
Macon Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Sullivan City Council met Dec. 12

City of Sullivan City Council met Dec. 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. The City Council of the City of Sullivan, Illinois, met in regular session on Monday, December 12, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at the Elizabeth Titus Memorial Library, 2 W. Water Street, Sullivan. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Richard Glazebrook. A roll call was taken.

Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - present

Commissioner Mike Fowler - present

Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - present

Commissioner Doug Booker - absent

Mayor Richard Glazebrook - present

2. A public hearing for Ordinance 22-21 - An Ordinance for Levy & Assessment of Taxes for the Fiscal Year beginning May 1, 2022 and ending April 30, 2023 for the City of Sullivan, County of Moultrie, Illinois was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Treasurer Sarah Golden presented the last reading of the proposed levy of $1,204,613.00. The levy significantly increased from the previous year due to the expiration of TIF I. This resulted in additional EAV that the taxing bodies can levy against. The rate proposed by the City is down from last year and is no higher than it was ten years ago. Ms. Golden noted that the increase does not mean that tax bills will increase next year.

Sam Black asked if the City could offset this by filing for additional TIF districts in the future. Mayor Glazebrook explained that the other taxing bodies must be on board and they aren't in favor of it at this time.

There were no comments from the Council.

A motion was made by Commissioner Sherwood and seconded by Commissioner Woodworth to adjourn the public hearing at 6:05 p.m. Upon a roll being taken, the results were as follows:

Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - yea

Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - yea

Commissioner Mike Fowler - yea

Commissioner Doug Booker - absent

Mayor Richard Glazebrook - yea

and the motion was declared carried

3. Linda Huber and Danielle Finn from Loman-Ray Insurance Group were present to answer questions about the employee health insurance renewal options. Commissioner Sherwood proposed that the City choose option #3 due to the better coverage it offers. Ms. Finn explained that option #3 would offer an unlimited network to the employees, but would cost $20,000 more monthly than option #1. Adding that those that need the broader network should be offered the option to buy- up. The City can offer two different options, one with a broader network and one with a tighter network. Providing options will help control costs. Ms. Finn suggested offering option #1 as the standard plan because of the savings it provides. She is concerned with future increases to the City's premiums if they choose to go with the more expensive option. If a buy-up option is offered, employees will be able to lock into the plan of their choice during open enrollment, dependents will be enrolled in the same plan as the employee. St. Mary's Hospital, Decatur Memorial Hospital and HSHS are all in-network with option #1. Carle Hospital is also in-network, but some primary care physicians and specialists may not be. Ms. Finn can work with employees to see if their physicians are in-network. Mayo Clinic is out-of-network with option #1, employees that need services through Mayo should elect option #3. Ms. Huber explained that the City can keep costs down if healthy employees choose to go with option #1.

4. Lee Beckman gave an update on the status of grants and City projects.

• The grant for the Main Street Water Main Replacement has made no progress in the last thirty days. The NOSAF was completed and submitted to DCEO and it will be approximately two to three months before the City receives a NOSA. Once the NOSA is accepted a grant agreement will be issued. Mr. Beckman estimates bidding in the first or second quarter of 2023. Commissioner Woodworth would like to complete this project while school is out for the summer.

• The ITEP grant was submitted in September 2022.

• The Water Plant Improvements are going well. There was an issue with the delivery of the lime silo and the contractor is working on finding a different vendor.

• The Bernius project was sent to IDOT for review and approval. There is a hold up with the environmental portion from IDOT. Mr. Beckman is hopeful that the project will be bid in the first quarter of 2023.

• A bid opening was held for the Rebuild Illinois Project for the Alleys. Two bids were received and came in over budget. Mr. Beckman has been told that concrete will go up $10 a yard on January 1, 2023 and another $10 per yard on May 1, 2023. There are some proposed options that could reduce the overall cost of the project. If the City wishes to move forward with the project the bid can be awarded at the next meeting.

• The planning portion of the Unsewered Grant was completed and the NOFO was submitted. Milano & Grunloh submitted one hundred percent of the construction and anticipate hearing something in the first quarter of 2023.

• The bid for the Safe Routes to School project should be held early 2023.

• The Eastview lift station will be replaced next year. ARPA funds will be used for that project.

• PARC funding is available, but the NOFO hasn't been published at this time. This grant can be used for brick and mortar buildings.

