Village of Warrensburg Village Board met July 3.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Riley called the meeting to order at the Warrensburg Village Hall on Monday July 3, 2023 at 5:30 p.m., reminding everyone the meeting was being recorded.
ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor Riley, Trustee Fisher, Trustee Hackl, & Trustee Netherton. Also present were Chief Wheeler, DPW Allen, Atty Jankowicz & VAC Hundley. Trustee Freeman, Trustee K. Hood & Trustee P. Hood were absent.
MAYOR’S COMMENTS: Mayor Riley welcomed all in attendance to the meeting. He mentioned the air conditioner was not working in the Village Hall today and hopefully it will be repaired on Wednesday.
He thanked Public Works for their clean-up efforts after the storm last Thursday. He thinks all power outages in the Village have been taken care of.
He introduced Aaron Russel as the new full-time patrol officer. He will be working the evening shift after he gets comfortable with the routine.
Mayor Riley asked Trustee Leland Hackl to serve as Mayor Pro-Tem should he be absent.
A letter had been received from the Macon County Emergency Management Alert System and they will be making their annual test of the system on July 19.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Geraldine Lowe, who resides at 434 S Durfee, was in attendance. She inquired what was going to be done about the house next door to her. Mayor Riley stated he had talked with her at length about this situation and thought she understood the Village was doing everything they could. Ms. Lowe responded that she didn’t feel the Village was and asked why citations weren’t being issued to the homeowner for the weeds in the yard. She stated Trustee Hackl had told another resident that he didn’t know anything had been reported and she stated she has mentioned it for the last 2 years. She stated the condition it was in was devaluing all the surrounding properties. Mayor Riley mentioned the most we can do is follow the ordinances and this is probably the complaint the office receives most – that people don’t take care of their properties. Ms. Lowe asked what the ordinance states and how often can the homeowner be fined. She also mentioned there was a hole in the sewer drainage pipe. Trustee Hackl asked Atty Jankowicz if the Village could work on the sewer pipe since it’s on private property. After discussion, it was determined it might be a clean-out pipe. Trustee Netherton will follow-up and see what can be done.
NEW BUSINESS: VAC Hundley had received information from Shelter Point (Vision) Insurance and their plan rates will not increase for 2024. There was also information from Humana Insurance (Dental) and there is a slight increase in their plan. Dave Mizer was going to talk with Humana and see if they’ll waive their increase. She mentioned the board would need to approve the plans prior to August 1 in order for payroll changes to be made for deductions to meet the September premium.
Trustee Hackl moved and Trustee Netherton seconded to approve the Humana Dental plan rate of $246.34 per month effective September 1. Roll call vote: Yes – Trustees Fisher, Hackl, & Netherton. No – none. Motion carried. VAC Hundley will keep the board updated if the rates are able to be lowered.
A motion was made by Trustee Hackl, seconded by Trustee Netherton to continue coverage for 2024 with Shelter Point Insurance. Roll call vote: Yes – Trustees Netherton, Fisher & Hackl. No – none. Motion carried.
ENGINEER: Matt Foster with Chastain & Associates presented the result of the bids for the 2023 Oil/Chip work. The estimated costs were $48,700.00 and the bid from Dunn Co was $45,324.00. He recommended we accept the bid from Dunn Co for the 2023 work. A motion was made by Trustee Fisher, seconded by Trustee Netherton to accept the bid from Dunn Co. for the seal coating of selected Village streets. Trustee Hackl asked if the timeframe could be moved up so they could be done prior to school starting. Dunn Co believes they should be able to get it done prior to that. Roll call vote: Yes – Trustees Netherton, Fisher & Hackl. No – none. Motion carried.
REVIEW/APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Trustee Fisher, seconded by Trustee Hackl to approve the minutes of the June 20, 2023 regular meeting. These should have been received via email last week for review. Motion carried. The closed meeting minutes will be tabled until the next meeting.
VILLAGE ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK: Trustee Fisher moved and Trustee Netherton seconded to approve the Balance Sheet, pay the bills and make the appropriate transfers for July 3, 2023. VAC Hundley mentioned there will be a transfer from the IL Funds to General & Police Protection. She mentioned the bills were a little higher than usual and that was due to payments for the Corn Festival. There will be more payments to be approved at the next meeting. The majority of these will be presented to the various payees during the festival. Trustee Hackl asked about the payment to the Post Office for box rent. Roll call vote: Yes – Trustees Fisher, Hackl & Netherton. No – none. Motion carried.
VAC Hundley also had in the board packets information regarding the dates & fees for utility billing statements. She had been checking into dates for DPW Allen & discovered some things that weren’t being done according to the code and wanted some input as to the fees showing to be assessed to those who hadn’t paid in a timely manner. She didn’t expect any decisions to be made this evening but wanted to provide the information for the board to review and discuss at the next meeting. She did explain a couple of her concerns: the penalty to be assessed if not paid by the 15th but a statement showing that to be mailed on the 20th; there is to be a $25 service charge if not paid AND a $25 reconnection fee if the service is shut-off. She also included a spreadsheet showing the various dates and fees along with a narrative showing what is actually done throughout the month. Trustee Fisher asked about the $150.00 deposit and if it was to be collected again. VAC Hundley explained the 2005 code does read that way but in an ordinance that was adopted in 2012, it states “if not previously paid”, and today, we don’t collect that again. His concern was $150.00 plus two $25 fees on top of the bill plus the 20% penalty. Mayor Riley asked all the members to review the information and be prepared to discuss at the next meeting and give our attorney some direction to correct our code or the office change procedures.
