
Macon Reporter

Monday, December 23, 2024

City of Clinton City Council met June 6

City of Clinton City Council met June 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Clinton, Illinois in session in the Council Chambers of City Hall and electronically, Tuesday, June 6, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Roger Cyrulik, presiding. On roll call, Commissioners Ballenger, Edmunds, Buchanan, and Wise were present.


Seth Redington addressed the Council and commented that at the last meeting things were turned personal saying there wasn’t an issue when the Fire Training facility was originally put there, and we knew it wouldn’t work. That it would fail, and it did, so it got moved on the same property. It was stated there wasn’t an issue when my “Father-in law” was Commissioner. I wasn’t married then so he wasn’t my Father-in-law at that time. I have questioned a lot of activities and sit back and watched how operations are done. I have asked many questions with no answers. The next meeting, I will have a list of every question of the past several years that I have asked. It is games and that is fine. I am patient. Another thing I have asked in an open meeting is should we have been notified since we were within so many feet? The City Attorney which represents the Council said he will get back to me and I have waited and that is fine he doesn’t work for me he works for the Council paid by tax dollars. There are other ways to get the answers and I will FOIA request it. Several years I have come here and asked questions with no answers. Now it is time to move to a State Agency and ask the questions there. Thank you for your time.

Written motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Buchanan that the minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 2023 be approved as submitted. On roll call vote, Commissioners Edmunds, Buchanan, Wise, Ballenger, and Mayor Cyrulik voted “Yes.”

The bills and payroll were read.

Written motion was made by Commissioner Edmunds and seconded by Commissioner Wise that the bills and payroll be allowed as read and the Clerk be instructed to issue warrants on the Treasurer for the several amounts. On roll call vote, Commissioners Buchanan, Wise, Ballenger, Edmunds, and Mayor Cyrulik voted “Yes.”




Mayor Cyrulik reported at the Council meeting on May 16th Paul Skowron was here and talked about the renovations at the Hospital and those projects have started.


Commissioner Buchanan reported the Council should have a copy of the sidewalk projects in the downtown areas. There are four different places, but the Engineers have only done three right now but in the Budget there is only $200,000 for these projects so asking the Council if there is other money we could use to get them all done. The Mayor asked what kind of engineering would have to be done? It is a sidewalk. We have taken out and put sidewalks back in we don’t need an engineer. He also stated that brush pick up people need to watch the size of the load and it is not picked up until the third Monday of each month. He just wanted to let the people know the companies doing the boring are not hired by the City. We have no say in who comes into town.

Seth Redington asked the Mayor if he could make a statement. He stated that his parents have put out some small piles of brush and it never gets picked up. The next time it will be a 4x8 pile so they can see it. We own fifteen properties.


Commissioner Wise reported the Well was worked on and it is working fine. The department is working as normal and are very busy with all the locates they have to do with all the companies coming into town to bore and install the fiber optic. He also stated things are coming along on the Plant improvements. The COVID money is helping a lot.


Commissioner Ballenger reported they will be traveling to pick up the new firetruck and the reason they are driving it back instead of having it delivered is because the warranty is only good for one year that way it will be driven to see if anything would happen otherwise it would just sit at the station and only be driven short miles in town.


Commissioner Edmunds reported how great the Cemetery looked this year for Memorial Day. Commissioner Ballenger stated it was the same company we had last year but we met with them before the mowing season started and went over what we expected so they are doing a better job this year. Commissioner Edmunds also stated we had some big expenditures in the bills this time.


Written motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Edmunds to approve Resolution 2023-7, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of Contract between the City of Clinton, and the International Association of Firefighters, Local 3069. On roll call vote, Commissioners Wise, Ballenger, Edmunds, Buchanan, and Mayor Cyrulik voted “Yes.”

Written motion was made by Commissioner Edmunds and seconded by Commissioner Ballenger to adopt Ord. #1576, An Ordinance Authorizing the Purchase of Real Estate from Valley View Properties, LLC in the amount of $288,400.00. On roll call vote, Commissioners Ballenger, Edmunds, Buchanan, Wise, and Mayor Cyrulik voted “Yes.”

The Mayor stated this is an extension of Somerset Dr. to Leander St. It is owned by the nursing home, and they were willing to sell to the City to have more lots for sale. It should be 26-28 lots for homes, duplexes, and condos. There is a need for building lots so this was brought to us by DCDC and Scott Baum.


On File – Donation for Fire Works Display - $7,000.00

On File – Sale of Personal Property/Fire Dept. – 1992 International Pierce Fire Engine

On File – Grind and Haul Brush ($8,680.00) & Grind and Haul Leaves ($8,800.00) – Yard Waste Facility – R & R Services of Illinois, Inc. - $17,480.00

On File – Purchase of (5) Panasonic Mobile Dash Cameras & (12) Panasonic Body Cameras/Police Dept. – CDS – not to exceed $95,000.00

On File – Resolution for Non-Union Pay Increases


With no further business to come before the Council, a motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Buchanan to adjourn the meeting. On roll call vote, Commissioners Edmunds, Buchanan, Wise, Ballenger, and Mayor Cyrulik voted “Yes.”