• In 2023/2024, IDOT will be installing new overlays at all intersections on Route 32 and making all intersections ADA compliant. Milano and Grunloh has talked to IDOT about widening the turning radiuses at Water Street and Eden Streets. IDOT says they will evaluate those intersections.

5. Hope Wheeler from CliftonLarsonAllen LLP presented a review of the City's fiscal audit for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2022. This was the firms first year working with the City. Ms. Wheeler explained how they review the City's financial processes and procedures. The City was issued an unmodified opinion on its financial statements. Overall the financial statements were fairly presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The City also received unmodified opinions for the government auditing standards report and TIF compliance. Ms. Wheeler reported that they did not have any difficulties or disagreements with management during the auditing process. They did assist with adjusting entries on a few items, these were one-time items that aren't likely to occur again. Treasurer Golden has asked the firm if they can provide training on these items so she can review and prepare it in the future. A second finding was issued relating to internal controls and reconciliations. Ms. Wheeler was impressed with the level of detail and the internal control processes that the City has in place and are following. She didn't think that inventory counts had been done by the previous auditors. There were some errors in the wiring counts, those were corrected and adjustments were made. Reviews of the bank reconciliation didn't occur during a transition period during the year, but were back in place by the end of the year. She suggested a review of journal entries and documentation of those reviews. The annual financial report was submitted to the Illinois Comptrollers office.

6. Mayor Glazebrook asked if there were any comments from the public.

Nancy Barker asked why the urns from the Titus Home aren't being utilized somewhere in the City. She then asked if the Council was going to continue waiving bidding on items being purchased or if this would eventually stop.

Bob Ingram asked if printers were included in the agreement with QNS, why the transformers weren't being bid and pointed out that the purchase agreement with Jacksons listed an individual as the purchaser rather than the City of Sullivan.

Cheryl Coddington from Sullivan Fast Stop addressed the Council on the moratorium on liquor licenses. FS is still interested in becoming a gambling location and would like to have sell and serve at their Hamilton Street location. Ms. Coddington added that this could bring additional tax revenue to the City and would allow them to be more active in the community.

Mayor Glazebrook read a letter from Jan Smith. Ms. Smith lives across from the grain elevator and has concerns about the noise that comes from the dryers running at night.

7. Mayor Glazebrook read the items in the consent agenda:

• Approval of minutes of regular meeting held November 28, 2022

• Approval of claims except those in TIF funds and the deposit refund for Kathy Woodworth

• Appoint Jef Liddiard to the Planning Commissioner for a term ending April 30, 2026

• Approval of Resolution 22-R - A resolution regarding the release of Executive Session Minutes

• Approval of Pay Estimate #5 for $388,502.50 to Grunloh Construction Inc. for the Water Treatment Plant Project

• Approval of Pay Estimate #1 for $323,247.00 to All Service for the Water Treatment Plant Project

• Approval of Pay Estimate #5 for $555,555,67 to Grunloh Building for the Water Treatment Plant Project

A motion was made by Commissioner Sherwood and seconded by Commissioner Woodworth to approve the consent agenda. Upon a roll call being taken the results were as follows:

Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - yea

Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - yea

Commissioner Mike Fowler - yea

Commissioner Doug Booker - absent

Mayor Richard Glazebrook - yea

and the motion was declared carried by omnibus vote.

8. A motion was made by Commissioner Sherwood and seconded by Commissioner Woodworth to accept the TIF claims. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:

Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - yea

Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - yea

Commissioner Mike Fowler - abstain

Commissioner Doug Booker - absent

Mayor Richard Glazebrook - yea

and the motion was declared carried

9. A motion was made by Commissioner Sherwood and seconded by Commissioner Fowler to approve the deposit refund for Kathy Woodworth. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:

Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - yea

Commissioner Mike Fowler - yea

Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - abstain

Commissioner Doug Booker - absent

Mayor Richard Glazebrook - yea

and the motion was declared carried

10. Commissioner Sherwood reported that the Park Department has been cleaning the shop, fixing Christmas lights, prepping for winter and getting the mowers cleaned and put away.

The Civic Center will have public swim from 1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m. daily over Christmas break. Swim lessons are still available for December, January lessons will be available soon. Locker rentals fees for 2023 are due January 1st.

The City has partnered with the Giving Place on Facebook and is hosting a Christmas toy, clothing and book drive. These items will go to local children ages birth through high school.