VAC Hundley also pointed out in the latest issue of the IML Review, there is excellent information regarding the various taxes collected and received from the State of IL, including PPRT which the attorney mentioned at the previous meeting and a section on Principles of Deliberation in a Public Body, which are basically Robert’s Rules of Order.
FINANCE: Trustee P. Hood was absent.
BUILDING: Trustee Netherton didn’t have anything other than following up with Ms. Lowe.
POLICE: Trustee Fisher didn’t have anything other than what Chief Wheeler wanted to present.
A motion was made by Trustee Fisher, seconded by Trustee Hackl to purchase body cams as required by law from Midwest Public Safety in the amount of $5,500.00. Chief Wheeler explained the dates body cameras are required by and every sworn officer on the street has to use by the first month of 2025. He explained all the components of the proposal; how the cameras will work; and storage of the data. This cost will get the Village through the 1st year and then there will be an annual fee for storage of $1,320.00.
VAC Hundley asked if any other quotes were obtained. Chief Wheeler mentioned there are other cameras out there but one of the things that came up was the festival or other events and the possible temporary need for additional cameras. This company would be able to set-up other cameras for us. Chief felt we wouldn’t get that with other companies. He was asked how often this type of occurrence would happen and he mentioned the festival, sporting events, storms, etc. Mayor Riley asked for clarification that if we make the decision to use body cams, we can’t put more sworn officers on the street than we have cameras for and Chief Wheeler confirmed that.
Trustee Hackl asked if a specific camera was for each officer. Chief Wheeler explained that isn’t the case. He will have his own camera since he responds from home; the full-time officer will have a camera and the part-time officers will share the 3rd camera. Trustee Hackl asked how the particular officer is identified. Chief Wheeler explained how that will work. Trustee Hackl asked what would happen if a camera is damaged. Mayor Riley asked who would insure the cameras and they will be added to our Risk Management policy.
Atty Jankowicz stated that while this particular vendor may be able to provide some features that others may not and be readily accessible if needed and that might constitute the reasoning for going with this vendor, it seems like there should be a solicitation from other quotes from other providers in order to comply with the policy.
VAC Hundley asked about the vendor Axon, who is currently in our Accounts Payable system, because she has noticed that name on body cam footage with other departments. Couldn’t they be contacted? Chief Wheeler stated that isn’t necessarily the case. There are other vendors out there that have either more extensive systems or that are not local where something could be obtained right away if necessary. Mayor Riley stated there may be vendors whose equipment isn’t what is needed or they aren’t able to provide the service we need and that’s acceptable to rule them out but we need to follow the policy and have that documented.
A motion was made by Trustee Fisher, seconded by Trustee Hackl to table this decision until the July 17 meeting or until additional quotes are obtained. Roll call vote: Yes – Trustees Fisher, Hackl & Netherton. No – none.
Chief Wheeler had asked to have body armor discussed at this meeting but there is a set which is still good for a year and Officer Russell will be able to use it.
Chief Wheeler presented his monthly report.
SEWER: Trustee Hackl deferred to DPW Allen. DPW Allen mentioned a couple people came out today to look at the fence at the back. Mayor Riley mentioned that part of the fence was damaged by some of the Rise equipment due to the wind last week. DPW Allen will have to talk with them about that.
DPW Allen mentioned the check valve for the sewer plant had come in today.
STREETS: Trustee K. Hood was absent.
WATER: Trustee Freeman was absent.
PUBLIC WORKS: DPW Allen didn’t have anything.
VILLAGE ATTORNEY: Atty Jankowicz presented Ordinance #788 Authorizing an Agreement with 121 Coffee Run, LLC for a redevelopment project utilizing Tax Increment Financing. A motion was made by Trustee Netherton, seconded by Trustee Fisher to adopt Ordinance #788. Atty Jankowicz explained this authorizes the Village to reimburse 121 Coffee Run LLC in the maximum amount of $35,000.00 for eligible redevelopment project costs, as outlined in the TIF agreement. He encouraged the board to review the original documents presented at a prior meeting by 121 Coffee Run.
He mentioned the benefits to the Village with increased revenues, property taxes, etc.
Since 121 Coffee Run didn’t want to do the demolition of the current building until the Village approved the use of the TIF agreement, he would consider it appropriate this ordinance be adopted on an emergency basis, especially with construction activities.
Trustee Hackl asked what would happen if the board wanted to approve a different amount. Trustee Fisher asked if they had provided an estimated demolition cost and Mayor Riley stated their overall project investment, both demolition and new construction, would be $1,000,000.00.
Mayor Riley stated we should look at each individual project on its’ own merit. These funds are to help the businesses in our community thrive and keep them here.
Trustee Netherton asked what would happen if within 2 years or so, they closed the business. That is covered in the agreement.
Roll call vote: Yes – Trustees Netherton, Fisher & Hackl. No – none. Motion carried.
Trustee Hackl moved and Trustee Netherton seconded to adjourn. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 6:47 p.m.
The next meeting will be on Monday, July 17, 2023.