
Macon Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Decatur Public School District 61 Board of Education met July 11

Decatur Public School District 61 Board of Education met July 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

PRESENT: Bill Clevenger, President

Jason Dion, Vice President (arrived 5:07 PM)

Alana Banks

Kevin Collins-Brown

Mark Reynolds

Al Scheider

Will Wetzel

STAFF: Superintendent Dr. Rochelle Clark, Board Secretary Melissa Bradford, Attorney Luke Feeney and others

President Clevenger called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Call for Closed Executive Session

President Clevenger called the meeting to order and moved into Closed Executive Session to discuss pending litigation and collective negotiating matters between the Board and representatives of its employees, seconded by Dr. Collins-Brown.

President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Reynolds, Wetzel, Clevenger, Collins-Brown, Scheider, Banks Nay: None

Absent: Dion (arrived 5:07 PM)

Roll Call Vote: 6 Aye, 0 Nay, 1 Absent

For the record, Vice President Dion arrived at 5:07 PM.

Returned to Open Session

President Clevenger moved to return to Open Session, seconded by Mr. Reynolds. All were in favor.

Open Session Continued

President Clevenger noted that the Board of Education had been in Closed Executive Session to discuss pending litigation and collective negotiating matters between the Board and representatives of its employees. No action was taken during Closed Executive Session.

Pledge of Allegiance

President Clevenger led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Agenda, July 11, 2023

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the July 11, 2023 Open Session Board Meeting Agenda as presented.

Ms. Banks moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice President Dion. All were in favor.

Public Participation

President Clevenger noted that during Public Participation, the Board of Education asked for the following:

• Identify oneself and be brief.

• Comments should be limited to 3 minutes.

• Any public comments submitted to the Board Secretary will be included in the record.

For our listening audience, please note that during any Board of Education meeting and public participation, Board Members do NOT respond and/or comment to public comments; all comments are referred to administration. Furthermore, the Board refrains from referring to specific students or staff members by name, and requests that public commenters refrain from doing so as well. The request that you omit names was made to protect you from allegations of libel or slander or from violations of the Illinois School Student Records Act. It was not intended to shield an employee from criticism.

Information only.

Beth Romack, retired teacher and a substitute, spoke to the Board and mentioned how shocked she was of the discipline issues, violence issues and the current basic skill struggles of some students due to the pandemic. Students lost two years and once moved up to different grades, he or she did not have the skills and/or the reading abilities for that grade level. She asked the Board for wisdom and offered a simple prayer. Ms. Bradford was handed a bulleted letter from Beth Romack that would be entered into the record with the July 11, 2023 Open Session minutes.

Brianna Pearson, Dennis teacher, spoke to the Board and thanked them for listening to their thoughts, concerns and wants; Dennis staff and families were happy that the Board of Education directed administration to keep them together. She asked for a plan for the future. She shared her background in teaching. The plan for their personal belongings was not consistent. She was disappointed that others would not pitch-in to help. Dennis teachers asked if he or she would be compensated for tearing down their classrooms and items lost or damaged during the move. At this time, there was no answer.

Colleen Veitengruber and Kaylee Sangster, Dennis teachers, spoke to the Board regarding a concern on behalf of them and Phillip Winecke. Superintendent Clark met with the Dennis staff regarding their concerns and being housed in two buildings. One of the major points was not enough administrators; they were not lacking in their roles, but overwhelmed. Superintendent Clark told them it was necessary to have a second head principal along with the one head principal and the two assistant principals. They found in a Board packet, that Dennis would lose an assistant principal. They were asked to do more with less. Dennis needs three administrators for the needs of the staff and students.

Reed Sutman, Decatur votes, spoke to the Board and read the attached document.

Mark Glause, Dennis parent, spoke to the Board and shared some background of his family moving to Decatur. He noted that this was the opportunity to re-set Dennis and re-think the plans for the District. He requested the results from the equity report that was previously requested by teachers; he felt as if Dennis was behind. He asked for support for the teachers and would like to see a compensation.

