30 pm


Trustee Allen made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel, litigation, and property acquisition seconded by Trustee Ruppert. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.

Trustee McLain made a motion to enter back into Open Session, seconded by Trustee Ruppert. Voice vote taken, all ayes, motion carried.

A motion was made by Trustee McLain to increase Officer Winans pay to the agreed upon $21/hour after the probation period, then to add a 1% increase to that for receiving his full time certification, $21.21, seconded by Trustee Doty. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.

A motion was made by Trustee Jennings to increase Chief Nichols pay from $28.84 to $29.13; 1% certification; contingent upon completion of his Law Enforcement Medical Instructor Certification, seconded by Trustee Ruppert. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.

With no other business to discuss a motion to adjourn was made by Trustee McLain and seconded by Trustee Allen. Voice vote taken, all ayes, motion carried. Meeting was adjourned.
