City of Macon City Council met Aug. 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Frank Dunmire called the Macon City Council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Present were Attorney Scott Garwood, Treasurer Kimberly Reynolds, Clerk Pam Windell, Council Members Rocky Markham, Brandon Windell, Doug Huggins, Tom Long, and Chad Rappe. Also present were Charlie Dunmire, Kim Miller, Sue Cole, Cody Holsapple, Tami Long, Lewis and Kim Cook, and Debbie Harris.
The minutes from the July 10th meeting were reviewed and approved.
Alderman Long presented the police report. He informed the council that he had met with Chief Lamb to discuss issues of concern from residents in the City of Macon. Alderman Long feels it was a productive meeting.
Mayor Dunmire recommended Rocky Markham to be appointed Alderman. A motion was made by Alderman Windell, seconded by Alderman Long. Motion carried.
Attorney Garwood swore Rocky Markham in as Alderman.
Mayor Dunmire presented pay request no. 11 for water projects.
A motion was made by Alderman Huggins, seconded by Alderman Rappe to approve pay request no. 11. Motion carried.
Water Superintendent Dunmire is waiting for information from the engineer relating to the sewer line project on Eckhardt Street.
Mayor Dunmire along with Alderman Long and Clerk Windell met with Sheriff Root and Chief Deputy Jedlicka to discuss possible police contract with the Macon County Sheriff Department. They will be getting a couple of options for the council to review.
Mayor Dunmire presented a project plan for Wall Street Embroidery from Kim Cook. The project includes interior and exterior renovations at a cost of $100,000. After a brief discussion it was the consensus of the council to pay 100% of the eligible project costs to be divided between the TIF and Business District over 4 years.
A motion was made by Alderman Huggins, seconded by Alderman Windell to approve the proposed Wall Street Embroidery project in the amount of $100,000. Motion carried.
Mayor Dunmire reported that the business sign had been repaired.
Attorney Garwood informed the council that the zoning board had met to discuss amending chapter 40 (zoning code) of the City of Macon regarding solar energy installations. He then presented ordinance no 2023-36 amending the zoning code.
A motion was made by Alderman Huggins, seconded by Alderman Long to approve ordinance no. 2023-36 amending the zoning code for solar energy installations. Motion carried.
Attorney Garwood reported that Alan Clark had made repairs to a house on Frick Street. He also informed the council that he is working on the Gordon Stade property disconnection.
Sue Cole is requesting a sidewalk on her block. Mayor Dunmire informed Ms. Cole there is money for sidewalks in the budget but with all the water projects going on the sidewalk project is on hold.
Tiffany Childers was present to request funds for a new concession sign at the middle and high school softball concession stand. She is requesting $92.50; the village of Blue Mound is also contributing $92.50.
A motion was made by Alderman Windell, seconded Alderman Huggins to give $92.50 towards the concession stand sign. Motion carried.
Kim Cook requested information about having Wall Street Embroidery to be included on the business sign. Mayor Dunmire informed Ms. Cook that the cost is $100.00 a year and that she would have to contact New Era sign company and pay them to design and install the business sign.
Treasurer Reynolds presented the Treasurer’s report. A motion was made Alderman Huggins, seconded by Alderman Rappe to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried.
Mayor Dunmire informed the council that he will have treasurer Reynolds cash in some TIF CDs.
A motion was made by Alderman Huggins, seconded by Alderman Windell to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Alderman Markham, seconded by Alderman Windell to adjourn. Motion carried.
The City Council adjourned at 6:30 p.m.