
Macon Reporter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

DeWitt County Board met Nov. 28

Webp 25

DeWitt County Courthouse in Clinton | WikipediA

DeWitt County Courthouse in Clinton | WikipediA

DeWitt County Board met Nov. 28.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:







*Motion to approve the October 19, 2023, County Board meeting minutes. *Motion to approve the November 7, 2023, County Board special meeting minutes. 


*Motion to appoint Ms. Sharon Mills to serve as a member of the DeWit-Piatt Bi-County Health Department Board of Health, filling a longstanding vacancy. Ms. Sharon Mills will serve the remaining three-year term which is set to expire on June 30, 2024. In assuming this role, Ms. Sharon Mills will additionally serve as a member of the DeWitt County Tuberculosis Sanitarium Board. 

LAND USE: Report given by Mr. Carter. For discussion and possible action: *No Recommendations. 

PUBLIC SAFETY: Report given by Mrs. Myers. For discussion and possible action: *Did not meet. 

PROPERTY: Report given by Mr. Ferguson. For discussion and possible action: *No Recommendations. 

ROAD AND BRIDGE: Report given by Mr. Prestegaard. For discussion and possible action: 

*Did not meet. 

MARINA: Report given by Mr. Matthews. For Discussion and possible action: *Did not meet. 

FINANCE: Report given by Mrs. Tilley. For Discussion and possible action: *Motion to pay all bills.

*Motion to renew the ICRMT/Pekin insurance coverages for FY2024 in the amount of $354,519. 

*Motion to purchase 2 drones for the Sheriff’s Department in the amount of $16,618 from the FY23 budget. 

*Motion to approve the Engagement Letter with Floyd & Associates for auditing/budget work for FY24 in the amount of $56,750. 

*Motion to approve the Resolution Establishing Compensation for the DeWitt County Supervisor of Assessments for FY24. 

*Motion to approve to pay all employees a $100 holiday bonus. 

OLD AND/OR NEW BUSINESS: For Discussion and possible action: *Motion to approve the Resolution for the DeWitt County Board to participate in the service program of the Office of the State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor, commencing December 1, 2023, and ending November 30, 2024. 

*Motion to approve Case S259-2023, a request for a vacation rental in an accessory building. Both the RPC and ZBA have recommended approval. 

*Motion to approve Case A36-2023, a text amendment to Chapter 157 of the County Code of Ordinances – Solar Energy Systems. This case originated with the Land Use committee and RPC. The recommended changes are in red. The ZBA recommended additional changes and those are in blue. 

*Discussion on Marina RFP details. 

*Motion to adopt revision to Personnel Policy as stated below: 

Repeal 38.040 – Personal Time and replace with Paid Leave Time 

All employees, after receiving approval from their supervisor, may take up to 40 hours of paid leave time for any reason during the County’s fiscal year- 12-1 through 11- 30. This benefit is not cumulative. Time cannot be used in less than 1-hour increments. Effective 12-1-2023. 

Revise 38.061- Computation of Vacation as follows: 

B) 1) Beginning year two- three days 

2) Beginning the third year through the seventh year- eight days 

3) Beginning the eighth year through the seventeenth year- thirteen days 

4) Beginning the eighteenth year through the twenty-fourth year- eighteen days 

5) Beginning the twenty-fifth year and thereafter- twenty-three days  Effective 12-1-2023. 

*Motion to revise the following line items in the proposed FY24 budget: 

220.000.9009 - $277,100.00 Liability Insurance Excess 

412.000.6088 - $53,425.00 Marina Property Insurance 

412.000.7112 - $778,575.00 Marina Capital Improvements 

*Motion to adopt FY24 budget and levies. 