Krista Hudson, High School Department Chair and GLA teacher, spoke to the Board regarding the GLA program. The program is moving to Stephen Decatur Middle School, but she wants them to have their own separate space. She stated that they need thirteen (13) classrooms for the K-12 program, but were only getting seven (7), however, discussions continued regarding GLA space. GLA was told they could only use the gym for one hour for K-12; that would not work. The principal resigned and they need someone to take charge of the program. Who would that be? The current assistant principal has stepped up, but they need someone to guide them through the transition.

Jake Tolbert, Dennis parent, spoke to the Board regarding transparency during this process. The last couple of years were not great from the Board and the general sense on the community was that the school board could not be trusted. This was the Board’s chance to take a stance and shatter that conception and be transparent; change the dynamic in the community. The Board could change the community’s perception. There was a functional program regarding property in the city and this would make it worse if we walked away from the two (2) Dennis buildings.

Gretchen Tipsword-O’Daffer, Dennis parent, spoke to the Board regarding the anxiety and concerns her family felt all summer in regards to the Dennis updates. She was thankful and felt confident that the Board and administration were doing their best for a resolution to the challenging situation. She appreciated the feedback to the community. However, the Garfield campus does not have a playground and the students deserve a safe space to un-wind and play. She was hoping this was not overlooked and a solution would be found for the students.

President Clevenger thanked everyone for their input. The Board of Education was listening and some things could be done and some things could not be done. The Board will try their best to keep the community informed as this was a fast-moving process. It’s going to take the community to make this happen for our students. Tough times may require tough decisions, but the District was up for the challenge.

Board Discussion

None at this time.

Reports from Admins Dennis Lab School Update

Superintendent Clark noted that it was a challenge working with seven (7) unions. The District cannot violate any union contracts in order to do something separate for another union.

Administration presented an update on the Dennis Lab School Short-Term Plan, the Alternative Education Program and Stephen Decatur Middle School.

Alternative Education Program for 2023-2024 School Year:

• The 160s hallway at Stephen Decatur Middle School will be used to create a self contained wing for the K-12 Alternative Education Program.

• Self-contained wing will consist of 9 classrooms, office space, bathrooms, and an eating area for staff and students. Staff and students will enter and exit through the North entrance at SDMS. Students arriving late will be escorted to class upon arrival.

• All staff will follow GLA to the self-contained wing at this site. Classrooms and student assignments are the responsibility of GLA administration.

Stephen Decatur Middle School for 2023-2024 School Year:

• Stephen Decatur Middle School staff and students will remain at Stephen Decatur and occupy the remaining parts of the building.

• A door will be installed to separate the hallways so there is no access from the SDMS side of the building to the GLA side of the building.

• All SDMS students will now enter through the South entrance near the gym.

• The front North entrance will only be used for GLA students and staff. Students arriving late will be escorted to class upon arrival.

Dennis Lab School for 2023-2024 School Year:

• Grades K-8 will move to Garfield Learning Academy site, with sixteen (16) modular classrooms added to accommodate the number of students.

• All staff and administration from both Dennis Lab School locations will follow Dennis to the GLA location.

• Classrooms and student assignments are the responsibility of the Dennis administrative staff.

Administration shared the progress of the preparations for the mobile units, the parking area and the timeline for Dennis Lab School on the Garfield campus.

• All Dennis students & staff will be at one location.

• A playground will be added on the Garfield campus.

• Dennis athletic programs remain intact.

• Transportation will be an option for ALL students.

• Dennis Security staff will follow to this location and external security cameras will be added to monitor modular classroom area.

• Delayed start date:

o Discussion with union leadership continues to determine what this looks like for students and staff.

o There will be discussions with ISBE & ROE.

Dennis Lab School Update Continued

Questions & Answers (Q&A) between the Board of Education and Administration:

1. What about the use of the SDMS gymnasium for an hour for GLA students?

a. The two (2) administrators will work together on any and all student scheduling.

2. What about the bottle-neck construction on US 51 and the upcoming deliveries? Was this the work of the city or IDOT?

a. IDOT. Kent Metzger reached out to the contractor and the vendor. These were permitted loads that would have to be discussed with IDOT.

