
Macon Reporter

Friday, September 20, 2024

DeWitt County Board Property Committee met Feb. 9

DeWitt County Board Property Committee met Feb. 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

MEMBERS PRESENT: Terry Ferguson- chair, Pat Ryan, and Dan Matthews. Also present, Kevin Kemp - Maint. Supervisor, and Dee Rentmeister - County Administrator.

MEMBERS ABSENT: Kristina Deerwester and Jamie Prestegaard


No one was present to address the committee.

Motion by Matthews, 2nd by Ryan to approve last month's minutes. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Matthews, 2nd by Ryan to approve the claims. Voice vote, motion carried. Reviewed contract for professional services with Chastain & Associates for the jail roof replacement project. Cost to assist with this project is $13,500.00. Motion by Ryan, 2nd by Matthews to recommend to the full board to contract with Chastain & Associates for assistance with the jail roof replacement project at a cost of $13,500.00. Voice vote, motion carried.

Reviewed a proposal from Cushings Commercial Carpet to replace flooring in the laundry and storage areas of the jail at a cost of $8,000.00. Motion by Ryan, 2nd by Matthews to recommend to the full board to approve the proposal from Cushings Commercial Carpet to replace the flooring in the laundry and storage areas of the jail at a cost of $8,000.00. Voice vote, motion carried. Reviewed proposal from AAK to fabricate and install bunk storage in the work release area of the jail at a cost of $1454.00. Motion by Ryan, 2nd by Matthews to approve the proposal from AAK to fabricate and install bunk storage in the jail for $1454.00. Voice vote, motion carried. Received quote to replace carpet in the main area of the zoning office from Wall to Wall Flooring in the amount of $4200.00. Motion by Ryan, 2nd by Matthews to approve the quote to replace carpet in the main area of the zoning office with tile for $4200.00. Voice vote, motion carried. Ferguson informed the committee that he received a request from Megan Myers and Kristina Deerwester for another dog run at the animal shelter. Committee asked Kevin to get prices and forward to finance.

Kevin went over project updates:

Still waiting on the UPS.

Department has been painting offices,

Motion by Ferguson, 2nd by Matthews to adjourn at 7:24 a.m. Voice vote, motion carried.


Approve last month's minutes.

Approve the claims.

Recommend to the full board to contract with Chastain & Associates for assistance with the jail roof replacement project at a cost of $13,500.00.

Recommend to the full board to approve the proposal from Cushings Commercial Carpet to replace the flooring in the laundry and storage areas of the jail at a cost of $8,000.00.

Approve the proposal from AAK to fabricate and install bunk storage in the jail for $1454.00. Approve the quote to replace carpet in the main area of the zoning office with tile for $4200.00.


Recommend to the full board to contract with Chastain & Associates for assistance with the jail roof replacement project at a cost of $13,500.00.

Recommend to the full board to approve the proposal from Cushings Commercial Carpet to replace the flooring in the laundry and storage areas of the jail at a cost of $8,000.00.