11. Commissioner Fowler worked with the City Attorney on an amendment to the Memorandum of Agreement between Agri-Fab and the City. He attended a meeting with two engineers from BHMG where they discussed the design phase that was developed for the Electric Department twenty years ago. Construction stopped at some point and the City is now in need of breaker space. To obtain more breaker space, a new substation will need to be built. The engineers from BHMG will prepare a one, five and ten year plan for the City. This plan will include the industrial park, and extending the Agri-Fab road towards Hydro-Gear.

12. Commissioner Woodworth reported that the Distribution Crew has been busy getting the Sewer Plant and equipment ready for the winter, located and repaired a leak at the Street Department and have been busy with odd jobs. They also helped Rural Water with a leak on Route 32 south of the Water Plant

The claricones for the new Water Plant have been installed and the aerator is expected to be delivered on January 24th. The delivery of filter #1 is expected today. The second filter has been installed and filter #3 is expected in 2-3 weeks. There will be a change order for the lime silo. The contractor has located a silo that will be on-site before May 2023. The expected completion date for the plant is June 2023, the plant should be on-line and producing water at that time.

13. Commissioner Booker was absent. Mayor Glazebrook reported that the Street Department is getting equipment ready and have been working on ditches on the north and west ends of town. Brush pick-up and burning is ongoing. The department is trying to minimize this as much as possible

14. Mayor Glazebrook attended meetings in Springfield, which covered the importance of upgrades to substations due to the need for more electricity. Due to recent threats to electric systems across the country, the Police Department will be patrolling around the Water Plant, Gas Plant and Electric Plants. Mayor Glazebrook talked with BHMG about possible grants for generators, substations, and electrical infrastructure.

He thanked Kyler Lane and Davin Nolen for setting up the microphones and speakers for the meeting. A monument for cremations is being discussed for the Cemetery at an expected cost of $8,000.

Mayor Glazebrook has talked with the Sullivan Township about implementing a Memorandum of Understanding to allow sharing of equipment between the two entities. The Mayor will get with the City Attorney about drafting the document.

The Lincoln monument at the park was restored. A new cap was put in place, tuckpointing was completed and the monument was power washed.

15. A motion was made by Commissioner Sherwood and seconded by Mayor Glazebrook to approve Ordinance 22-21- An Ordinance for Levy & Assessment of Taxes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2022, and ending April 30, 2023 for the City of Sullivan, County of Moultrie, Illinois. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:

Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - yea

Mayor Richard Glazebrook - yea

Commissioner Mike Fowler - yea

Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - yea

Commissioner Doug Booker - absent

and the motion was declared carried.

16. A motion was made by Commissioner Sherwood and seconded by Mayor Glazebrook to approve $150.00 Christmas bonuses for all full-time employees. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:

Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - yea

Mayor Richard Glazebrook - yea

Commissioner Mike Fowler - yea

Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - yea

Commissioner Doug Booker absent

and the motion was declared carried.

17. A motion was made by Commissioner Sherwood and seconded by Commissioner Fowler to approve the one-year Technology Support Service Agreement with QNS for $19,440.00. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:

Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - yea

Commissioner Mike Fowler - yea

Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - yea

Commissioner Doug Booker - absent

Mayor Richard Glazebrook - yea

and the motion was declared carried.

18. Commissioner Sherwood asked HR Director Nakayla Swisher for her recommendation on the employee health insurance renewal. Ms. Swisher explained that several employees are unsatisfied with the restricted network currently offered by Health Alliance. Option #3 will eliminate those restrictions. The City had option. #3 in 2021 and there were no complaints from employees. If the employees are given two options and choose to go with the buy-up option due to medical reasons, they are more likely to have a higher monthly premium in the future.

Mayor Glazebrook stated that if we start out with a higher premium it can only go higher. He suggested going with the cheaper option and letting employees buy- up if they want the better coverage.


Commissioner Sherwood suggested going with option #1 and giving the employees the option to buy-up to option #3 with a reduced employee contribution. Commissioner Woodworth said he would go along with that option. Employee that choose this option would pay twenty percent of the increase between plan option #1 and plan option # 3. Commissioner Sherwood then suggested keeping the employee's dependent portion unchanged from the current calendar year.

19. A motion was made by Commissioner Sherwood and seconded by Commissioner Woodworth to approve BlueCross BlueShield option 1, MIBCS2010 with option 3, MIBPP2010, being an option for employees to buy up at twenty percent employee cost and leave the employee contribution amount towards the dependent portion on option 1 BlueCross BlueShield MIBCS2010 unchanged from calendar year 2022. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:

Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - yea

Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - yea

Commissioner Mike Fowler - yea

Commissioner Doug Booker - absent

Mayor Richard Glazebrook - yea

and the motion was declared carried.