3. What about the security for the modular classrooms?

a. It would be up to the administration regarding placement for each grade level. Hopefully, the younger children would be placed in the original building. Visitors would still be required to come through the main doors and follow the raptor process. There will be cameras installed internally and externally in all of the modular classrooms. Once the buildings were placed, the District would continue to work on the needs.

4. Will the playground equipment remain on the Garfield campus?

a. Yes, and it was in stock.

5. When would we discuss the masonry experts regarding the Dennis buildings?

a. Administration has been in contact with masonry restoration contractors. The District had preliminary information, but administration wants to be factual and transparent with a complete report and presentation to the public so that the Board of Education could decide on next steps; the cost and timelines would be added to the final report.

6. Was the analysis of each campus a part of this report?

a. Administration thought that a full analysis was needed for the entire District.

7. Should the Dennis repairs be separate from the rest of the District and not wait on an entire analysis? How long will Dennis stay at the Garfield location? Would they want to come back to the buildings once the repairs were completed?

a. Administration will follow the lead of the Board of Education.

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Consent Items as presented, which included:

Consent Items

Dr. Collins-Brown asked for clarification on Consent Item Letter F. School Board Policy – Section 08: Policy 8:80 Gifts to the District. Superintendent Clark replied that grants and/or items and/or donations were sent to some building principals and before they could receive them, there needs to be Board approval if the amount was $1,000 or more. Administration recommended increasing that limited amount to $5,000 or more.

A. Minutes: Special Open Session June 21, 2023 and Open/Closed Meetings June 27, 2023

B. Freedom of Information Report

C. Bills

D. Annual Frontline Education (Absence Management and Recruitment) Agreement

E. Annual Power School (Talent Ed Perform and Talent Ed Records) Agreement

F. School Board Policy:

a) Section 08: Policy 8:80 Gifts to the District

Mr. Scheider moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Reynolds. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Clevenger, Dion, Reynolds, Collins-Brown, Wetzel, Scheider, Banks

Nay: None

Roll Call Vote: 7 Aye, 0 Nay, 0 Absent

Personnel Action Items

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Personnel Action Items listed in the Memo from Deanne Hillman, Interim Director of Human Resources, and the Human Resources Department as presented.

Ms. Banks moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice President Dion.

Dr. Collins-Brown asked about the current vacancies in the District. Deanne Hillman, Interim Director of Human Resources, replied that she did not have the current number, but would send it in the near future. Human Resources monitors “hot spots” and would continue to recruit for vacancies throughout the District.

Mr. Scheider noted that the Assistant Principal at Dennis resigned and asked if it was going to be announced as an open position. Mrs. Hillman replied that the Assistant Principal did not resign; she was moved to another building, this was an internal transfer. Mr. Scheider asked if there would be another Assistant Principal at Dennis. Superintendent Clark replied that administration was discussing and reviewing the numbers.

Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Banks, Clevenger, Reynolds, Dion, Scheider, Wetzel, Collins-Brown

Nay: None

Roll Call Vote: 7 Aye, 0 Nay, 0 Absent

Know B4 Renewal

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Know B4 Renewal, as presented.

Ms. Banks moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice President Dion.

Dr. Collins-Brown asked for information on this item. Dr. Jay Marino, Assistant Superintendent of Support Services, replied that it was used to educate staff on phishing attacks; it’s a preventive measure for cyber-attacks for staff.

Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Collins-Brown, Scheider, Banks, Reynolds, Wetzel, Clevenger, Dion

Nay: None

Roll Call Vote: 7 Aye, 0 Nay, 0 Absent

Device Management Software Renewal (jamf)

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Device Management Software Renewal (jamf), as presented.

Vice President Dion moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Ms. Banks.

Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Scheider, Banks, Collins-Brown, Wetzel, Clevenger, Reynolds, Dion

Nay: None

Roll Call Vote: 7 Aye, 0 Nay, 0 Absent

Device CrowdStrike Cybersecurity Protection

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the CrowdStrike Cybersecurity Protection as presented.

