Warrensburg-Latham Community Unit School District 11 Board met Aug. 23.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Staff Communications (Informational)
V. Visitor Communications (Informational)
VI. Executive Session
VII. Consent Agenda (Action item)
A. Action on Regular and Executive Session Minutes (Action item) from JUly 26, 2023 and special meeting minutes from August 9, 2023. Destruction of February 3, 2022 and February 23, 2022 executive session recordings, as permitted by law.
VIII. Approval of Bills (Action item)
IX. Old Business
A. Monthly Financial Update (Informational)
B. Summer Maintenance Projects Overview (Informational)
C. Superintendent’s Evaluation Tool (Informational)
X. New Business
A. Preliminary FY24 Budget (Informational)
B. Personnel (Action item)
C. Reaffirmation of Hazardous Busing Route (Action item)
D. District Enrollment Report (Informational)
IX. Other Business
A. Administration Reports & Comments from the Board (Informational)
X. Adjourn (Action item)