
Macon Reporter

Friday, January 31, 2025

City of Decatur City Council met July 17

City of Decatur City Council met July 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

On Monday, July 17, 2023, the City Council of the City of Decatur, Illinois, met in Regular Meeting at 5:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber, One Gary K. Anderson Plaza, Decatur, Illinois.

Mayor Julie Moore Wolfe presided, together with her being Council members Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory and David Horn. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared a quorum present.

City Manager Scot Wrighton attended the meeting as well.

Mayor Moore Wolfe led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Ms. Kathy Williams, President of Coalition of Neighborhood Organizations (CONO), read a proclamation declaring August 1, 2023 “National Night Out” in Decatur.

Mayor Moore Wolfe called for Appearance of Citizens and the following citizens provided comments to the Council: Allan Jackson, Evelyn Hood, Abeer Motan, Austin Yutzy, Dwayne Jones and Monica Cruz.

Council members responded to citizens’ comments concerning fireworks. Mayor Moore Wolfe called for Approval of the Minutes.

The minutes of the June 20, 2023, City Council meeting were presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the minutes be approved as written; seconded by Councilman Kuhle and on call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

With no Unfinished Business, Mayor Moore Wolfe called for New Business. City Manager Wrighton presented the Treasurer’s Financial Report.

2023-45 Ordinance Annexing Territory 4469 Commercial Crossing, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the following two Resolutions as they both related to the same property.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

2023-46 Ordinance Rezoning Property from R-1 Single Family Residence District to M-1 Intense Commercial/Light Industrial District – 4469 N Commercial Crossing, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-137 Resolution Authorizing Contract for Pay and Benefits for I.A.F.F. Local 505 Fire Association, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Resolution and Council members provided comments.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-138 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Twelve (12) Opticom GPS Intersection Radio Units and Accessories from Traffic Control Corporation for Emergency Vehicle Preemption Systems, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Fire Chief Jeff Abbott gave an overview of the Resolution.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

Councilman Ed Culp exited the City Council meeting at 6:13 p.m.

R2023-139 Resolution Authorizing the Installation of Twelve (12) Opticom GPS Intersection Radio Units and Accessories by Egizii Electric Inc for Emergency Vehicle Preemption Systems, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-140 Resolution Authorizing City of Decatur to Enter into a Purchase Agreement for the Purchase of Three (3) Pierce Saber Fire Apparatus and Agreement for Debt Financing of Apparatus, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Resolution.

Council members held a discussion on financing options.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

2023-47 Ordinance Amending City Code Chapter 54.1 Video Gaming License, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Ordinance.

Mr. Allan Jackson spoke about the proposed amendments to the Ordinance. Council members held a discussion on the proposed amendments.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

2023-48 Ordinance Amending City Code Chapter 56 Refuse and Recyclables Removal, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Ordinance.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-141 Resolution Accepting the State of Illinois Joint Purchasing Holder Bid Price of Morrow Brothers Ford Inc. for the Purchase of One (1) 2022 Ford F-450 Chassis, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Public Works Director Matt Newell gave an overview of the Resolution.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-142 Resolution Accepting the Bid and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with Hoerr Construction, Inc. for 2023 Trenchless Long Lining Repairs Project, City Project

2023-28, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Public Works Director Matt Newell gave an overview of the Resolution.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-143 Resolution Accepting Execution of a Grant Agreement Between the State of Illinois, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and the City of Decatur, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Public Works Director Matt Newell gave an overview of the Resolution.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-144 Resolution Authorizing Approval of Master Contract, Addendums to the Master Contract Between the State of Washington and Gillig, LLC with Additional State of Illinois Clauses Permitting the City of Decatur to Purchase E-Gen Flex Hybrid Buses, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Ms. Lacie Elzy, Director of Transportation Services, gave an overview of the Resolution and answered questions from Council members.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-145 Resolution Authorizing Execution and Agreement of FY2024 Transit Downstate Operating Grant Agreement with Illinois Department of Transportation, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Ms. Lacie Elzy, Director of Transportation Services, gave an overview of the Resolution.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

Mayor Moore Wolfe called for Consent Agenda Calendar Items A. through I. and asked if any Council member wished to remove an item from the Consent Agenda Calendar.

Councilman Horn wished to remove Item G. from the Consent Agenda Calendar. The Clerk read items A., B., C., D., E., F., H. and I.:

2023-49 Item A. Ordinance Annexing Territory 3370 Burt Drive

R2023-146 Item B. Resolution to Appropriate Motor Fuel Tax Funds for Local Public Agency General Maintenance

R2023-147 Item C. R2023-130 Resolution Authorizing Supplement #1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company for the Comprehensive Operations Analysis Project City Project DPTS 2022-05

R2023-148 Item D. 2023-37 Resolution Regarding Temporary Closing of State Rights of-Way Community Events - Shoreline Classic

2023-50 Item E. Ordinance Authorizing Consumption of Alcoholic Liquor in Central Park - Decatur Area Arts Council - Arts in Central Park 2023

2023-51 Item F. Ordinance Authorizing Consumption of Alcoholic Liquor on Public Rights-of-Way 2200 Block East Hickory Street Between North 22nd Street and North 23rd Street Decatur Lodge #401 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks of the United States of America

R2023-149 Item H. 2023-41 Resolution Authorizing Action Regarding Unsafe Structures R2023-150 Item I. 2023-42 Resolution Approving Appointment - City Plan Commission

Councilwoman Gregory moved Items A., B., C., D., E., F., H. and I. be approved by Omnibus Vote; seconded by Councilman Kuhle, and on call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

Receiving and Filing of Minutes of Boards and Commissions, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the motion do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Councilman Horn commented on meeting minutes of the City Plan Commission regarding personal service uses.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

With no other New Business, Mayor Moore Wolfe called for Other Business.

Council members expressed thanks to the Municipal Services Division for their efforts in the storm cleanup and street patching throughout Decatur. Council members thanked the organizers of the Decatur Lakefest for a job well done.

With no Other Business, Mayor Moore Wolfe called for adjournment.

There being no further business, Mayor Moore Wolfe called for adjournment. Councilwoman Gregory moved the City Council meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councilman Kuhle and upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Dennis Cooper, Pat

McDaniel, Lisa Gregory, David Horn and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the regular Council meeting adjourned at 6:56 p.m.