20. A motion was made by Commissioner Fowler and seconded by Commissioner Sherwood to waive bidding and approve the purchase of a 225 KVA 3-Phase Padmount Transformer and a 750 kVA 3-Phase Padmount Transformer from Maddox for a total purchase price of $91,309.00.

Commissioner Fowler explained that the City no longer wants to purchase the 2000 KVA 3-Phase Padmount Transformer.

Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:

Commissioner Mike Fowler - yea

Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - yea

Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - yea

Commissioner Doug Booker absent

Mayor Richard Glazebrook - yea

and the motion was declared carried.

21.A motion was made by Commissioner Fowler and seconded by Commissioner Sherwood to approve an Amended Memorandum of Understanding between Agri-Fab and the City of Sullivan and to repeal the MOA passed on November 28, 2022.

Commissioner Fowler explained that the word new was removed and replaced with the word unused.

Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:

Commissioner Mike Fowler - yea

Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - yea

Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - yea

Commissioner Doug Booker - absent

Mayor Richard Glazebrook - yea

and the motion was declared carried.

22. A motion was made by Mayor Glazebrook and seconded by Commissioner Fowler to waive bidding and approve the purchase of a 2012 Dodge Ram 3500 Big Horn from Jackson Family of Dealerships for the Gas Department at a purchase price of $40,504.00.

The Gas Department currently has a 1990 International straight truck that serves as a welding truck. The truck has had $8,000 in repairs completed this year and still needs additional repairs. They would like to replace this truck with a 2012 3500 Dodge Ram from Jacksons. The truck will be used to pull the welder. Two quotes were received but the other truck sold prior to the meeting.

Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:

Mayor Richard Glazebrook - yea

Commissioner Mike Fowler - yea

Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - yea

Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - yea

Commissioner Doug Booker absent

and the motion was declared carried.

23. Treasurer Golden presented Meeder Public Funds recommendation for the asset allocation of City funds. $11.2 million of the Titus proceeds will be placed into municipal securities and the U.S. Treasury. Those funds will have a two and a half year maturity and will yield approximately four and a half percent, which is an estimated net annual income of $500,000. The operating funds will be set up in the same manner. These funds will have a maturity of 1.6 years and will also yield approximately four and a half percent. The estimated net annual income on these funds is $230,000. Most of the funds have been wired to U.S. Bank, no securities have been purchased at this time.

24. Mayor Glazebrook informed the Council that the building code requirement for sprinkler systems in newly built homes isn't being followed. He made a recommendation to remove the language from the building code. He asked that the Council review the information they were provided in their packets and get with him about any questions they may have.

25. A motion was made by Mayor Glazebrook and seconded by Commissioner Sherwood to accept Ordinance 22-23 - an Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement between Jacob & Klein, LTD, The Economic Development Group and the City of Sullivan. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:

Mayor Richard Glazebrook - yea

Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - yea

Commissioner Mike Fowler - yea

Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - yea

Commissioner Doug Booker absent

and the motion was declared carried.

26. A motion was made by Mayor Glazebook and seconded by Commissioner Sherwood to approve Resolution 22-R(2) - Proposed Third Amendment to Sullivan Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District IV Central Properties and Investments, LLC Redevelopment Project.

Mayor Glazebrook stated that this is for the construction of apartments. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:

Mayor Richard Glazebrook - yea

Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - yea

Commissioner Mike Fowler - yea

Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - yea

Commissioner Doug Booker - absent

and the motion was declared carried.

27. A motion was made by Mayor Glazebook and seconded by Commissioner Sherwood to approve Resolution 22-S - Proposed Third Amendment to Sullivan Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District IV Legacy Post Frame Home, LLC

Redevelopment Project.

Mayor Glazebrook explained that this is for an area that is outside of a TIF district, but intends to add it. This is for a new lumber yard along with two or three other commercial businesses.

Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:

Mayor Richard Glazebrook - yea

Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - yea

Commissioner Mike Fowler - yea

Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - yea

Commissioner Doug Booker absent

and the motion was declared carried.

28. A motion was made by Commissioner Sherwood and seconded by Commissioner Woodworth to adjourn the meeting. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:

Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - yea

Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - yea

Commissioner Mike Fowler - yea

Mayor Richard Glazebrook - yea

Commissioner Doug Booker - absent

and the motion was declared carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.



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