
Macon Reporter

Friday, March 28, 2025

Macon County had a median home sale price of $107,000 in June 2023

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These are the top 100 home sales for Macon County in June 2023, according to BlockShopper.com.

In June 2023, there were 191 homes sold, with a median home sale price of $107,000 in Macon County.

Top 100 home sales in Macon County for June 2023
BuyerCityAddressSale Price
William James Remik Jr. and Elizabeth Anne RemikDecatur62 South Shores Drive$675,000
Devon and Tiffany Euler SimpsonLong Creek3350 Twin Bridge Road$449,000
Michael Lee and Mary Lou WortmanMount Zion14 Buttonridge Court$420,000
Katrina Paschal and Edward GrzegorskiDecatur66 Eastmoreland Drive$397,500
Kathryn StanleyMount Zion9 Southbrooke Place$387,000
Scott A. SmithForsyth10 Hickory Point Court$378,000
Douglas DoveDecatur4432 Mount Vernon Place$362,000
James Alan James Jr.Decatur401 Southmoreland Place$322,500
Naf Cash LLCDecatur2957 Oakmont Drive$319,900
Peter OneillDecatur3127 Lake Bluff Drive$315,000
Aaron D. FriendForsyth818 Phillip Circle$310,000
Christopher J. and Jennifer L. WorkmanLong Creek2645 Long Creek Road$309,900
Daniel J. ColemanDecatur4197 Lake Shore Drive$280,000
Channing M RichterLong Creek6605 Sherry Court$275,000
Stacie and Landon GetzMount Zion107 Meadow Rose Court$275,000
Jeremy C. and Curtis E. WallsMount Zion1230 Finley Ave.$275,000
Zachary A. GodsilDecatur645 Seigel St.$267,725
Nicholas J. and Stefanie C. MorganthalerLong Creek5605 Elliott Court$265,000
Lincoln Land Illinois Land Trust, Britt A. Brown (trustee) and Trust 532023Decatur3 Sunfun Court$262,000
John Cannon (also known as), John Nathan and Cindy Rae Cannon and Cindy Cannon (also known as)Long Creek3860 Skyline Drive$259,000
Jennifer Cloney SmithDecatur51 Eastmoreland Court$235,000
Walter E. and Theresa FinleyDecatur204 Summit Ave.$235,000
Carolyn L AllinDecatur4421 Waterford Court$233,500
Mark and Cortney DavisDecatur88 Twickingham Drive$230,000
Alvaro and Silvia Castillo and Suzanna RequarthDecatur1555 MacOn St.$230,000
Brandon Atkins and Kori MorstatterDecatur2790 Franklin St. Road$213,000
Jonathan and Ashley PeronaMount Zion665 Antler Drive$210,000
Carol ClaytonDecatur158 Hightide Drive$209,500
Kurtiss J RopelDecatur3162 Fair Oaks Drive$205,000
Debra A. and Phillip T. ZeniDecatur416 Westlawn Ave.$205,000
Robert BrockDecatur135 Nordic Hills Drive$205,000
Michael HarrisonOreana406 E.$199,500
Jamia and Antoine DawsonDecatur4616 Lawson Drive$198,899
Kelsey Hamilton and Earl D. PeiferDecatur4165 Park Lane$185,000
Duane E. and Kaye C. BealsDecatur990 Arbor Trail$180,000
Olukorede KasumuDecatur2514 Redlich Court$178,000
Christine GarmaDecatur3 Ridge Court$177,000
Velma WhiteDecatur4885 Arbor Court$175,500
Cynthia and Tony W. GriswoldBlue Mound2960 Peru Road$175,000
Terry G. and Elizabeth RyderLong Creek5325 Firehouse Road$172,000
Thomas Wiley Girdler Jr. and Alicia GirdlerOreana115 South St.$170,000
Paul Lynch and Jennifer M CramerHarristown5570 Union School Road$170,000
Margaret M. WienkeDecatur3127 St. Andrews Drive$170,000
Carol A. and Steve R. EvansDecatur450 Scovill Court$169,900
