
Macon Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Argenta-Oreana Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met July 10

Argenta-Oreana Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met July 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Community Unit School District Number 1, Macon and DeWitt Counties, Illinois, (Argenta-Oreana Community Unit School District No. 1) convened on July 10, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Argenta-Oreana Middle School/High School Library at 500 North Main Street, Argenta, Illinois pursuant to notice of regular meeting having been given in due form of law with Todd Armstrong, President, in the Chair, and with a legal quorum as follows: Susan Daley, Dawn Decker, Dick Logue, Jeff Schroetlin, Cory White, and Todd Armstrong. Also present: Damian Jones, Superintendent.

Dick Logue/Susan Daley, second, made a motion to approve the June 12, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong yes.

Dawn Decker/Cory White, second, made a motion to approve payroll and bills. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.

Dick Logue/Susan Daley, second, made a motion to accept the resignations of Dolores “Lori” Comp as 5-hour lunchroom/playground supervisor and Devin McBride as third assistant football coach. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.

Susan Daley/Dawn Decker, second, made a motion to employ Megan Birt, Sydnie Reutzel and April Blacker as district teachers on the first day of the 2023-2024 school year, contingent upon completion satisfactory to the Board of predicate legal requirements for employment, including proof of licensure, endorsement, fingerprint-based background check, and employment history review; Kristina Roberts as district nurse for the 2023-2024 school year, conditional upon completion satisfactory to the Board of predicate legal requirements for employment, including fingerprint-based background check, and employment history review; and David Heinz as third assistant high school football coach. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.

Dick Logue/Jeff Schroetlin, second, made a motion to approve the following volunteer coaches; high school football – Graham Danyus and Alan Hupp; and high school volleyball – Mary Jane Hayes, conditional upon and subject to the results of a criminal background investigation. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.

Susan Daley/Dawn Decker, second, made a motion to set the budget hearing date, time and location for September 11, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Argenta-Oreana Middle School/High School Library. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.

Susan Daley/Dawn Decker, second, made a motion to adjourn at 6:05 p.m. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