Renewal (one year) of the Wellness Contract Agreement between DPS 61 and Cole Counseling

Vice President Dion moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Ms. Banks

Dr. Collins-Brown asked if this item correlated with Know B4, which was approved previously by the Board of Education. Dr. Marino replied that Know B4 was the educational side of prevention and CrowdStrike helps monitor and address current issues.

Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Wetzel, Banks, Collins-Brown, Scheider, Clevenger, Dion, Reynolds

Nay: None

Roll Call Vote: 7 Aye, 0 Nay, 0 Absent

Renewal (oneyear) of the Wellness Contract Agreement between DPS 61 and Cole Counseling

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Renewal (one-year) of the Wellness Contract Agreement between Decatur Public School District 61 and Cole Counseling, as presented.

Ms. Banks moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Scheider.

Dr. Collins-Brown noted the importance of this item to the Board of Education and asked TyKyna Cole, Cole Counseling Services Representative, if they needed anything else from them and were they keeping up with the demands. Mrs. Cole replied yes, they were maintaining their numbers, but were currently at capacity.

Mr. Scheider asked about the list of schools that would receive their services. Mrs. Cole replied that their services were for staff and schools, but if the individual was not in the list of schools identified, he or she would go through their union representation and he or she would contact Mrs. Cole for services, with a twenty four-hour turn-around.

Mr. Reynolds asked for clarification on the list of schools. Mrs. Hillman replied with the information in the cover sheet.

Vice President Dion asked about staff members that could receive their services. Mrs. Cole replied it was for teachers and staff at those listed schools, but administrators would need to be recommended by Superintendent Clark.

Dr. Collins-Brown asked about students. Mrs. Cole replied that students could not be served under the current contract, but if a referral was received, she would try to find another agency to assist.

Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Dion, Reynolds, Clevenger, Collins-Brown, Scheider, Banks, Wetzel

Nay: None

Roll Call Vote: 7 Aye, 0 Nay, 0 Absent

Blanket Purchase Order (PO) for Evergreen FS (gasoline)

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Blanket Purchase Order (PO) for Evergreen FS (gasoline), as presented.

Mr. Reynolds moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Dr. Collins Brown. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Reynolds, Collins-Brown, Wetzel, Scheider, Banks, Clevenger, Dion

Nay: None

Roll Call Vote: 7 Aye, 0 Nay, 0 Absent

Zaner Bloser Handwriting Resource Materials Renewal (oneyear) (K-5 th & Multi-grade)

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Zaner Bloser Handwriting Resource Materials Renewal (one year) (K-5th & Multi-grade)

Ms. Banks moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Scheider.

Dr. Collins-Brown asked if this item was for every school. Mary Ann Schloz, Assistant Director of Finances, Grants and Special Projects, replied that it was for all schools. Superintendent Clark agreed.

Mr. Reynolds asked how was this measured and/or tracked as it related to progress. Superintendent Clark replied that someone from T&L would report out every year on our students and administration could use this as the baseline data for next year. Mr. Reynolds would like to use this as the baseline data.

Mr. Scheider noted that the combination of the cursive writing and this item would assist with the data.

Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Clevenger, Banks, Scheider, Dion, Wetzel, Collins-Brown, Reynolds

Nay: None

Roll Call Vote: 7 Aye, 0 Nay, 0 Absent


The Board of Education and Administration sends condolences to the family of:

Scott Wagner, who passed away on Thursday, June 29, 2023. Mr. Wagner was a Special Education Teaching Assistant in the Macon-Piatt Special Education District.

Important Dates

August 10 – 11 Staff Work Days

14 First Full Day of School for the 2023-2024 School Year

15 K-8th Grade Buildings Open Houses

16 Middle School Open House

17 High School Open Houses

Families, please check with your home school for start times for Open Houses

Please Note: The Keil Building will be CLOSED to the public every Friday through July 21, 2023. The Keil Building will re-open on Fridays to the public on Monday, July 24, 2023.


The public portion of the next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be at 6:30 PM, Tuesday, August 08, 2023 at the Keil Administration Building.


President Clevenger asked for a motioned to adjourn. Dr. Collins-Brown motioned, seconded by Vice President Dion. All were in favor.



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