Teresa TribeDecatur640 Karen Court$168,000
Janet IrishDecatur2472 Baronette Court$167,000
Brandon and Lisa CarlsonOreana603 Rayjon Drive$166,000
Austin Beaulieu and Eryn LaneLong Creek2670 Long Creek Road$165,000
Tyler and Jaycee AndrewsDecatur3655 Fitzgerald Road$165,000
Angela Renee Bean and Jarred Matthew BellDecatur3823 Northbrook Drive$165,000
Brian J. and Megan R. HurstHarristown820 McKinney Lane$165,000
Lucky LegrandeMount Zion332 Rolling Green Drive$163,000
Edward Pacey and Colleen HillyerDecatur611 Taylor Ave.$159,900
Gary F GeislerDecatur406 Westdale Ave.$156,000
Christofer L FaithHarristown420 Joynt Road$155,000
Luis Xavier Soler Beauchamp and Jashira Marie Martinez TorresMount Zion560 Fawn Court$155,000
Joshua ScudderDecatur1592 Riverview Ave.$154,900
Jennifer A. HansenDecatur2262 Woodbine Drive$151,400
Shandon CummingsNiantic120 Buckles Drive$150,000
Thuy NguyenDecatur210 Shutter Drive$150,000
Deborah J HughesDecatur4756 Wisteria Court$149,000
Esther A. TwohillDecatur17 Lynette Drive$149,000
Marion C. Garner Jr.Decatur2106 Hawthorne Drive$147,000
Jason S. and Karen K. LauritzenDecatur1531 Sunset Ave.$146,500
Angela ThompsonMount Zion580 Mintler Drive$140,000
Rodney W Herzner IILong Creek6642 Firehouse Road$139,900
Arnold Bass and Sandra BrownDecatur106 Bayshore Drive$139,900
Todd and Cynthia L. WarrickDecatur220 Delmar Ave.$139,500
Douglas Shane and Joseph Lynn and Marshall Shane WalstonDecatur4184 Cowgill Ave.$135,000
Joelle ZieglerDecatur317 Country Club Road$135,000
Terraneous BuckleyDecatur3468 MacArthur Road$134,900
Melinda KitchensDecatur1425 Semor Drive$132,000
Scott S NicholsDecatur38 Country Club Road$130,000
Lara Reed VespaDecatur3584 Moundford Ave.$130,000
Emily SteeleDecatur2260 Wilder Ave.$128,500
Donald Wayne Jr Long and Heidi Gayle FahnestockDecatur41 Berry Drive$128,500
Marsha L BoydDecatur3 Diane Road$127,500
Sean Christopher MarlingDecatur2105 Millstone Road$126,250
Janette BuddMount Zion945 Crestview Court$125,000
Michael WilliamsDecatur2123 Windsor Road$125,000
Kyle RyanDecatur1421 Main St.$123,500
Yusa KelestemurDecatur49 Colorado Drive$123,000
Zachary and Michael ShingletonDecatur40 Ridge Lane Drive$122,000
2XKVQ LLCDecatur1383 Main St.$120,000
Britt A. Brown (trustee), Lincoln Land Illinois Land Trust and Trust 544623Decatur446 Oakcrest Ave.$120,000
Jakob and Reagan PraterOreana208 Rayjon Drive$120,000
Larry L LandrusBoody5904 Public Road$119,500
Cyndi NationDecatur201 Westdale St.$119,000
Alexis D. CliftDecatur47 Sandcreek Court$117,500
Alexis R. SullivanDecatur27 Arizona Drive$117,000
Bailey P BentonArgenta450 Kenwood$115,000
Richard K. ReynoldsForsyth226 Highland Drive$114,000
Melissa NovakMaroa118 Montgomery Court$112,000
Jeremy M PennyDecatur16 Dakota Drive$111,000
Shawn R Ziemer, Illinois Department of Healthcare & Family Services and Ally BankBoody6245 Route 48$110,587
Terentius BookerDecatur113 Graceland Court$107,000
John and Willie Ruth MurphyDecatur593 Shadow Lane$105,750
Terrance NorwoodDecatur1725 Olive St.$105,000
James L. ForehandDecatur3047 Crestwood Drive$102,500
Drew M Depreist and Brittany Renee DepriestDecatur3936 Cambridge Drive$100,000